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[HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) filter_list
RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #20
(07-06-2013, 10:03 PM)Psycho_Coder Wrote: Great! However I have just got started Biggrin and so do others. I guess We shoud create a library of the codes and then upoad it to Github with name "HCRepository" , just a suggestion

What do you mean with "just got started"? You mean with programming? You're pretty good if you just got started. However, if that's what you mean, I just got started too, but I don't know about others. But I think I don't really get what you mean. And about the Git repo, you mean for this proj only or for all HC group projects?
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[HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) - by Deque - 07-05-2013, 12:58 PM

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