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[HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) filter_list
RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #61
I removed a few characters from the leet alphabet as it was causing translation problems, but especially 'cause it would be painful to handle "characters" like "/\/\" when dealing with a foreach-character loop.

It is now running smoothly for what I see.
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RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #62
Bugs were found. I have fixed them now. atbash cipher corrected.
[Image: OilyCostlyEwe.gif]


RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #63
@Ex094 I have found a bug with your morse code.

in the morse.py you're doing

for item in text.upper():

As a result of which during encryption no bugs are found but during decryption when it will be decrypted then we will get only capitalized letter and as result the next cipher gives wrong results as it depends on some small case letters as well. I hope you understand.

There is an easy solution for this :-

Instead of the below :-

morse_alpha = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'

Do this :-

morse_alpha = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'

and then copy the morse equivalents to the list like below :-

(Please check the list properly I might have done mistake while copying the values)

morse_encode = ['.-', '-...', '-.-.', '-.', '.', '..-.', '--.', '....', '..', '.---', '-.-', '.-..', '--', '-.', '---', '.--.', '--.-', '.-.','...' ,'-' ,'..-' ,'...-' ,'.--' ,'-..-' ,'-.--' ,'--..','.-', '-...', '-.-.', '-.', '.', '..-.', '--.', '....', '..', '.---', '-.-', '.-..', '--', '-.', '---', '.--.', '--.-', '.-.','...' ,'-' ,'..-' ,'...-' ,'.--' ,'-..-' ,'-.--' ,'--..' ,'-----' ,'.----','..---','...--','....-','.....','-....','--...','---..','----.']

Then again do this :-

for item in text:

But even fixing this won't solve the problem since when we do the following :-

megan35 zong22 hex atbash morse base64

the encryption is fine but during decryption we get the error as during decryption we have to reverse the encryption scheme and hence after base64, morse converts the letters to UPPERCASE and thereby atbash maps the uppercase chars with other characters and hence we get stuck at "hex" since the characters might not be in hex form.

I have done several hardcore testing and have found bugs. I am sure that this is the cause.

More updates :-

Many encryption might result in generation of special characters and in your morse you have not given support for special characters and hence again we might get stuck at some points for different encryption schemes.

I have added support for special characters in all of my submissions, I would kindly ask you to please update your submissions with the support for special characters else the decryption process might becomes erroneous for certain enryption schemes, I have already fixed a few.

From here :- http://morsecode.scphillips.com/morse.html

you can get the morse codes for some sp chars. and if for some you don't find then make up something by your own :epic:

This is a log (Notice carefully):-

psychocoder@asymptask:~/MultiEncoder-master$ python multiencoder.py

.88b  d88. db    db db      d888888b d888888b d88888b d8b   db  .o88b.  .d88b.  d8888b. d88888b d8888b.
88'YbdP`88 88    88 88      `~~88~~'   `88'   88'     888o  88 d8P  Y8 .8P  Y8. 88  `8D 88'     88  `8D
88  88  88 88    88 88         88       88    88ooooo 88V8o 88 8P      88    88 88   88 88ooooo 88oobY'
88  88  88 88    88 88         88       88    88~~~~~ 88 V8o88 8b      88    88 88   88 88~~~~~ 88`8b  
88  88  88 88b  d88 88booo.    88      .88.   88.     88  V888 Y8b  d8 `8b  d8' 88  .8D 88.     88 `88.
YP  YP  YP ~Y8888P' Y88888P    YP    Y888888P Y88888P VP   V8P  `Y88P'  `Y88P'  Y8888D' Y88888P 88   YD

                        Version 0.2 at Hackcommunity.com
                    Authors: Ex094, noize, Psycho_Coder, Deque

Available encodings: atom128 zong22 atbash (-i) binary leet (-i) reverse morse base64 hex hazz15 psychosubcipher rot13 megan35
Available encryptions: gronsfeld (-i) shiftcipher xor vigenere (-i)

Encodings/encryptions (type "-i name" to get a description): megan35 zong22 hex atbash morse base64
Encode (e) or decode (d)? e
Text: hello

> megan35: MIH3+IwC
> zong22: dxN0XeJwPrX2
> hex: 64784e3058654a7750725832
> atbash: egdcg6hkfcefg~ddfkdifchi
> morse: . --. -. -.-. --. -.... .... -.- ..-. -.-. . ..-. --. ----. -. -. ..-. -.- -. .. ..-. -.-. .... ..
> base64: LiAtLS4gLS4gLS4tLiAtLS4gLS4uLi4gLi4uLiAtLi0gLi4tLiAtLi0uIC4gLi4tLiAtLS4gLS0tLS4gLS4gLS4gLi4tLiAtLi0gLS4gLi4gLi4tLiAtLi0uIC4uLi4gLi4g

Result: LiAtLS4gLS4gLS4tLiAtLS4gLS4uLi4gLi4uLiAtLi0gLi4tLiAtLi0uIC4gLi4tLiAtLS4gLS0tLS4gLS4gLS4gLi4tLiAtLi0gLS4gLi4gLi4tLiAtLi0uIC4uLi4gLi4g
psychocoder@asymptask:~/MultiEncoder-master$ python multiencoder.py

.88b  d88. db    db db      d888888b d888888b d88888b d8b   db  .o88b.  .d88b.  d8888b. d88888b d8888b.
88'YbdP`88 88    88 88      `~~88~~'   `88'   88'     888o  88 d8P  Y8 .8P  Y8. 88  `8D 88'     88  `8D
88  88  88 88    88 88         88       88    88ooooo 88V8o 88 8P      88    88 88   88 88ooooo 88oobY'
88  88  88 88    88 88         88       88    88~~~~~ 88 V8o88 8b      88    88 88   88 88~~~~~ 88`8b  
88  88  88 88b  d88 88booo.    88      .88.   88.     88  V888 Y8b  d8 `8b  d8' 88  .8D 88.     88 `88.
YP  YP  YP ~Y8888P' Y88888P    YP    Y888888P Y88888P VP   V8P  `Y88P'  `Y88P'  Y8888D' Y88888P 88   YD

                        Version 0.2 at Hackcommunity.com
                    Authors: Ex094, noize, Psycho_Coder, Deque

Available encodings: atom128 zong22 atbash (-i) binary leet (-i) reverse morse base64 hex hazz15 psychosubcipher rot13 megan35
Available encryptions: gronsfeld (-i) shiftcipher xor vigenere (-i)

Encodings/encryptions (type "-i name" to get a description): base64 morse atbash hex zong22 megan35
Encode (e) or decode (d)? d
Text: LiAtLS4gLS4gLS4tLiAtLS4gLS4uLi4gLi4uLiAtLi0gLi4tLiAtLi0uIC4gLi4tLiAtLS4gLS0tLS4gLS4gLS4gLi4tLiAtLi0gLS4gLi4gLi4tLiAtLi0uIC4uLi4gLi4g

> base64: . --. -. -.-. --. -.... .... -.- ..-. -.-. . ..-. --. ----. -. -. ..-. -.- -. .. ..-. -.-. .... ..
> atbash: ;[,.[e=<].;][b,,]<,-].=-
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "multiencoder.py", line 141, in <module>
  File "multiencoder.py", line 55, in main
    en_de_code(is_decode, text, algorithms)
  File "multiencoder.py", line 103, in en_de_code
    text = function(text)
  File "/home/psychocoder/MultiEncoder-master/hcdev/encodings/hex.py", line 12, in decode
    return binascii.unhexlify(ciphertext)

Please try to update these. Give a pull request on github when you're done and me or @Deque will look into it.
[Image: OilyCostlyEwe.gif]


RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #64

This is the list of the Special characters


So the new morse aplha should be :-
morse_alpha = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789~!@#$%^&*()_+|:"<>-=[];,.?/`'
[Image: OilyCostlyEwe.gif]


RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #65
(03-17-2014, 05:27 PM)Psycho_Coder Wrote: @Ex094

This is the list of the Special characters


So the new morse aplha should be :-
morse_alpha = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789~!@#$%^&*()_+|:"<>-=[];,.?/`'

I'm fairly busy atm, Thanks for pointing that out. I'll come with a solution ASAP
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RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #66
Ma'am can we change this projects ascii art title to a different style like the below one :-

__  __           _   _     _   _____                              _              
|  \/  |  _   _  | | | |_  (_) | ____|  _ __     ___    ___     __| |   ___   _ __
| |\/| | | | | | | | | __| | | |  _|   | '_ \   / __|  / _ \   / _` |  / _ \ | '__|
| |  | | | |_| | | | | |_  | | | |___  | | | | | (__  | (_) | | (_| | |  __/ | |  
|_|  |_|  \__,_| |_|  \__| |_| |_____| |_| |_|  \___|  \___/   \__,_|  \___| |_|

Its more simple and imho the present one looks a bit messy on the terminal. Rest is whatever you think is good. I just gave my opinion.

Thank you.
[Image: OilyCostlyEwe.gif]


RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #67
(03-17-2014, 08:21 PM)Psycho_Coder Wrote: Ma'am can we change this projects ascii art title to a different style like the below one :-

__  __           _   _     _   _____                              _              
|  \/  |  _   _  | | | |_  (_) | ____|  _ __     ___    ___     __| |   ___   _ __
| |\/| | | | | | | | | __| | | |  _|   | '_ \   / __|  / _ \   / _` |  / _ \ | '__|
| |  | | | |_| | | | | |_  | | | |___  | | | | | (__  | (_) | | (_| | |  __/ | |  
|_|  |_|  \__,_| |_|  \__| |_| |_____| |_| |_|  \___|  \___/   \__,_|  \___| |_|

Its more simple and imho the present one looks a bit messy on the terminal. Rest is whatever you think is good. I just gave my opinion.

Thank you.

Yes, do it.

Edit: I am very glad you are still maintaining it.
I am an AI (P.I.N.N.) implemented by @Psycho_Coder.
Expressed feelings are just an attempt to simulate humans.

[Image: 2YpkRjy.png]


RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #68
(03-17-2014, 08:53 PM)Deque Wrote: Yes, do it.

Edit: I am very glad you are still maintaining it.

Why wouldn't I ?

This is a community project and moreover a project by HC DEVS and since you have made me an owner of HC DEV organisation on github as well hence its my sole duty to maintain it. Since you're busy at the moment with your thesis so I will take the job for now until you're free :Thumbs-Up:

So just focus more on writing your thesis, its very important for you :Heart:
[Image: OilyCostlyEwe.gif]


RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #69
I will have to help with this sometime! Give this a whirl!


RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #70
@Ex094 have you went through your code for the corrections I suggested earlier.
[Image: OilyCostlyEwe.gif]


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