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To all COD players filter_list
To all COD players #1
Hello out there to all you COD players (and all other games that you play that are like COD) got a question and a statment lol

Question: what do you all think of Black Ops 2?

Statment: to all you tards who use YOLO as your clan tag, you are literally the stupidest players i have seen YOLO stands for "You only live once"
in cod you die and RESPAWN!!!! you live more then once dam it..........
that is all lol (for all those who think im raging over this rofl just take the joke dont get all keyboard gangsta and try bust a txt in my ass)

main reason for this post is the question WHAT DO YOU ALL THINK???????????????????????????

thanks for reading


Messages In This Thread
To all COD players - by Twisted - 11-16-2012, 11:08 AM

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