RE: how many Joints you smoke per day ? 10-20-2023, 09:03 PM
I’ve been smoking since early teens and I hadn’t really paid too much attention to the weights for years. I’ve been in the business of mj for decades now. I don’t sleep much. And if I’m not sleeping it’s literally a cigarette then a joint then cig then a j, so on and so on. I chain smoke as long as I’m up. If I had to guess at it, I’d say I smoke around a ounce a day for the last 20-25 years or so. I’m a naturally angry person and the mj is the one thing I came across that let’s me get a second or two of breathing room. That being said, I don’t actually get lifted anymore, I just feel normal. I’ve made a few things along the way that are heavier than most people have seen and even that doesn’t really take me up.