Sword Art Online New Alicization Arc 10-07-2017, 06:12 AM
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SAO is returning to Anime TV with it's new Alicization Arc!
I know this show got extremely mainstream and over-hyped, but somehow this doesn't deter me from looking forward to it! I doubt I'll ever like any arcs as much as the first, but I'm looking forward to more. I have some of the light novels, which I have yet to finish reading (left them at a relatives house). I hate spoilers also, so I am always wondering "what next?" with this show.
Does anyone else follow this?
SAO is returning to Anime TV with it's new Alicization Arc!
I know this show got extremely mainstream and over-hyped, but somehow this doesn't deter me from looking forward to it! I doubt I'll ever like any arcs as much as the first, but I'm looking forward to more. I have some of the light novels, which I have yet to finish reading (left them at a relatives house). I hate spoilers also, so I am always wondering "what next?" with this show.
Does anyone else follow this?