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My first [working] Program !!! filter_list
RE: My first [working] Program !!! #4
you can start by making a fake error generator like me =]

well... like make 4 radio buttons and a button and 2 textboxes then:
private sub button1_click
If radiobutton1.checked equal to true then
interaction.msgbox(Textbox1.text, msgboxstyle.Critical, Textbox2.text)
else if radionbutton2.checked = true
interaction.msgbox(Textbox1.text, msgboxstyle.exclamation, Textbox2.text)
else if radiobutton3.checked = true
interaction.msgbox(Textbox1.text, msgboxstyle.help, Textbox2.text)
else if radiobutton4.checked = true
interaction.msgbox(Textbox1.text, msgboxstyle.information, Textbox2.text)
End if
End sub
and make the 2nd textbox Mutli lined meaning the 1st will be the msgbox's title and second will be the continent.
i really can't tell the system IO import and stub making File and EOF stuff cause im sleepy but will post tomorrow if i have some time Biggrin

hope i helped :wink:

(This post was last modified: 12-04-2010, 11:28 PM by Skullmeat.)
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