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Looking to write a real-time legacy OS filter_list
Looking to write a real-time legacy OS #1
I guess people in the Seattle area (where I am at now) are into old shit, so I figured I would go with the flow on this one. I want to write a real-time (all in assembly) OS with recent features (like minimal networking, even if it can be better done with dedicated hardware) in the theme of legacy.

If anybody knows Intel assembly and wants to help work on it, shoot me a PM and we can put together a group.

Things I am going to want help on:
  • Protected mode setup (the GDT and IDT part, the rest is pie)
  • Hard disk reads
  • Networking


Messages In This Thread
Looking to write a real-time legacy OS - by phyrrus9 - 05-26-2015, 03:37 AM

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