Am I going insane? 02-06-2017, 01:06 AM
I don't know why but lately I've been feeling like I'm watching my life pass and I'm not taking any part in it. I've been told it's anxiety but I know it's not and all I can do is sit and watch. There's been nothing bad that's happened to me, no drugs, personal shit etc. Just recently been feeling weird, like sometimes I'd have a conversation and afterwards question if I actually had one or not, sometimes even asking the suspected person. Also been thinking some dark shit, like law breaking shit something I wouldn't really think. Putting into perspective, murder and robbery type shit.
A forum about computers is probably the last place to express this, but I was told I should talk to people and the 'doctors' are my last option.
Anything helps at this point. Thanks - simme
A forum about computers is probably the last place to express this, but I was told I should talk to people and the 'doctors' are my last option.
Anything helps at this point. Thanks - simme
Certified good person Cunt
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