Five Years of Service
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Life updates 8 10-13-2019, 08:16 AM
So I'm not sure if its been really clear what has been happening lately cause, of likely either a lot of confusion or just simply couldn't post. So in the long run if you been following; I had to get my parents off cause, the town rules prohibited them from being here. Having said that appearntly, I could of went down and explain to the council that there bank would not accept a megar payment and had to move out on my property. Any way, there time basically, ended an had to leave for a trailer home. My electric was like $400 something an been trying to pay it so I'm paying what I'm using an can't water isn't bad so I'm not really to worried but it was like $100 something Cause, the town gets the trash and all there stuff in my bins plus a trailer worth which, would occasionally go when I got on them or they felt like it. Mind you that I bought this trailer when there was money and it took a long time but, when I did get it back all of it went to bills in the long run so far I can't cover my car payments don't have insurance on either the car or house had the car repoed.
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: Life updates 8 10-14-2019, 03:17 AM
Progressively, things "will" get better.
It's best to consolidate all debts Into a single loan. As such, It's a lot cheaper In monthly repayments.
Five Years of Service
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RE: Life updates 8 10-18-2019, 04:14 AM
Well to continue on the car got repoed again cause, I had to choose wether or not to get the oil changed. Now I'm without a car
Five Years of Service
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RE: Life updates 8 10-18-2019, 04:39 AM
So what did you do? Cause, I'm between a rock an a hard spot
Five Years of Service
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Points: 478NSP
RE: Life updates 8 11-24-2019, 03:46 PM
So this is now whats been happening. I finally got hold if the people that the car was banked through an told me that I only be getting like 1,000 back out of it. So I still owe them like 3000 something. I'm still stuck working at the place at which, I'm at now an the GM is leaving for a different job which, means that were getting a different one which, is someone younger