RE: Share your Security Configuration! 10-26-2015, 02:05 PM
Security Config:
Anti-Virus: None
Anti-Malware: None
Privacy: CryptoStorm and AIRVPN with random Mac address change every boot. Router is configured to run AIRVPN so all my traffic is over a VPN by default then my PC runs cryptostorm on top of that. Two encrypted tunnels are better than one? lol I also change my AIRVPN router server weekly or depending what i did on the network that day.
Backup/Recovery: nothing to back up ever. Everything is saved to a flash drive
Web Browser: FireFox
Extensions/Plugins: HTTPSEVERYWHERE, No Script, AdBlock Plus, anonymoX
Password Manager: LastPass
Other: My thread to firefox browser mods
Anti-Virus: None
Anti-Malware: None
Privacy: CryptoStorm and AIRVPN with random Mac address change every boot. Router is configured to run AIRVPN so all my traffic is over a VPN by default then my PC runs cryptostorm on top of that. Two encrypted tunnels are better than one? lol I also change my AIRVPN router server weekly or depending what i did on the network that day.
Backup/Recovery: nothing to back up ever. Everything is saved to a flash drive
Web Browser: FireFox
Extensions/Plugins: HTTPSEVERYWHERE, No Script, AdBlock Plus, anonymoX
Password Manager: LastPass
Other: My thread to firefox browser mods
You mind is programmable – if you’re not programming your mind, someone else will program it for you.