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[TUT] How to make nice GP in 07 Runescape [TUT] filter_list
[TUT] How to make nice GP in 07 Runescape [TUT] #1
Before we get started, here is my bank Smile
[Image: 2013-03-06_0755.png]
[Image: 2013-03-06_0755.png]
[Image: 2013-03-06_0756.png]

Method I used

Go to Karamja
[Image: 2013-03-06_1053.png]
Pick Banana's for 5 hours straight, make 3k

Warning: I am not trolling anymore


1. Get 45 woodcutting. I know it will take a decent amount of time but do it.
[Image: 45wc.png]

2.Go to Seers Village
[Image: 2013-03-06_1146.png]

3. Go to a low pop server and chop maples here...(Blue)
[Image: 2013-03-06_1147.png]

Why there?

No one really goes to that area and it is right next to the bank. It is a goldmine in plain sight. I can usually get 100 logs from that area in 10 or so minutes if I go try hard.

500p/hr * 6hrs = 3000 logs
Money earned depends on the buyer of your logs...
3000logs * 95gp = 285,000gp
3000logs * 100gp = 300,000gp
3000logs * 105gp = 315,000gp
These are estimated prices, but are close to what you'll get if you go try hard in one day like me :3

Hope it works out for you, as it did for me Smile
[Image: BWbfjLs.png]
I am the one who Meeps.


Messages In This Thread
[TUT] How to make nice GP in 07 Runescape [TUT] - by Beaker - 03-06-2013, 05:55 PM

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