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Tutorial Making your first simple windows virus filter_list
Making your first simple windows virus #1
So this is a tutorial on how to make your very first simple windows virus! NOOBS ONLY

Ok so 1st what your going to want to do is go on your desktop, right click, and make a new text document. We will be writing our code in this document. The coding language we will be using is batch.

I know your probably like "HURR DURR THIS IS STUPID" well then GTFO as i said earlier, NOOBS ONLY!

Anyway, at the top of the newly created text document, write @echo off . This basically turns off all un-needed and extra texts.

Now write :Virus < this makes a checkpoint in the program that we can later access or goto. You can change "Virus" to anything as that is only the name of the checkpoint, but MAKE SURE you write : as that is what marks a checkpoint.

Now write md Virus . This will create a folder named Virus in the current directory that your victim has opened the Virus in. md marks to create a folder, while Virus is only the name of the folder. You might be thinking this doesnt do much, but you just wait Wink

Now for the last part, write goto Virus. What this does is it goes back to the checkpoint (:Virus) which we created earlier. If you changed the name of the checkpoint make sure to change it here as well.

Now for the final stage, we need to make windows recognize its a batch file, to do this, click File > Save As > Virus.bat . This will save the file as a .bat or a batch file, which is the coding language we wrote our virus in.

the whole code will look like:

@echo off
md Virus
goto Virus

Now that you know how to do this, try doing the same thing exept spamming open Internet Explorer, (HINT: Quotation marks: " " open a certain program) To accomplish this, find the directory of IE, and use quotation marks to tell the file to open Internet Explorer.

Happy Hacking Smile
Wavy baby


Messages In This Thread
Making your first simple windows virus - by Bannedshee - 12-09-2012, 05:59 AM

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