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How to get free riot points [LOL] filter_list
How to get free riot points [LOL] #1
Requirements for this method to work
  • A friend (With LoL) [you can do it solo too, but harder]
  • A brain
  • A local apple store or any other mobile carriers (apple best)

The Method
For this method, I'm going to go on the assumption you're visiting a local apple store. So let's start.
  1. Head over to a local apple store
Your best bet is to ring your mate on your phone, and advise them to do the following;
Log onto their LOL account, and purchase RP with their mobile.
  1. Head over to an Iphone.
Once again going on the assumption you're going to be in an apple store, and what you need to do is find the following number for that mobile phone. To find this on an iphone, head over to contacts, and scroll all the way up. The phone number will be there
  1. Tell your mate the number
From there your mate should go ahead and enter that number in to the purchase page for RP.. Now wait for the message; You'll see a message along the lines of this
Thank you for purchasing X (amount) of riot points. This will cost X amount.. Reply T to confirm this transcation
  • Reply with the stated letter
Next await for a message.. This should say something like
Thhank you for purchasing X amount of riot points
Upon receiving this message.. Get out the shop. You don't wan't to stay in their any longer than you have to..

Have fun getting riot points, or any other game currency of that matter!




Messages In This Thread
How to get free riot points [LOL] - by Accident - 02-20-2013, 04:27 PM

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