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[HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) filter_list
RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #31
Vigenere cipher is showing errors. I gave the text to encode as "Hello" and key 123 and got this :-

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "multiencoder.py", line 141, in <module>
  File "multiencoder.py", line 55, in main
    en_de_code(is_decode, text, algorithms)
  File "multiencoder.py", line 108, in en_de_code
    text = function(text, key)
  File "/home/psychocoder/MultiEncoder-master/hcdev/encryptions/vigenere.py", line 25, in encode
    get = alpha.index(a) + alpha.index(b)
ValueError: substring not found

Some more occured during decoding a complex encryption :-

Encodings/encryptions (type "-i name" to get a description): psychosubcipher zong22 atom128 leet reverse hex gronsfeld
Encode (e) or decode (d)? e
Text: Hello Hack Community. Love you!

> psychosubcipher: %!((G7%a,y7+GYYS;xb*h78GM!7*GSc
> zong22: wbnkDnpzwoniBdp6YWNLxFJAI8lk1FgfdbnzDvPdIQ22
> atom128: nwOVku=VmM0xlwz0b2=qS11hd/ry=/0GcdX8ktKLjwj/i2zA=MjbjJ1=RZN5
> leet: |\|\/\/0\/|<|_|=\/|\/||\/|0><|\/\/2082=0_511|-|d/ry=/09<d><8|<7|<|j\/\/j/1224=|\/|j8jj1=r2|\|5
> reverse: 5|\|2r=1jj8j|/\|=4221/j/\/\j|<|7<|8<>d<90/=yr/d|-|115_0=2802/\/\|<>0|/\||/\|/\=|_|<|/\0/\/\|\|
> hex: 357c5c7c32723d316a6a386a7c2f5c7c3d343232312f6a2f5c2f5c6a7c3c7c373c7c383c3e643c39302f3d79722f647c2d7c3131355f303d323830322f5c2f5c7c3c3e307c2f5c7c7c2f5c7c2f5c3d7c5f7c3c7c2f5c302f5c2f5c7c5c7c
Key for gronsfeld: 123
> gronsfeld: 357D5F7E32723F316D6C386D7E2G5F7E3E343232312H6B2I5E2G5F6C7D3F7E373F7E383F3G643F39302I3F79722H647F2F7D3131355I303E323830322H5D2I5E7D3F3G307F2H5D7F7E2G5F7E2G5F3F7D5I7E3D7F2H5D302H5D2I5E7D5F7E

Result: 357D5F7E32723F316D6C386D7E2G5F7E3E343232312H6B2I5E2G5F6C7D3F7E373F7E383F3G643F39302I3F79722H647F2F7D3131355I303E323830322H5D2I5E7D3F3G307F2H5D7F7E2G5F7E2G5F3F7D5I7E3D7F2H5D302H5D2I5E7D5F7E

The above is the encoding and while decoding I get the error :-

Encodings/encryptions (type "-i name" to get a description): gronsfeld hex reverse leet atom128 zong22 psychosubcipher
Encode (e) or decode (d)? d
Text: 357D5F7E32723F316D6C386D7E2G5F7E3E343232312H6B2I5E2G5F6C7D3F7E373F7E383F3G643F39302I3F79722H647F2F7D3131355I303E323830322H5D2I5E7D3F3G307F2H5D7F7E2G5F7E2G5F3F7D5I7E3D7F2H5D302H5D2I5E7D5F7E

Key for gronsfeld: 123
> gronsfeld: 357C5C7C32723D316A6A386A7C2F5C7C3D343232312F6A2F5C2F5C6A7C3C7C373C7C383C3E643C39302F3D79722F647C2D7C3131355F303D323830322F5C2F5C7C3C3E307C2F5C7C7C2F5C7C2F5C3D7C5F7C3C7C2F5C302F5C2F5C7C5C7C
> hex: 5|\|2r=1jj8j|/\|=4221/j/\/\j|<|7<|8<>d<90/=yr/d|-|115_0=2802/\/\|<>0|/\||/\|/\=|_|<|/\0/\/\|\|
> reverse: |\|\/\/0\/|<|_|=\/|\/||\/|0><|\/\/2082=0_511|-|d/ry=/09<d><8|<7|<|j\/\/j/1224=|\/|j8jj1=r2|\|5
> leet: nwovlcl_l=vmmo>clwzobz=o_siihd/ry=/ogcd>cblctlcljwj/izza=mjbjji=rzns
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "multiencoder.py", line 141, in <module>
  File "multiencoder.py", line 55, in main
    en_de_code(is_decode, text, algorithms)
  File "multiencoder.py", line 103, in en_de_code
    text = function(text)
  File "/home/psychocoder/MultiEncoder-master/hcdev/encodings/b64variant.py", line 18, in decode
    b64 = "".join([self.revlookup[x] for x in code])
KeyError: '_'

I am creating a wiki for our Multiencoder and I wanted to test it and got these.
[Image: OilyCostlyEwe.gif]


RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #32
Vigenere cipher is showing errors. I gave the text to encode as "Hello" and key 123 and got this :-

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "multiencoder.py", line 141, in <module>
  File "multiencoder.py", line 55, in main
    en_de_code(is_decode, text, algorithms)
  File "multiencoder.py", line 108, in en_de_code
    text = function(text, key)
  File "/home/psychocoder/MultiEncoder-master/hcdev/encryptions/vigenere.py", line 25, in encode
    get = alpha.index(a) + alpha.index(b)
ValueError: substring not found

Some more occured during decoding a complex encryption :-

Encodings/encryptions (type "-i name" to get a description): psychosubcipher zong22 atom128 leet reverse hex gronsfeld
Encode (e) or decode (d)? e
Text: Hello Hack Community. Love you!

> psychosubcipher: %!((G7%a,y7+GYYS;xb*h78GM!7*GSc
> zong22: wbnkDnpzwoniBdp6YWNLxFJAI8lk1FgfdbnzDvPdIQ22
> atom128: nwOVku=VmM0xlwz0b2=qS11hd/ry=/0GcdX8ktKLjwj/i2zA=MjbjJ1=RZN5
> leet: |\|\/\/0\/|<|_|=\/|\/||\/|0><|\/\/2082=0_511|-|d/ry=/09<d><8|<7|<|j\/\/j/1224=|\/|j8jj1=r2|\|5
> reverse: 5|\|2r=1jj8j|/\|=4221/j/\/\j|<|7<|8<>d<90/=yr/d|-|115_0=2802/\/\|<>0|/\||/\|/\=|_|<|/\0/\/\|\|
> hex: 357c5c7c32723d316a6a386a7c2f5c7c3d343232312f6a2f5c2f5c6a7c3c7c373c7c383c3e643c39302f3d79722f647c2d7c3131355f303d323830322f5c2f5c7c3c3e307c2f5c7c7c2f5c7c2f5c3d7c5f7c3c7c2f5c302f5c2f5c7c5c7c
Key for gronsfeld: 123
> gronsfeld: 357D5F7E32723F316D6C386D7E2G5F7E3E343232312H6B2I5E2G5F6C7D3F7E373F7E383F3G643F39302I3F79722H647F2F7D3131355I303E323830322H5D2I5E7D3F3G307F2H5D7F7E2G5F7E2G5F3F7D5I7E3D7F2H5D302H5D2I5E7D5F7E

Result: 357D5F7E32723F316D6C386D7E2G5F7E3E343232312H6B2I5E2G5F6C7D3F7E373F7E383F3G643F39302I3F79722H647F2F7D3131355I303E323830322H5D2I5E7D3F3G307F2H5D7F7E2G5F7E2G5F3F7D5I7E3D7F2H5D302H5D2I5E7D5F7E

The above is the encoding and while decoding I get the error :-

Encodings/encryptions (type "-i name" to get a description): gronsfeld hex reverse leet atom128 zong22 psychosubcipher
Encode (e) or decode (d)? d
Text: 357D5F7E32723F316D6C386D7E2G5F7E3E343232312H6B2I5E2G5F6C7D3F7E373F7E383F3G643F39302I3F79722H647F2F7D3131355I303E323830322H5D2I5E7D3F3G307F2H5D7F7E2G5F7E2G5F3F7D5I7E3D7F2H5D302H5D2I5E7D5F7E

Key for gronsfeld: 123
> gronsfeld: 357C5C7C32723D316A6A386A7C2F5C7C3D343232312F6A2F5C2F5C6A7C3C7C373C7C383C3E643C39302F3D79722F647C2D7C3131355F303D323830322F5C2F5C7C3C3E307C2F5C7C7C2F5C7C2F5C3D7C5F7C3C7C2F5C302F5C2F5C7C5C7C
> hex: 5|\|2r=1jj8j|/\|=4221/j/\/\j|<|7<|8<>d<90/=yr/d|-|115_0=2802/\/\|<>0|/\||/\|/\=|_|<|/\0/\/\|\|
> reverse: |\|\/\/0\/|<|_|=\/|\/||\/|0><|\/\/2082=0_511|-|d/ry=/09<d><8|<7|<|j\/\/j/1224=|\/|j8jj1=r2|\|5
> leet: nwovlcl_l=vmmo>clwzobz=o_siihd/ry=/ogcd>cblctlcljwj/izza=mjbjji=rzns
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "multiencoder.py", line 141, in <module>
  File "multiencoder.py", line 55, in main
    en_de_code(is_decode, text, algorithms)
  File "multiencoder.py", line 103, in en_de_code
    text = function(text)
  File "/home/psychocoder/MultiEncoder-master/hcdev/encodings/b64variant.py", line 18, in decode
    b64 = "".join([self.revlookup[x] for x in code])
KeyError: '_'

I am creating a wiki for our Multiencoder and I wanted to test it and got these.
[Image: OilyCostlyEwe.gif]


RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #33
The wiki has been created. I would like @Deque to review them.

Here :- https://github.com/HCDevelopers/MultiEncoder/wiki

In the contact us, I have given my mail id, if someone doesn't wants to register. If you say I will remove it. I think this wiki created is not bad. But you don't like it please edit them freely.

Thank you.
[Image: OilyCostlyEwe.gif]


RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #34
The wiki has been created. I would like @Deque to review them.

Here :- https://github.com/HCDevelopers/MultiEncoder/wiki

In the contact us, I have given my mail id, if someone doesn't wants to register. If you say I will remove it. I think this wiki created is not bad. But you don't like it please edit them freely.

Thank you.
[Image: OilyCostlyEwe.gif]


RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #35
The wiki has been created. I would like @Deque to review them.

Here :- https://github.com/HCDevelopers/MultiEncoder/wiki

In the contact us, I have given my mail id, if someone doesn't wants to register. If you say I will remove it. I think this wiki created is not bad. But you don't like it please edit them freely.

Thank you.
[Image: OilyCostlyEwe.gif]


RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #36
(10-24-2013, 12:41 PM)Psycho_Coder Wrote: The wiki has been created. I would like @Deque to review them.

Here :- https://github.com/HCDevelopers/MultiEncoder/wiki

In the contact us, I have given my mail id, if someone doesn't wants to register. If you say I will remove it. I think this wiki created is not bad. But you don't like it please edit them freely.

Thank you.

Thanks a lot, Psycho_Coder. I am usually too lazy to write good Wikis (with my own programs too, my husband is always telling me, I should at least include a README)
So thanks for taking the time to set this Wiki up.

@Ex094 and @noize Have a look at the bugs Psycho_Coder found and see if it is caused by one of your implementations.
I will have a look at it too, probably tomorrow, and see that I catch such errors in the CLI part.
Edit: Looks to me like the Leet encoding doesn't decode it the way it should be.
I am an AI (P.I.N.N.) implemented by @Psycho_Coder.
Expressed feelings are just an attempt to simulate humans.

[Image: 2YpkRjy.png]


RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #37
(10-24-2013, 12:41 PM)Psycho_Coder Wrote: The wiki has been created. I would like @Deque to review them.

Here :- https://github.com/HCDevelopers/MultiEncoder/wiki

In the contact us, I have given my mail id, if someone doesn't wants to register. If you say I will remove it. I think this wiki created is not bad. But you don't like it please edit them freely.

Thank you.

Thanks a lot, Psycho_Coder. I am usually too lazy to write good Wikis (with my own programs too, my husband is always telling me, I should at least include a README)
So thanks for taking the time to set this Wiki up.

@Ex094 and @noize Have a look at the bugs Psycho_Coder found and see if it is caused by one of your implementations.
I will have a look at it too, probably tomorrow, and see that I catch such errors in the CLI part.
Edit: Looks to me like the Leet encoding doesn't decode it the way it should be.
I am an AI (P.I.N.N.) implemented by @Psycho_Coder.
Expressed feelings are just an attempt to simulate humans.

[Image: 2YpkRjy.png]


RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #38
(10-24-2013, 12:41 PM)Psycho_Coder Wrote: The wiki has been created. I would like @Deque to review them.

Here :- https://github.com/HCDevelopers/MultiEncoder/wiki

In the contact us, I have given my mail id, if someone doesn't wants to register. If you say I will remove it. I think this wiki created is not bad. But you don't like it please edit them freely.

Thank you.

Thanks a lot, Psycho_Coder. I am usually too lazy to write good Wikis (with my own programs too, my husband is always telling me, I should at least include a README)
So thanks for taking the time to set this Wiki up.

@Ex094 and @noize Have a look at the bugs Psycho_Coder found and see if it is caused by one of your implementations.
I will have a look at it too, probably tomorrow, and see that I catch such errors in the CLI part.
Edit: Looks to me like the Leet encoding doesn't decode it the way it should be.
I am an AI (P.I.N.N.) implemented by @Psycho_Coder.
Expressed feelings are just an attempt to simulate humans.

[Image: 2YpkRjy.png]


RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #39
Thanks, Psycho.

I believe it is the base64 algorithm that is giving the problem. Of course, my function is fucking up original cases, this might hurt the encoding, but I don't think it's the leet algorithm to cause some error.
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RE: [HC-Official] Multiencoder (Python) #40
Thanks, Psycho.

I believe it is the base64 algorithm that is giving the problem. Of course, my function is fucking up original cases, this might hurt the encoding, but I don't think it's the leet algorithm to cause some error.
My Bitcoin address: 1AtxVsSSG2Z8JfjNy9KNFDUN6haeKr7LiP
Give me money by visiting www.google.com here: http://coin-ads.com/6Ol83U

If you want a Bitcoin URL shortener/advertiser, please, use this referral: http://coin-ads.com/register.php?refid=noize


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