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[VB.NET/C#] Best way to protect your source against reflectors[Source Code] filter_list
[VB.NET/C#] Best way to protect your source against reflectors[Source Code] #1
Okay, so i found this pretty easy way of changing your PE which results in a reflector that is unable to open your file. I tried uploading a modded PE to VirusTotal, but seems it results in 2 false positives. Found out even a blank .NET PE file will also set off alarm to those 2 specific AVs. So I think this wouldn't cause a false positive on a random project you want to protect.

Into the PE header
So i found a specific header in the .NET PEs, which is default a byte with the value of 16. This byte is found in every .NET exe at the 244th byte. So just did some more research and found out when you change this byte into for example 15, a .NET reflector isn't able to read the .NET PE. I tried some more values, 0 to 5 will corrupt the exe file, 6 till 15 will do what we want, and higher than 16 I haven't tried, so that's up to you :].

Lets get started
So we want to create an app that changes that 244th byte, which is pretty easy.

Create a function/sub and add this little code into that function/sub [VB.NET]:

Dim tmpStream As New IO.FileStream("Path to your .NET PE", IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Write)
'We only need write permissions since we are only writing a single byte.
tmpStream.Seek(244, IO.SeekOrigin.Begin)
'This will place the file stream at the 244th byte, so we can overwrite that one
'Writing our 244 byte in the PE file
'Closing our file stream

System.IO.FileStream tmpStream = new System.IO.FileStream(@"Path to your .NET PE",
                 System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Write);

So as you can see, this is pretty easy. Now lets see the results:
[Image: beforels.jpg]


[Image: afterb.jpg]

As you can see, after i changed that PE header, the reflector can't open the file, however it does run as you can see :]

Hope you learned something and please let me know what you think :].
Credit goes to Player2


Messages In This Thread
[VB.NET/C#] Best way to protect your source against reflectors[Source Code] - by psycho.ts - 02-12-2012, 05:58 PM

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