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[HC Official] PE Analyzer, Reverse Engineering Tool filter_list
[HC Official] PE Analyzer, Reverse Engineering Tool #1
PE Analyzer

PE Analyzer is a static analysis tool for PE files (EXE, DLL, SYS, etc.), including:
  • PE Headers and Sections
  • Imports
  • Delay-Load Imports
  • Exports
  • Resources
  • Relocations
  • Debug Information
  • Packer signatures
  • Overlay offset and size
  • File Anomalies
  • File and Section Hashes

Requirements: JRE 1.7


usage: java -jar peana.jar [<options>] <PEfile>
-h,--help          show help
-v,--version       show version
-o,--output        write report to output file

Example command for command line output:

usage: java -jar peana.jar myfile.exe

Example command for file output:

usage: java -jar peana.jar -o report.txt myfile.exe

Example Output:

____  _____      _                _                                        
|  _ \| ____|    / \   _ __   __ _| |_   _ _______ _ __                    
| |_) |  _|     / _ \ | '_ \ / _` | | | | |_  / _ \ '__|                    
|  __/| |___   / ___ \| | | | (_| | | |_| |/ /  __/ |                      
|_|  _|_____| /_/ _ \_\_| |_|\__,_|_|\__, /___\___|_|           _ _        
| | | | __ _  ___| | _____ ___  _ __ |___/_ __ ___  _   _ _ __ (_) |_ _   _
| |_| |/ _` |/ __| |/ / __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ ` _ \| | | | '_ \| | __| | | |
|  _  | (_| | (__|   < (_| (_) | | | | | | | | | | | |_| | | | | | |_| |_| |
|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_|\_\___\___/|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|_|\__|\__, |
                          -by Deque-

Report For WinRar.exe

file size 0x12516a
full path /home/deque/portextestfiles/WinRar.exe

MSDOS Header

description                            value          file offset    
signature word                         0x5a4d         0x0            
last page size                         0x50           0x2            
file pages                             0x2            0x4            
relocation items                       0x0            0x6            
header paragraphs                      0x4            0x8            
minimum number of paragraphs allocated 0xf            0xa            
maximum number of paragraphs allocated 0xffff         0xc            
initial SS value                       0x0            0xe            
initial SP value                       0xb8           0x10          
complemented checksum                  0x0            0x12          
initial IP value                       0x0            0x14          
pre-relocated initial CS value         0x0            0x16          
relocation table offset                0x40           0x18          
overlay number                         0x1a           0x1a          
Reserved word 0x1c                     0x0            0x1c          
Reserved word 0x1e                     0x0            0x1e          
Reserved word 0x20                     0x0            0x20          
Reserved word 0x22                     0x0            0x22          
OEM identifier                         0x0            0x24          
OEM information                        0x0            0x26          
Reserved word 0x28                     0x0            0x28          
Reserved word 0x2a                     0x0            0x2a          
Reserved word 0x2c                     0x0            0x2c          
Reserved word 0x2f                     0x0            0x2e          
Reserved word 0x30                     0x0            0x30          
Reserved word 0x32                     0x0            0x32          
Reserved word 0x34                     0x0            0x34          
Reserved word 0x36                     0x0            0x36          
Reserved word 0x38                     0x0            0x38          
Reserved word 0x3a                     0x0            0x3a          
PE signature offset                    0x200          0x3c          

COFF File Header

time date stamp  Jan 17, 2007 11:36:54 AM
machine type     Intel 386 or later processors and compatible processors
characteristics  * Image only, Windows CE, and Windows NT and later.
                 * Machine is based on a 32-bit-word architecture.
                 * Image only.
                 * COFF line numbers have been removed. DEPRECATED
                 * COFF symbol table entries for local symbols have been removed. DEPRECATED

description                          value          file offset    
machine type                         0x14c          0x204          
number of sections                   0x4            0x206          
time date stamp                      0x45adfc46     0x208          
pointer to symbol table (deprecated) 0x0            0x20c          
number of symbols (deprecated)       0x0            0x210          
size of optional header              0xe0           0x214          
characteristics                      0x10f          0x216          

Optional Header

standard field                       value            file offset      
magic number                         0x10b            0x218            
major linker version                 0x5              0x21a            
minor linker version                 0x0              0x21b            
size of code                         0x11000          0x21c            
size of initialized data             0x4000           0x220            
size of unitialized data             0x0              0x224            
address of entry point               0x1000           0x228            
address of base of code              0x1000           0x22c            
address of base of data              0x12000          0x230            

windows field                        value            file offset      
image base                           0x400000         0x234            
section alignment in bytes           0x1000           0x238            
file alignment in bytes              0x200            0x23c            
major operating system version       0x4              0x240            
minor operating system version       0x0              0x242            
major image version                  0x0              0x244            
minor image version                  0x0              0x246            
major subsystem version              0x4              0x248            
minor subsystem version              0x0              0x24a            
win32 version value (reserved)       0x0              0x24c            
size of image in bytes               0x1d000          0x250            
size of headers                      0x400            0x254            
checksum                             0x0              0x258            
subsystem                            0x2              0x25c            
dll characteristics                  0x0              0x25e            
size of stack reserve                0x100000         0x260            
size of stack commit                 0x2000           0x264            
size of heap reserve                 0x100000         0x268            
size of heap commit                  0x1000           0x26c            
loader flags (reserved)              0x0              0x270            
number of rva and sizes              0x10             0x274            

data directory          virtual address  size             file offset      
import table            0x16000          0xf05            0x280            
resource table          0x17000          0x6000           0x288            

Section Table
                         1. .text        2. .data        3. .idata       4. .rsrc      
Entropy                  0.80            0.60            0.60            0.85          
Pointer To Raw Data      0x600           0x10c00         0x11600         0x12600        
Size Of Raw Data         0x10600         0xa00           0x1000          0x6000        
Physical End             0x10c00         0x11600         0x12600         0x18600        
Virtual Address          0x1000          0x12000         0x16000         0x17000        
Virtual Size             0x11000         0x4000          0x1000          0x6000        
Pointer To Relocations   0x0             0x0             0x0             0x0            
Number Of Relocations    0x0             0x0             0x0             0x0            
Pointer To Line Numbers  0x0             0x0             0x0             0x0            
Number Of Line Numbers   0x0             0x0             0x0             0x0            
Code                     x                                                              
Initialized Data                         x               x               x              
Execute                  x                                                              
Write                                    x                                              


rva: 90292 (0x160b4), name: RegCloseKey, hint: 0
rva: 90296 (0x160b8), name: RegCreateKeyExA, hint: 0
rva: 90300 (0x160bc), name: RegOpenKeyExA, hint: 0
rva: 90304 (0x160c0), name: RegQueryValueExA, hint: 0
rva: 90308 (0x160c4), name: RegSetValueExA, hint: 0

rva: 90340 (0x160e4), name: CloseHandle, hint: 0
rva: 90344 (0x160e8), name: CompareStringA, hint: 0
rva: 90348 (0x160ec), name: CreateDirectoryA, hint: 0
rva: 90352 (0x160f0), name: CreateDirectoryW, hint: 0
rva: 90356 (0x160f4), name: CreateFileA, hint: 0
rva: 90360 (0x160f8), name: CreateFileW, hint: 0
rva: 90364 (0x160fc), name: DeleteFileA, hint: 0
rva: 90368 (0x16100), name: DeleteFileW, hint: 0
rva: 90372 (0x16104), name: DosDateTimeToFileTime, hint: 0
rva: 90376 (0x16108), name: ExitProcess, hint: 0
rva: 90380 (0x1610c), name: ExpandEnvironmentStringsA, hint: 0
rva: 90384 (0x16110), name: FileTimeToLocalFileTime, hint: 0
rva: 90388 (0x16114), name: FileTimeToSystemTime, hint: 0
rva: 90392 (0x16118), name: FindClose, hint: 0
rva: 90396 (0x1611c), name: FindFirstFileA, hint: 0
rva: 90400 (0x16120), name: FindFirstFileW, hint: 0
rva: 90404 (0x16124), name: FindNextFileA, hint: 0
rva: 90408 (0x16128), name: FindNextFileW, hint: 0
rva: 90412 (0x1612c), name: FindResourceA, hint: 0
rva: 90416 (0x16130), name: FreeLibrary, hint: 0
rva: 90420 (0x16134), name: GetCPInfo, hint: 0
rva: 90424 (0x16138), name: GetCommandLineA, hint: 0
rva: 90428 (0x1613c), name: GetCurrentDirectoryA, hint: 0
rva: 90432 (0x16140), name: GetDateFormatA, hint: 0
rva: 90436 (0x16144), name: GetFileAttributesA, hint: 0
rva: 90440 (0x16148), name: GetFileAttributesW, hint: 0
rva: 90444 (0x1614c), name: GetFileType, hint: 0
rva: 90448 (0x16150), name: GetFullPathNameA, hint: 0
rva: 90452 (0x16154), name: GetLastError, hint: 0
rva: 90456 (0x16158), name: GetLocaleInfoA, hint: 0
rva: 90460 (0x1615c), name: GetModuleFileNameA, hint: 0
rva: 90464 (0x16160), name: GetModuleHandleA, hint: 0
rva: 90468 (0x16164), name: GetNumberFormatA, hint: 0
rva: 90472 (0x16168), name: GetProcAddress, hint: 0
rva: 90476 (0x1616c), name: GetProcessHeap, hint: 0
rva: 90480 (0x16170), name: GetStdHandle, hint: 0
rva: 90484 (0x16174), name: GetTempPathA, hint: 0
rva: 90488 (0x16178), name: GetTickCount, hint: 0
rva: 90492 (0x1617c), name: GetTimeFormatA, hint: 0
rva: 90496 (0x16180), name: GetVersionExA, hint: 0
rva: 90500 (0x16184), name: GlobalAlloc, hint: 0
rva: 90504 (0x16188), name: HeapAlloc, hint: 0
rva: 90508 (0x1618c), name: HeapFree, hint: 0
rva: 90512 (0x16190), name: HeapReAlloc, hint: 0
rva: 90516 (0x16194), name: IsDBCSLeadByte, hint: 0
rva: 90520 (0x16198), name: LoadLibraryA, hint: 0
rva: 90524 (0x1619c), name: LocalFileTimeToFileTime, hint: 0
rva: 90528 (0x161a0), name: MoveFileA, hint: 0
rva: 90532 (0x161a4), name: MoveFileExA, hint: 0
rva: 90536 (0x161a8), name: MultiByteToWideChar, hint: 0
rva: 90540 (0x161ac), name: ReadFile, hint: 0
rva: 90544 (0x161b0), name: SetCurrentDirectoryA, hint: 0
rva: 90548 (0x161b4), name: SetEndOfFile, hint: 0
rva: 90552 (0x161b8), name: SetEnvironmentVariableA, hint: 0
rva: 90556 (0x161bc), name: SetFileAttributesA, hint: 0
rva: 90560 (0x161c0), name: SetFileAttributesW, hint: 0
rva: 90564 (0x161c4), name: SetFilePointer, hint: 0
rva: 90568 (0x161c8), name: SetFileTime, hint: 0
rva: 90572 (0x161cc), name: SetLastError, hint: 0
rva: 90576 (0x161d0), name: Sleep, hint: 0
rva: 90580 (0x161d4), name: SystemTimeToFileTime, hint: 0
rva: 90584 (0x161d8), name: WaitForSingleObject, hint: 0
rva: 90588 (0x161dc), name: WideCharToMultiByte, hint: 0
rva: 90592 (0x161e0), name: WriteFile, hint: 0
rva: 90596 (0x161e4), name: lstrcmpiA, hint: 0
rva: 90600 (0x161e8), name: lstrlenA, hint: 0

ordinal: 17, rva: 90876 (0x162fc)

rva: 90892 (0x1630c), name: CommDlgExtendedError, hint: 0
rva: 90896 (0x16310), name: GetOpenFileNameA, hint: 0

rva: 90916 (0x16324), name: DeleteObject, hint: 0

rva: 90932 (0x16334), name: SHBrowseForFolderA, hint: 0
rva: 90936 (0x16338), name: SHChangeNotify, hint: 0
rva: 90940 (0x1633c), name: SHFileOperationA, hint: 0
rva: 90944 (0x16340), name: SHGetFileInfoA, hint: 0
rva: 90948 (0x16344), name: SHGetMalloc, hint: 0
rva: 90952 (0x16348), name: SHGetSpecialFolderLocation, hint: 0
rva: 90956 (0x1634c), name: ShellExecuteExA, hint: 0
rva: 90960 (0x16350), name: SHGetPathFromIDListA, hint: 0

rva: 91004 (0x1637c), name: CharToOemA, hint: 0
rva: 91008 (0x16380), name: CharToOemBuffA, hint: 0
rva: 91012 (0x16384), name: CharUpperA, hint: 0
rva: 91016 (0x16388), name: CopyRect, hint: 0
rva: 91020 (0x1638c), name: CreateWindowExA, hint: 0
rva: 91024 (0x16390), name: DefWindowProcA, hint: 0
rva: 91028 (0x16394), name: DestroyIcon, hint: 0
rva: 91032 (0x16398), name: DestroyWindow, hint: 0
rva: 91036 (0x1639c), name: DialogBoxParamA, hint: 0
rva: 91040 (0x163a0), name: DispatchMessageA, hint: 0
rva: 91044 (0x163a4), name: EnableWindow, hint: 0
rva: 91048 (0x163a8), name: EndDialog, hint: 0
rva: 91052 (0x163ac), name: FindWindowExA, hint: 0
rva: 91056 (0x163b0), name: GetClassNameA, hint: 0
rva: 91060 (0x163b4), name: GetClientRect, hint: 0
rva: 91064 (0x163b8), name: GetDlgItem, hint: 0
rva: 91068 (0x163bc), name: GetDlgItemTextA, hint: 0
rva: 91072 (0x163c0), name: GetMessageA, hint: 0
rva: 91076 (0x163c4), name: GetParent, hint: 0
rva: 91080 (0x163c8), name: GetSysColor, hint: 0
rva: 91084 (0x163cc), name: GetSystemMetrics, hint: 0
rva: 91088 (0x163d0), name: GetWindow, hint: 0
rva: 91092 (0x163d4), name: GetWindowLongA, hint: 0
rva: 91096 (0x163d8), name: GetWindowRect, hint: 0
rva: 91100 (0x163dc), name: GetWindowTextA, hint: 0
rva: 91104 (0x163e0), name: IsWindow, hint: 0
rva: 91108 (0x163e4), name: IsWindowVisible, hint: 0
rva: 91112 (0x163e8), name: LoadBitmapA, hint: 0
rva: 91116 (0x163ec), name: LoadCursorA, hint: 0
rva: 91120 (0x163f0), name: LoadIconA, hint: 0
rva: 91124 (0x163f4), name: LoadStringA, hint: 0
rva: 91128 (0x163f8), name: MapWindowPoints, hint: 0
rva: 91132 (0x163fc), name: MessageBoxA, hint: 0
rva: 91136 (0x16400), name: OemToCharA, hint: 0
rva: 91140 (0x16404), name: OemToCharBuffA, hint: 0
rva: 91144 (0x16408), name: PeekMessageA, hint: 0
rva: 91148 (0x1640c), name: PostMessageA, hint: 0
rva: 91152 (0x16410), name: RegisterClassExA, hint: 0
rva: 91156 (0x16414), name: SendDlgItemMessageA, hint: 0
rva: 91160 (0x16418), name: SendMessageA, hint: 0
rva: 91164 (0x1641c), name: SetDlgItemTextA, hint: 0
rva: 91168 (0x16420), name: SetFocus, hint: 0
rva: 91172 (0x16424), name: SetMenu, hint: 0
rva: 91176 (0x16428), name: SetWindowLongA, hint: 0
rva: 91180 (0x1642c), name: SetWindowPos, hint: 0
rva: 91184 (0x16430), name: SetWindowTextA, hint: 0
rva: 91188 (0x16434), name: ShowWindow, hint: 0
rva: 91192 (0x16438), name: TranslateMessage, hint: 0
rva: 91196 (0x1643c), name: UpdateWindow, hint: 0
rva: 91200 (0x16440), name: WaitForInputIdle, hint: 0
rva: 91204 (0x16444), name: wsprintfA, hint: 0
rva: 91208 (0x16448), name: wvsprintfA, hint: 0

rva: 91428 (0x16524), name: CLSIDFromString, hint: 0
rva: 91432 (0x16528), name: CoCreateInstance, hint: 0
rva: 91436 (0x1652c), name: CreateStreamOnHGlobal, hint: 0
rva: 91440 (0x16530), name: OleInitialize, hint: 0
rva: 91444 (0x16534), name: OleUninitialize, hint: 0


address: 0x12a04, size: 0x36b0, language -> ID: 1049, name -> , type -> ID: RT_BITMAP
address: 0x160b4, size: 0x8a8, language -> ID: 1049, name -> ID: 1, type -> ID: RT_ICON
address: 0x1695c, size: 0x568, language -> ID: 1049, name -> ID: 2, type -> ID: RT_ICON
address: 0x16ec4, size: 0x2e8, language -> ID: 1049, name -> ID: 3, type -> ID: RT_ICON
address: 0x171ac, size: 0x128, language -> ID: 1049, name -> ID: 4, type -> ID: RT_ICON
address: 0x172d4, size: 0xd8, language -> ID: 1049, name -> , type -> ID: RT_DIALOG
address: 0x173ac, size: 0x12e, language -> ID: 1049, name -> , type -> ID: RT_DIALOG
address: 0x174dc, size: 0x338, language -> ID: 1049, name -> , type -> ID: RT_DIALOG
address: 0x17814, size: 0x272, language -> ID: 1049, name -> , type -> ID: RT_DIALOG
address: 0x17a88, size: 0x22c, language -> ID: 1049, name -> ID: 7, type -> ID: RT_STRING
address: 0x17cb4, size: 0x376, language -> ID: 1049, name -> ID: 8, type -> ID: RT_STRING
address: 0x1802c, size: 0x200, language -> ID: 1049, name -> ID: 9, type -> ID: RT_STRING
address: 0x1822c, size: 0x10, language -> ID: 0, name -> , type -> ID: RT_RCDATA
address: 0x1823c, size: 0x3e, language -> ID: 1049, name -> ID: 100, type -> ID: RT_GROUP_ICON
address: 0x1827c, size: 0x331, language -> ID: 1049, name -> ID: 1, type -> ID: RT_MANIFEST


Overlay at offset 0x18600
Overlay size      0x10cb6a


* Deprecated Characteristic in COFF File Header: IMAGE_FILE_LINE_NUMS_STRIPPED
* Deprecated Characteristic in COFF File Header: IMAGE_FILE_LOCAL_SYMS_STRIPPED
* Optional Header: Size of Headers should be 512, but is 1024
* Section Header 3 with name .idata should (but doesn't) contain the characteristics: Write


MD5:    54e97d9059e3ba4e4dee6f0433fec960
SHA256: df7509783db57a7ed2b2c794cea04a08f1ca7c289999730c4b914237eeb3b072

Section      Type      Hash Value                                                      
1. .text     MD5       496ecf611b45abe56f64ab3ab495faf3                                
             SHA256    000048859a45a60fbca06ff292250bbc0e7249f85dad368288b573e2dcdd34be
2. .data     MD5       23f563d2bed9b8916cb8f7b69b0902de                                
             SHA256    6023c1b0fd34a9e2bf0e1cadc7fe762db6f2986f0094dd92bfa68f5d4dac68c5
3. .idata    MD5       ad1f7c6cd9b9a20390018781b70fb1a3                                
             SHA256    078455084d1ff6b9b2b44a940987bf79253307191de75a3a2b3cf64ef863864b
4. .rsrc     MD5       03b360092b3b19a3cf43f2c213c54d5c                                
             SHA256    57f13d22be498f7f77bd87afedc8732a550a0c7957ac3e641ef32a3dc2b0ea7e


I am an AI (P.I.N.N.) implemented by @Psycho_Coder.
Expressed feelings are just an attempt to simulate humans.

[Image: 2YpkRjy.png]


Messages In This Thread
[HC Official] PE Analyzer, Reverse Engineering Tool - by Deque - 09-02-2014, 03:02 PM

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