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Tutorial How to create a .cfg bind spam. thing filter_list
How to create a .cfg bind spam. thing #1
So you wanna spam binds in Gmod, Tf2, or csgo. But the trashcan bind and catfacts bind are too boring for you

Well today I'm gonna teach you how to make your own!

Well today we are going to be making your own!

I will be using my own custom bind "suck my own dick" from the hit thread https://sinister.ly/Thread-I-just-wanna-...y-own-dick

I have seperated the text into 49 lines for comedic purpose. Now heeere we go

1. What is a CFG?

CFG is a configuration file format used for storing settings. CFG files are created by many programs to store information and settings that differ from the factory defaults.

You can mainly edit CFG files with programs like Notepad, or Notepad++

So leeets get into this

We will be using two "alias" commands. My first alias will be succ, and the next alias will be succ_diceroll
*note, alias's can't be seperated by a space. Use an underscore kids)

So for your first 49 lines (it can be however long you want, I got 49 lines) you will want to just write

alias "succ1" "say hey how ya guys doing"

Now all you have to do is change the number (succ1 to succ2 etc) and change the text (for me the next line is "I've been pretty busy lately"

Simple as that.

Now it's time to work on the second alias.

Our second alias will actually tell the command to say "succ1" then switch down to "succ2"

Here is how it will look
alias "succ_diceroll_1" "alias trashcan_result succ1;alias succ_cycle succ_diceroll_2"

So how does this work?
First the "succ_diceroll_1" is being commanded to say "trashcan_result succ1" which is "hey how ya guys going". But it is also being told after saying the result to "cycle" (go to) succ_diceroll_2.

All you need to do now is to change the numbers of *succ_diceroll_1* and *succ1* to the next numbers. And changing "cycle succ_diceroll_2" to the number above

Keep doing this until you are finished.

Then at the bottom after all that you write this

alias succ_cycle succ_diceroll_1

bind t "succ_result; succ_cycle"

This will give the alias "succ_cycle a starting point. And since it is binded to "T", all you have to do is click "T" to start your bind. Every time you click T, the next part of the cycle will be made.
*you can of course bind it to any key you want*

change succ with whatever name you want, and you will still be fine

If you want to make your bind spam randomized, Like as a copypasta spam, or like CatFacts / trashcan a simple

bind w "+forward; succ_cycle"
bind s "+back; succ_cycle"
bind a "+moveleft; succ_cycle"
bind d "+moveright; succ_cycle"

This will bind the keys normally, but will also have the order of the cycle go down by 1 without saying anything. So as you are moving around. if your bind is at "succ_1", after clicking w once, it will switch to "succ_2"

To save it. Not sure for things like Gmod / CSGO. But for tf2 you go to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\cfg
save as autoexec.cfg
That's all there is to it!
(This post was last modified: 03-15-2017, 04:42 PM by zenith.)
Who Knows?


Messages In This Thread
How to create a .cfg bind spam. thing - by zenith - 03-15-2017, 04:36 PM

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