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Combat Arms filter_list
Combat Arms #1
It's pretty Descent game for hacking. I used to hack on this game for the hell of it. It's just fun to troll around and piss people off. So I decided to check back in on it to see if the hackers or CA is winning. It seems as if the hackers are. Soo imma release some hacks for it every time one is released. I hope you enjoy.

These hacks are not made by me. I'm simply sharing out of the fun of being a dick!

PS: Z you should make it to where we can upload .dlls and .exes ! LOVE YOU IF YOU DO Smile

CA Hacks:

CA Injector:

Now simply run the injector as administrator.
In the process box type "Engine.exe" Without the quotes.
Add the .dll
Click settings and select auto inject then click the ok button
Now run CA and have fun hacking. Need any help please post below!
This hack is currently undetectable.


Messages In This Thread
Combat Arms - by AnonFreeworld - 12-06-2012, 09:56 AM

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