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Mobilegeddeon filter_list
Mobilegeddeon #1
I know its been like a month since April 21st, but anyone who has been around for more then 2 weeks now has probably heard me mention the changes that google made on April 21st to de-rank sites that are not Mobile Friendly.

The reason they are doing this is because Mobile use is becoming more and more common, infact, google says that now 50% of all searches are on mobile.

Luckily, I made alphas mobile friendly at least 2 days before the Mobilegeddeon day.

But you still have a chance to make your site mobile friendly if you have not, because they say they are going to take it even more serious in the summer.
Whoop Whoop?


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Mobilegeddeon - by Pirate_mybb_import13666 - 05-18-2015, 04:00 PM

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