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Tutorial DarkComet v5.3 Setup - Step by Step - Pictures - Alternate Link filter_list
DarkComet v5.3 Setup - Step by Step - Pictures - Alternate Link #1
DarkComet v5.3 Setup

"France is proud to present DarkComet, a Remote Administration Tool already chosen by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. These users describe DarkComer-RAT one of the very best around, it is totally free to use and allows you to control many remote machines at the same time using hundreds of functions (webcam streaming, desktop streaming, micro streaming, keylogger, MSN control, system control, etc, etc.)
DarkComet is also considered as the most stable RAT around and it is even regarded more stable than some professional ones (professional is another word for not free). Why would you spend even one dollar on a RAT when you can have better one for free ?" (Quoted from DarkComet Website)

Downloading DarkComet:

Go to: http://www.mediafire.com/?t18hn4u2yap1cvw

Using No-Ip and Creating Account

Go Here: http://www.no-ip.com

[Image: wGNIv.png]

Click Create Account:

[Image: 3tvvI.png]

Click Free DNS:

[Image: L6CZj.png]

Fill in your information and activate your account:

[Image: 1qhSb.png]

Download No-Ip Client (Select Windows):

[Image: 6K8UA.png]

Login to your account on No-Ip.com

[Image: ET1BX.png]

Make a Host with NO-IP.BIZ and make a random name in the text-box and leave everything else.

[Image: YXolp.png]

Login to No-IP Client using the Email Address and password you signed up before

[Image: F4PlK.png]

Select 'Select Hosts':

[Image: CJhUJ.png]

Tick the host-name that you had made before:

[Image: tZtN6.png]

Congrats! You have finished the first stage!

Using DarkComet 5.3 and Setting Up:

Port-forward the port 100 Learn how to port-forward:

I will post a Tut later about this, or read your Router's manual

After That:

Open DarkComet v5.2:

Click on the Top Left corner where it says DarkComet-Rat and click on Listen to new port. Use the port 100 which you port-forwarded earlier. Then Click Listen:

After adding the listened port, click on the Top Left corner again and click on Server Module :

Follow the image and don't check the Firewall thing if you are using a crypter afterwards:


Network Settings, Change the Ip/DNS to your domain name you made with No-ip, change port to 100:


Don't check Module startup if your crypter has startup as a option!! Skip everything else unless you need them:

Click on Build Module and leave the Building as is:


Lets test the Server, make sure No-ip client is on!


Hope you liked the TUT!
(This post was last modified: 09-24-2012, 01:13 PM by Ultimatum.)


Messages In This Thread
DarkComet v5.3 Setup - Step by Step - Pictures - Alternate Link - by Ultimatum - 09-24-2012, 01:09 PM

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