Post your CPU specs and/or OC 12-06-2012, 12:29 AM
Well I was just interested in how good your CPUs are. If you have multiple computers, just post the best one out of them. And then if you can say how much you have over-clocked it to if you did.
Me: Intel i5 Quad-Core 3570k 3.4Ghz (Base clock)
After over-clock: 30% increase from 3.4Ghz to 4.4Ghz. Temperature remains at 30 degrees with Google Chrome and Skype on. With Prime95, temperature reaches a maximum of 66 before falling to 58 and steadying. However, when attempting 4.5Ghz I got a BSOD. I could probably reach that if I did it via BIOS manually without using ASUS software.
Me: Intel i5 Quad-Core 3570k 3.4Ghz (Base clock)
After over-clock: 30% increase from 3.4Ghz to 4.4Ghz. Temperature remains at 30 degrees with Google Chrome and Skype on. With Prime95, temperature reaches a maximum of 66 before falling to 58 and steadying. However, when attempting 4.5Ghz I got a BSOD. I could probably reach that if I did it via BIOS manually without using ASUS software.