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Tutorial Google Ads Service Interaction filter_list
Google Ads Service Interaction #1
I submitted this and google denied it so here you go hackers

Google Ads Service Interaction
Vulnerability Summary:
The provided steps outline an interaction with Google Ads service that leads to the download of a text file named f.txt. This file contains a JavaScript function call processGoogleToken along with a token and associated parameters.

Vulnerability Details:
Step-by-Step Interaction:
Step 1:
URL: https://adservice.google.com/adsid/integrator.js?domain=dns.google.com
Step 2:
Action: The interaction triggers a download of a text file named f.txt.
Step 3:
File Content (f.txt): processGoogleToken({"newToken":"ChAI8JvFmQYQrO-S_Li_28gDEj0AAYxGOIUtzZ-srJmi-cbfuiT6kkXfJRTBxtgDCh2oDqWk9QbI_QQqE80XarblhYC08op_A94H9HmnZ6Cd","validLifetimeSecs":300,"freshLifetimeSecs":300,"1p_jar":"2022-09-27-02","pucrd":""});

Vulnerability Analysis:
Interaction Summary:
URL: https://adservice.google.com/adsid/integrator.js?domain=dns.google.com
Downloaded File: f.txt
File Content (f.txt): processGoogleToken({
    "newToken": "ChAI8JvFmQYQrO-S_Li_28gDEj0AAYxGOIUtzZ-srJmi-cbfuiT6kkXfJRTBxtgDCh2oDqWk9QbI_QQqE80XarblhYC08op_A94H9HmnZ6Cd",
    "validLifetimeSecs": 300,
    "freshLifetimeSecs": 300,
    "1p_jar": "2022-09-27-02",
    "pucrd": ""

The interaction initiates a download of a JavaScript file (integrator.js) from the Google Ads service.
The downloaded file (f.txt) contains a JavaScript function call (processGoogleToken) with associated parameters.
newToken: A long alphanumeric token.
validLifetimeSecs: 300 seconds (5 minutes).
freshLifetimeSecs: 300 seconds (5 minutes).
1p_jar: Date format (YYYY-MM-DD-HH).
pucrd: Empty string.
The provided steps demonstrate an interaction with the Google Ads service, leading to the download of a text file (f.txt) containing a JavaScript function call with associated parameters. This interaction does not appear to indicate a security vulnerability, but rather serves as a detailed log of the interaction with the Google Ads service.


Messages In This Thread
Google Ads Service Interaction - by DoXeD - 10-21-2023, 03:08 AM
RE: Google Ads Service Interaction - by cr7 - 11-12-2023, 07:18 PM
RE: Google Ads Service Interaction - by eariel - 11-29-2023, 07:55 AM

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