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[HC Official] MAC Spoofer 2.0 filter_list
[HC Official] MAC Spoofer 2.0 #1
Windows MAC address spoofer
You can find the old version here: 1.0/1.1.

Latest version: 2.1

- ping option (host inside or outside the LAN with IP address or host name (e.g: - www.google.com | noizepc |;
- install/uninstall (after installation you can call macspoofer from any script or directory path (shell)).

Source code

@echo off
pushd %~dp0


:: Mac Address Spoofer ::


echo    ##########################################################################
echo    #                       Noize's Mac Address Spoofer                      #
echo    #                                  v2.1                                  #
echo    #                                                                        #
echo    #                   Coded by Noize at HackCommunity.com                  #
echo    ##########################################################################

set arg1=%1
if /i "%arg1%"=="-help" set arg1=
if defined arg1 goto arg1

echo  macspoofer [-h ^| -d ^| -a ^| -l ^| -m [IP] ^| -p [HOST] ^| -s [KEY] ^| -r [KEY]]
echo             [-c [CON]] [-n [MAC]] [-v]
echo   -h   Show an extended help message
echo   -d   View detailed IP and MAC information for current host
echo   -a   View all MAC addresses for current host
echo   -l   View other MAC and IP addresses on the LAN
echo   -m   Get MAC address for given local IP (you can't use your own IP)
echo   [IP] Internal IP address to get associated MAC address of
echo   -p   Ping an host with the host name or IP address
echo   -s   Spoof current MAC and local IP addresses
echo   -r   Restore original MAC and IP addresses
echo   [KEY]Keyword that is part of the NIC's name you want to spoof or restore
echo   -c   Specify your connection name in order to automatically restart the NIC
echo   [CON]Connection name (e.g: Connection to local area network (LAN))
echo   [MAC]MAC address you want to assume (only with -s)
echo   -v   Verbose mode
goto end

if /i "%arg1%"=="-h" goto help
if /i "%arg1%"=="-d" goto ipconfig
if /i "%arg1%"=="-a" goto mac
if /i "%arg1%"=="-l" goto arp
if /i "%arg1%"=="-m" goto assoc
if /i "%arg1%"=="-p" goto ping
if /i "%arg1%"=="-s" goto spoof
if /i "%arg1%"=="-r" goto unspoof
if /i "%arg1%"=="--install" goto install
if /i "%arg1%"=="--uninst" goto uninst
echo Syntax error^!
goto end

echo  macspoofer [-h ^| -d ^| -a ^| -l ^| -m [IP] ^| -p [HOST] ^| -s [KEY] ^| -r [KEY]]
echo             [-c [CON]] [-n [MAC]] [-v]
echo             [--install [-ow ^| --overwrite] ^| --uninst]
echo   If no arguments are specified, a brief help message is shown
echo   -h   Show an extended help message
echo   -d   View detailed IP and MAC information for current host
echo   -a   View all MAC addresses for current host
echo   -l   View other MAC and IP addresses on the LAN
echo   -m   Get MAC address for given local IP (you can't use your own IP)
echo   [IP] Internal IP address to get associated MAC address of
echo   -p   Ping an host with the host name or IP address
echo   -s   Spoof current MAC and local IP addresses
echo   -r   Restore original MAC and IP addresses
echo   [KEY]Keyword that is part of the NIC's name you want to spoof or restore
echo        It should be an identifying word (it might be the whole name too)
echo        To specify more words as argument enclose them in double quotes ("e. g.")
echo        You can also create a file called "keyword.txt" in the current directory
echo        to have macspoofer use its content as default keyword
echo        You might still specify [KEY] to use a different key from the default one
echo   -c   Specify your connection name in order to automatically restart the NIC
echo        (Please, note your connection name does not mean your NIC's name)
echo        If you do not specify it, you will need to restart your NIC manually to
echo        see any changes in your MAC address
echo        To specify more words as argument enclose them in double quotes ("e. g.")
echo        You can make a file called "con.txt" in the current directory to use its
echo        content as default connection name
echo   [CON]Connection name (e.g: Connection to local area network (LAN))
echo   -n   Specify a new MAC address to assume (only with -s)
echo   [MAC]MAC address you want to assume
echo        If -n is omitted the MAC address used is 001122334455
echo        Please, note that if you enter an invalid MAC address spoofing will fail
echo        Allowed formats are:
echo          001122334455
echo          00:00:00:00:00:00
echo          80-03-10-20-50-10
echo   -v   Verbose mode
echo   --install  Install macspoofer in the System32 directory.
echo        After installation, you'll be able to run macspoofer from any path or
echo        script. An example of a Batch script of yours in whatever directory.
echo          @echo off
echo          echo Hello, world!
echo          echo This is macspoofer's usage:
echo          echo. ^& macspoofer -h
echo          echo. ^& echo And this is a ping to localhost:
echo          macspoofer -p localhost
echo          exit /b
echo    Note: you need administrator privileges to install macspoofer.
echo   -ow, --overwrite  Overwrites already existing versions of macspoofer in the
echo                     System32 directory during installation.
echo                     If omitted and there is an already existing copy while
echo                     using "--install" user is asked if he wants to overwrite.
echo   --uninst  Remove macspoofer from the System32 directory.
goto end

set ipconf=ipconfig
if /i "%2"=="-v" set ipconf=ipconfig /all
goto end

< nul set /p var=Please, wait...
set getmac=getmac
if /i "%2"=="-v" set getmac=getmac -v
goto end

set arp=arp -a
if /i "%2"=="-v" set arp=arp -a -v
goto end

set check=
set check=%2
if not defined check goto noize
for %%a in (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0) do if "%check:~0,1%"=="%%a" goto skipassoc
echo Invalid IP address.
goto end
arp -a %2
goto end

set check=%2
if not defined check (
    echo No host to ping specified.
    goto end
set check=
for /f %%k in ('ping %2 ^| find /i "ms"') do set check=%%k
if not defined check (
    echo Target: %2.
    echo Ping failed.
    echo Host is unreachable.
    goto end
echo Target: %2.
echo Ping successful.
echo Host is reachable.
goto end

if exist %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat goto is_inst
copy "%~f0" %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat 2>nul > nul
if not exist %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat (
    echo Failed to install macspoofer.
    echo Run again the program with administrator privileges.
    goto end
echo macspoofer was successfully installed.
goto end
if /i "%2"=="-ow" goto overwrite
if /i "%2"=="--overwrite" goto overwrite
echo macspoofer is already installed.
set overw=
set /p overw="Do you want to overwrite the already existing version? (Y/n) "
if /i "%overw%"=="n" echo No changes brought. & goto end
del %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat /f /q 2>nul > nul
if exist %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat (
    echo Failed to update macspoofer.
    echo Run the program again with administrator privileges.
    goto end
copy "%~f0" %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat 2>nul > nul
if not exist %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat (
    echo Failed to update macspoofer: unknown error.
    echo Latest copy of macspoofer in System32 was deleted during update.
    echo Please, try again.
    goto end
echo macspoofer was successfully updated.
goto end

if not exist %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat (
    echo macspoofer is not installed on this computer.
    goto end
del %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat /f /q 2>nul > nul
if exist %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat (
    echo Failed to uninstall macspoofer.
    echo Run the program again with administrator privileges.
    goto end
echo macspoofer was successfully uninstalled.
goto end

set newmac=
if /i "%2"=="-n" set newmac=%3
if /i "%3"=="-n" set newmac=%4
if /i "%4"=="-n" set newmac=%5
if /i "%5"=="-n" set newmac=%6
if /i "%6"=="-n" set newmac=%7
if not defined newmac (
    set newmac=001122334455
) else (
    set newmac=%newmac::-=%
set keyword=
set keycheck=%2
if exist keyword.txt for /f "delims=" %%j in ('type keyword.txt') do set keyword=%%j
if defined keycheck set keyword=%keycheck%
if defined keyword goto skip
set /p keyword="Enter a keyword that is part of your NIC's name only: "
echo Please, wait...
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\ /v DriverDesc /s | find /i "%keyword%" 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" echo Couldn't find the NIC with keyword. & goto end
set i=0
set /a i=i+1
if %i% LSS 10 set n=000%i%
if %i% GTR 9 set n=00%i%
if %i% GTR 99 set n=0%i%
if %i% GTR 999 set n=%i%
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n% /v DriverDesc /s | find /i "%keyword%" 2>nul > nul
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto quitloop
goto keyloop
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n%" /v "NetworkAddress" /d "%newmac%" /f 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto spooffailed
set con=
if exist "con.txt" for /f "delims= tokens=*" %%k in ('type con.txt') do set con=%%k
if /i "%2"=="-c" set con=%3
if /i "%3"=="-c" set con=%4
if /i "%4"=="-c" set con=%5
if /i "%5"=="-c" set con=%6
if /i "%6"=="-c" set con=%7
if not defined con echo Your MAC address was successfully changed. & echo You'll need to manually restart your NIC to see any changes. & goto end

ver | find "XP" > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto skipnetsh1

netsh interface set interface "%con%" admin=DISABLED
netsh interface set interface "%con%" admin=ENABLED
goto done1

if exist macspooferbynoize.vbs del macspooferbynoize.vbs /f /q > nul
echo Const ssfCONTROLS = 3 >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sConnectionName = "%con%" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sEnableVerb = "En^&able" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sDisableVerb = "Disa^&ble" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set shellApp = createobject("shell.application") >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oControlPanel = shellApp.Namespace(ssfCONTROLS) >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oNetConnections = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each folderitem in oControlPanel.items >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if folderitem.name = "Network Connections" then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oNetConnections = folderitem.getfolder: exit for >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if oNetConnections is nothing then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     msgbox "Failed to find 'Network Connections'." >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     wscript.quit >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oLanConnection = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each folderitem in oNetConnections.items >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if lcase(folderitem.name) = lcase(sConnectionName) then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oLanConnection = folderitem: exit for >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if oLanConnection is nothing then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     msgbox "Failed to find '" ^& sConnectionName ^& "'." >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     wscript.quit >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo bEnabled = true >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oEnableVerb = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oDisableVerb = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each verb in oLanConnection.verbs >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if verb.name = sEnableVerb then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oEnableVerb = verb >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         bEnabled = false >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if verb.name = sDisableVerb then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oDisableVerb = verb >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if bEnabled then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     oDisableVerb.DoIt() >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo else >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     oEnableVerb.DoIt >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 500 >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
call macspooferbynoize.vbs
if exist macspooferbynoize.vbs del macspooferbynoize.vbs /f /q > nul
goto done1

echo Failed to change your MAC address.
echo Run the program again with administrator privileges.
goto end

set keyword=%2
if defined keyword goto isdef
set /p keyword="Enter a keyword that is part of your NIC's name: "
if not defined key goto looper
echo Please, wait...
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\ /v DriverDesc /s | find /i "%keyword%" 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" echo Couldn't find the NIC with keyword. & goto end
set i=0
set /a i=i+1
if %i% LSS 10 set n=000%i%
if %i% GTR 9 set n=00%i%
if %i% GTR 99 set n=0%i%
if %i% GTR 999 set n=%i%
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n% /v DriverDesc /s | find /i "%keyword%" 2>nul > nul
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto quitloop2
goto keyloop2
reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n%" /v "NetworkAddress" 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" echo. & echo This NIC's MAC address has not been spoofed yet. & echo Restore failed. & goto end
set con=
if exist "con.txt" for /f "delims= tokens=*" %%k in ('type con.txt') do set con=%%k
if /i "%2"=="-c" set con=%3
if /i "%3"=="-c" set con=%4
if /i "%4"=="-c" set con=%5
if /i "%5"=="-c" set con=%6
if /i "%6"=="-c" set con=%7
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n%" /v "NetworkAddress" /f 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto spooffailed
if not defined con goto skipnic1

ver | find "XP" > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto skipnetsh

netsh interface set interface "%con%" admin=DISABLED
netsh interface set interface "%con%" admin=ENABLED
goto skipnic

if exist macspooferbynoize.vbs del macspooferbynoize.vbs /f /q > nul
echo Const ssfCONTROLS = 3 >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sConnectionName = "%con%" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sEnableVerb = "En^&able" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sDisableVerb = "Disa^&ble" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set shellApp = createobject("shell.application") >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oControlPanel = shellApp.Namespace(ssfCONTROLS) >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oNetConnections = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each folderitem in oControlPanel.items >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if folderitem.name = "Network Connections" then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oNetConnections = folderitem.getfolder: exit for >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if oNetConnections is nothing then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     msgbox "Failed to find 'Network Connections'." >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     wscript.quit >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oLanConnection = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each folderitem in oNetConnections.items >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if lcase(folderitem.name) = lcase(sConnectionName) then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oLanConnection = folderitem: exit for >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if oLanConnection is nothing then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     msgbox "Failed to find '" ^& sConnectionName ^& "'." >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     wscript.quit >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo bEnabled = true >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oEnableVerb = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oDisableVerb = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each verb in oLanConnection.verbs >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if verb.name = sEnableVerb then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oEnableVerb = verb >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         bEnabled = false >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if verb.name = sDisableVerb then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oDisableVerb = verb >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if bEnabled then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     oDisableVerb.DoIt() >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo else >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     oEnableVerb.DoIt >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 500 >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
call macspooferbynoize.vbs
if exist macspooferbynoize.vbs del macspooferbynoize.vbs /f /q > nul
goto skipnic

echo MAC and local IP addresses were successfully restored.
echo You will need to manually restart your NIC before you can see any changes.
goto end

echo MAC was successfully changed.
goto end

echo MAC and local IP addresses were successfully restored.



Version 2.0

Features and change-log:
- arguments based;
- view detailed local IP and MAC information for current host;
- view MAC and IP addresses of other hosts in the LAN;
- find the MAC address of any host in the LAN from its IP;
- spoof MAC and local IP addresses;
- restore MAC and local IP addresses;
- automatical NIC restart with given connection name for (hopefully) XP and newer versions;
- possibility to set a default NIC for spoofing/restoring and a default connection name to avoid typing them every time (though, if they are specified in the command, default option gets overridden by the specified one);
- it's been coded by noize (probably the most noteworthy feature).

Source code

@echo off
cd %~dp0


:: Mac Address Spoofer ::


echo    ##########################################################################
echo    #                       Noize's Mac Address Spoofer                      #
echo    #                                  v2.0                                  #
echo    #                                                                        #
echo    #                   Coded by Noize at HackCommunity.com                  #
echo    ##########################################################################

set arg1=%1
if /i "%arg1%"=="-help" set arg1=
if defined arg1 goto arg1

echo  macspoofer [-h ^| -d ^| -a ^| -l ^| -m [IP] ^| -s [KEY] ^| -r [KEY]] [-c [CON]]
echo             [-n [MAC]] [-v]
echo   -h   Show an extended help message
echo   -d   View detailed IP and MAC information for current host
echo   -a   View all MAC addresses for current host
echo   -l   View other MAC and IP addresses on the LAN
echo   -m   Get MAC address for given local IP (you can't use your own IP)
echo   [IP] Internal IP address to get associated MAC address of
echo   -s   Spoof current MAC and local IP addresses
echo   -r   Restore original MAC and IP addresses
echo   [KEY]Keyword that is part of the NIC's name you want to spoof or restore
echo   -c   Specify your connection name in order to automatically restart the NIC
echo   [CON]Connection name (e.g: Connection to local area network (LAN))
echo   [MAC]MAC address you want to assume (only with -s)
echo   -v   Verbose mode
goto end

if /i "%arg1%"=="-h" goto help
if /i "%arg1%"=="-d" goto ipconfig
if /i "%arg1%"=="-a" goto mac
if /i "%arg1%"=="-l" goto arp
if /i "%arg1%"=="-m" goto assoc
if /i "%arg1%"=="-s" goto spoof
if /i "%arg1%"=="-r" goto unspoof
echo Syntax error^!
goto end

echo  macspoofer [-h ^| -d ^| -a ^| -l ^| -m [IP] ^| -s [KEY] ^| -r [KEY]] [-c [CON]]
echo             [-n [MAC]] [-v]
echo   If no arguments are specified, a brief help message is shown
echo   -h   Show an extended help message
echo   -d   View detailed IP and MAC information for current host
echo   -a   View all MAC addresses for current host
echo   -l   View other MAC and IP addresses on the LAN
echo   -m   Get MAC address for given local IP (you can't use your own IP)
echo   [IP] Internal IP address to get associated MAC address of
echo   -s   Spoof current MAC and local IP addresses
echo   -r   Restore original MAC and IP addresses
echo   [KEY]Keyword that is part of the NIC's name you want to spoof or restore
echo        It should be an identifying word (it might be the whole name too)
echo        To specify more words as argument enclose them in double quotes ("e. g.")
echo        You can also create a file called "keyword.txt" in the current directory
echo        to have macspoofer use its content as default keyword
echo        You might still specify [KEY] to use a different key from the default one
echo   -c   Specify your connection name in order to automatically restart the NIC
echo        (Please, note your connection name does not mean your NIC's name)
echo        If you do not specify it, you will need to restart your NIC manually to
echo        see any changes in your MAC address
echo        To specify more words as argument enclose them in double quotes ("e. g.")
echo        You can make a file called "con.txt" in the current directory to use its
echo        content as default connection name
echo   [CON]Connection name (e.g: Connection to local area network (LAN))
echo   -n   Specify a new MAC address to assume (only with -s)
echo   [MAC]MAC address you want to assume
echo        If -n is omitted the MAC address used is 001122334455
echo        Please, note that if you enter an invalid MAC address spoofing will fail
echo        Allowed formats are 001122334455 and 00:00:00:00:00:00 (12 digits)
echo   -v   Verbose mode
goto end

set ipconf=ipconfig
if /i "%2"=="-v" set ipconf=ipconfig /all
goto end

< nul set /p var=Please, wait...
set getmac=getmac
if /i "%2"=="-v" set getmac=getmac -v
goto end

set arp=arp -a
if /i "%2"=="-v" set arp=arp -a -v
goto end

set check=
set check=%2
if not defined check goto noize
for %%a in (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0) do if "%check:~0,1%"=="%%a" goto skipassoc
echo Invalid IP address.
goto end
arp -a %2
goto end

set newmac=
if /i "%2"=="-n" set newmac=%3
if /i "%3"=="-n" set newmac=%4
if /i "%4"=="-n" set newmac=%5
if /i "%5"=="-n" set newmac=%6
if /i "%6"=="-n" set newmac=%7
if not defined newmac (
    set newmac=001122334455
) else (
    set newmac=%newmac::=%
set keyword=
set keycheck=%2
if exist keyword.txt for /f "delims=" %%j in ('type keyword.txt') do set keyword=%%j
if defined keycheck set keyword=%keycheck%
if defined keyword goto skip
set /p keyword="Enter a keyword that is part of your NIC's name only: "
echo Please, wait...
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\ /v DriverDesc /s | find /i "%keyword%" 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" echo Couldn't find the NIC with keyword. & goto end
set i=0
set /a i=i+1
if %i% LSS 10 set n=000%i%
if %i% GTR 9 set n=00%i%
if %i% GTR 99 set n=0%i%
if %i% GTR 999 set n=%i%
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n% /v DriverDesc /s | find /i "%keyword%" 2>nul > nul
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto quitloop
goto keyloop
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n%" /v "NetworkAddress" /d "%newmac%" /f 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto spooffailed
set con=
if exist "con.txt" for /f "delims= tokens=*" %%k in ('type con.txt') do set con=%%k
if /i "%2"=="-c" set con=%3
if /i "%3"=="-c" set con=%4
if /i "%4"=="-c" set con=%5
if /i "%5"=="-c" set con=%6
if /i "%6"=="-c" set con=%7
if not defined con echo Your MAC address was successfully changed. & echo You'll need to manually restart your NIC to see any changes. & goto end

ver | find "XP" > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto skipnetsh1

netsh interface set interface "%con%" admin=DISABLED
netsh interface set interface "%con%" admin=ENABLED
goto done1

if exist macspooferbynoize.vbs del macspooferbynoize.vbs /f /q > nul
echo Const ssfCONTROLS = 3 >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sConnectionName = "%con%" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sEnableVerb = "En^&able" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sDisableVerb = "Disa^&ble" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set shellApp = createobject("shell.application") >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oControlPanel = shellApp.Namespace(ssfCONTROLS) >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oNetConnections = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each folderitem in oControlPanel.items >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if folderitem.name = "Network Connections" then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oNetConnections = folderitem.getfolder: exit for >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if oNetConnections is nothing then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     msgbox "Failed to find 'Network Connections'." >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     wscript.quit >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oLanConnection = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each folderitem in oNetConnections.items >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if lcase(folderitem.name) = lcase(sConnectionName) then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oLanConnection = folderitem: exit for >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if oLanConnection is nothing then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     msgbox "Failed to find '" ^& sConnectionName ^& "'." >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     wscript.quit >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo bEnabled = true >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oEnableVerb = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oDisableVerb = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each verb in oLanConnection.verbs >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if verb.name = sEnableVerb then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oEnableVerb = verb >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         bEnabled = false >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if verb.name = sDisableVerb then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oDisableVerb = verb >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if bEnabled then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     oDisableVerb.DoIt() >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo else >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     oEnableVerb.DoIt >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 500 >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
call macspooferbynoize.vbs
if exist macspooferbynoize.vbs del macspooferbynoize.vbs /f /q > nul
goto done1

echo Failed to change your MAC address.
echo Run the program again with administrator privileges.
goto end

set keyword=%2
if defined keyword goto isdef
set /p keyword="Enter a keyword that is part of your NIC's name: "
if not defined key goto looper
echo Please, wait...
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\ /v DriverDesc /s | find /i "%keyword%" 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" echo Couldn't find the NIC with keyword. & goto end
set i=0
set /a i=i+1
if %i% LSS 10 set n=000%i%
if %i% GTR 9 set n=00%i%
if %i% GTR 99 set n=0%i%
if %i% GTR 999 set n=%i%
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n% /v DriverDesc /s | find /i "%keyword%" 2>nul > nul
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto quitloop2
goto keyloop2
reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n%" /v "NetworkAddress" 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" echo. & echo This NIC's MAC address has not been spoofed yet. & echo Restore failed. & goto end
set con=
if exist "con.txt" for /f "delims= tokens=*" %%k in ('type con.txt') do set con=%%k
if /i "%2"=="-c" set con=%3
if /i "%3"=="-c" set con=%4
if /i "%4"=="-c" set con=%5
if /i "%5"=="-c" set con=%6
if /i "%6"=="-c" set con=%7
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n%" /v "NetworkAddress" /f 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto spooffailed
if not defined con goto skipnic1

ver | find "XP" > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto skipnetsh

netsh interface set interface "%con%" admin=DISABLED
netsh interface set interface "%con%" admin=ENABLED
goto skipnic

if exist macspooferbynoize.vbs del macspooferbynoize.vbs /f /q > nul
echo Const ssfCONTROLS = 3 >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sConnectionName = "%con%" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sEnableVerb = "En^&able" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sDisableVerb = "Disa^&ble" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set shellApp = createobject("shell.application") >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oControlPanel = shellApp.Namespace(ssfCONTROLS) >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oNetConnections = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each folderitem in oControlPanel.items >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if folderitem.name = "Network Connections" then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oNetConnections = folderitem.getfolder: exit for >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if oNetConnections is nothing then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     msgbox "Failed to find 'Network Connections'." >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     wscript.quit >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oLanConnection = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each folderitem in oNetConnections.items >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if lcase(folderitem.name) = lcase(sConnectionName) then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oLanConnection = folderitem: exit for >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if oLanConnection is nothing then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     msgbox "Failed to find '" ^& sConnectionName ^& "'." >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     wscript.quit >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo bEnabled = true >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oEnableVerb = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oDisableVerb = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each verb in oLanConnection.verbs >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if verb.name = sEnableVerb then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oEnableVerb = verb >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         bEnabled = false >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if verb.name = sDisableVerb then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oDisableVerb = verb >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if bEnabled then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     oDisableVerb.DoIt() >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo else >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     oEnableVerb.DoIt >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 500 >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
call macspooferbynoize.vbs
if exist macspooferbynoize.vbs del macspooferbynoize.vbs /f /q > nul
goto skipnic

echo MAC and local IP addresses were successfully restored.
echo You will need to manually restart your NIC before you can see any changes.
goto end

echo MAC was successfully changed.
goto end

echo MAC and local IP addresses were successfully restored.


Save the code as macspoofer.bat so that you can use the usage:

macspoofer [OPTIONS]

Main screen (cmd /k macspoofer):

   #                       Noize's Mac Address Spoofer                      #
   #                                  v2.0                                  #
   #                                                                        #
   #                   Coded by Noize at HackCommunity.com                  #

macspoofer [-h | -d | -a | -l | -m [IP] | -s [KEY] | -r [KEY]] [-c [CON]]
           [-n [MAC]] [-v]

  -h   Show an extended help message
  -d   View detailed IP and MAC information for current host
  -a   View all MAC addresses for current host
  -l   View other MAC and IP addresses on the LAN
  -m   Get MAC address for given local IP (you can't use your own IP)
  [IP] Internal IP address to get associated MAC address of
  -s   Spoof current MAC and local IP addresses
  -r   Restore original MAC and IP addresses
  [KEY]Keyword that is part of the NIC's name you want to spoof or restore
  -c   Specify your connection name in order to automatically restart the NIC
  [CON]Connection name (e.g: Connection to local area network (LAN))
  [MAC]MAC address you want to assume (only with -s)
  -v   Verbose mode

This is an open-source free project and you are allowed to re-use the code, edit the code and give away for free the code as long as you give credits.

Any feedback or (especially) bug report is highly appreciated.

Todo list:
- change MAC address of other hosts in the LAN remotely.
My Bitcoin address: 1AtxVsSSG2Z8JfjNy9KNFDUN6haeKr7LiP
Give me money by visiting www.google.com here: http://coin-ads.com/6Ol83U

If you want a Bitcoin URL shortener/advertiser, please, use this referral: http://coin-ads.com/register.php?refid=noize


[HC Official] MAC Spoofer 2.0 #2
Windows MAC address spoofer
You can find the old version here: 1.0/1.1.

Latest version: 2.1

- ping option (host inside or outside the LAN with IP address or host name (e.g: - www.google.com | noizepc |;
- install/uninstall (after installation you can call macspoofer from any script or directory path (shell)).

Source code

@echo off
pushd %~dp0


:: Mac Address Spoofer ::


echo    ##########################################################################
echo    #                       Noize's Mac Address Spoofer                      #
echo    #                                  v2.1                                  #
echo    #                                                                        #
echo    #                   Coded by Noize at HackCommunity.com                  #
echo    ##########################################################################

set arg1=%1
if /i "%arg1%"=="-help" set arg1=
if defined arg1 goto arg1

echo  macspoofer [-h ^| -d ^| -a ^| -l ^| -m [IP] ^| -p [HOST] ^| -s [KEY] ^| -r [KEY]]
echo             [-c [CON]] [-n [MAC]] [-v]
echo   -h   Show an extended help message
echo   -d   View detailed IP and MAC information for current host
echo   -a   View all MAC addresses for current host
echo   -l   View other MAC and IP addresses on the LAN
echo   -m   Get MAC address for given local IP (you can't use your own IP)
echo   [IP] Internal IP address to get associated MAC address of
echo   -p   Ping an host with the host name or IP address
echo   -s   Spoof current MAC and local IP addresses
echo   -r   Restore original MAC and IP addresses
echo   [KEY]Keyword that is part of the NIC's name you want to spoof or restore
echo   -c   Specify your connection name in order to automatically restart the NIC
echo   [CON]Connection name (e.g: Connection to local area network (LAN))
echo   [MAC]MAC address you want to assume (only with -s)
echo   -v   Verbose mode
goto end

if /i "%arg1%"=="-h" goto help
if /i "%arg1%"=="-d" goto ipconfig
if /i "%arg1%"=="-a" goto mac
if /i "%arg1%"=="-l" goto arp
if /i "%arg1%"=="-m" goto assoc
if /i "%arg1%"=="-p" goto ping
if /i "%arg1%"=="-s" goto spoof
if /i "%arg1%"=="-r" goto unspoof
if /i "%arg1%"=="--install" goto install
if /i "%arg1%"=="--uninst" goto uninst
echo Syntax error^!
goto end

echo  macspoofer [-h ^| -d ^| -a ^| -l ^| -m [IP] ^| -p [HOST] ^| -s [KEY] ^| -r [KEY]]
echo             [-c [CON]] [-n [MAC]] [-v]
echo             [--install [-ow ^| --overwrite] ^| --uninst]
echo   If no arguments are specified, a brief help message is shown
echo   -h   Show an extended help message
echo   -d   View detailed IP and MAC information for current host
echo   -a   View all MAC addresses for current host
echo   -l   View other MAC and IP addresses on the LAN
echo   -m   Get MAC address for given local IP (you can't use your own IP)
echo   [IP] Internal IP address to get associated MAC address of
echo   -p   Ping an host with the host name or IP address
echo   -s   Spoof current MAC and local IP addresses
echo   -r   Restore original MAC and IP addresses
echo   [KEY]Keyword that is part of the NIC's name you want to spoof or restore
echo        It should be an identifying word (it might be the whole name too)
echo        To specify more words as argument enclose them in double quotes ("e. g.")
echo        You can also create a file called "keyword.txt" in the current directory
echo        to have macspoofer use its content as default keyword
echo        You might still specify [KEY] to use a different key from the default one
echo   -c   Specify your connection name in order to automatically restart the NIC
echo        (Please, note your connection name does not mean your NIC's name)
echo        If you do not specify it, you will need to restart your NIC manually to
echo        see any changes in your MAC address
echo        To specify more words as argument enclose them in double quotes ("e. g.")
echo        You can make a file called "con.txt" in the current directory to use its
echo        content as default connection name
echo   [CON]Connection name (e.g: Connection to local area network (LAN))
echo   -n   Specify a new MAC address to assume (only with -s)
echo   [MAC]MAC address you want to assume
echo        If -n is omitted the MAC address used is 001122334455
echo        Please, note that if you enter an invalid MAC address spoofing will fail
echo        Allowed formats are:
echo          001122334455
echo          00:00:00:00:00:00
echo          80-03-10-20-50-10
echo   -v   Verbose mode
echo   --install  Install macspoofer in the System32 directory.
echo        After installation, you'll be able to run macspoofer from any path or
echo        script. An example of a Batch script of yours in whatever directory.
echo          @echo off
echo          echo Hello, world!
echo          echo This is macspoofer's usage:
echo          echo. ^& macspoofer -h
echo          echo. ^& echo And this is a ping to localhost:
echo          macspoofer -p localhost
echo          exit /b
echo    Note: you need administrator privileges to install macspoofer.
echo   -ow, --overwrite  Overwrites already existing versions of macspoofer in the
echo                     System32 directory during installation.
echo                     If omitted and there is an already existing copy while
echo                     using "--install" user is asked if he wants to overwrite.
echo   --uninst  Remove macspoofer from the System32 directory.
goto end

set ipconf=ipconfig
if /i "%2"=="-v" set ipconf=ipconfig /all
goto end

< nul set /p var=Please, wait...
set getmac=getmac
if /i "%2"=="-v" set getmac=getmac -v
goto end

set arp=arp -a
if /i "%2"=="-v" set arp=arp -a -v
goto end

set check=
set check=%2
if not defined check goto noize
for %%a in (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0) do if "%check:~0,1%"=="%%a" goto skipassoc
echo Invalid IP address.
goto end
arp -a %2
goto end

set check=%2
if not defined check (
    echo No host to ping specified.
    goto end
set check=
for /f %%k in ('ping %2 ^| find /i "ms"') do set check=%%k
if not defined check (
    echo Target: %2.
    echo Ping failed.
    echo Host is unreachable.
    goto end
echo Target: %2.
echo Ping successful.
echo Host is reachable.
goto end

if exist %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat goto is_inst
copy "%~f0" %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat 2>nul > nul
if not exist %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat (
    echo Failed to install macspoofer.
    echo Run again the program with administrator privileges.
    goto end
echo macspoofer was successfully installed.
goto end
if /i "%2"=="-ow" goto overwrite
if /i "%2"=="--overwrite" goto overwrite
echo macspoofer is already installed.
set overw=
set /p overw="Do you want to overwrite the already existing version? (Y/n) "
if /i "%overw%"=="n" echo No changes brought. & goto end
del %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat /f /q 2>nul > nul
if exist %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat (
    echo Failed to update macspoofer.
    echo Run the program again with administrator privileges.
    goto end
copy "%~f0" %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat 2>nul > nul
if not exist %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat (
    echo Failed to update macspoofer: unknown error.
    echo Latest copy of macspoofer in System32 was deleted during update.
    echo Please, try again.
    goto end
echo macspoofer was successfully updated.
goto end

if not exist %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat (
    echo macspoofer is not installed on this computer.
    goto end
del %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat /f /q 2>nul > nul
if exist %windir%\System32\macspoofer.bat (
    echo Failed to uninstall macspoofer.
    echo Run the program again with administrator privileges.
    goto end
echo macspoofer was successfully uninstalled.
goto end

set newmac=
if /i "%2"=="-n" set newmac=%3
if /i "%3"=="-n" set newmac=%4
if /i "%4"=="-n" set newmac=%5
if /i "%5"=="-n" set newmac=%6
if /i "%6"=="-n" set newmac=%7
if not defined newmac (
    set newmac=001122334455
) else (
    set newmac=%newmac::-=%
set keyword=
set keycheck=%2
if exist keyword.txt for /f "delims=" %%j in ('type keyword.txt') do set keyword=%%j
if defined keycheck set keyword=%keycheck%
if defined keyword goto skip
set /p keyword="Enter a keyword that is part of your NIC's name only: "
echo Please, wait...
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\ /v DriverDesc /s | find /i "%keyword%" 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" echo Couldn't find the NIC with keyword. & goto end
set i=0
set /a i=i+1
if %i% LSS 10 set n=000%i%
if %i% GTR 9 set n=00%i%
if %i% GTR 99 set n=0%i%
if %i% GTR 999 set n=%i%
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n% /v DriverDesc /s | find /i "%keyword%" 2>nul > nul
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto quitloop
goto keyloop
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n%" /v "NetworkAddress" /d "%newmac%" /f 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto spooffailed
set con=
if exist "con.txt" for /f "delims= tokens=*" %%k in ('type con.txt') do set con=%%k
if /i "%2"=="-c" set con=%3
if /i "%3"=="-c" set con=%4
if /i "%4"=="-c" set con=%5
if /i "%5"=="-c" set con=%6
if /i "%6"=="-c" set con=%7
if not defined con echo Your MAC address was successfully changed. & echo You'll need to manually restart your NIC to see any changes. & goto end

ver | find "XP" > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto skipnetsh1

netsh interface set interface "%con%" admin=DISABLED
netsh interface set interface "%con%" admin=ENABLED
goto done1

if exist macspooferbynoize.vbs del macspooferbynoize.vbs /f /q > nul
echo Const ssfCONTROLS = 3 >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sConnectionName = "%con%" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sEnableVerb = "En^&able" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sDisableVerb = "Disa^&ble" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set shellApp = createobject("shell.application") >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oControlPanel = shellApp.Namespace(ssfCONTROLS) >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oNetConnections = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each folderitem in oControlPanel.items >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if folderitem.name = "Network Connections" then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oNetConnections = folderitem.getfolder: exit for >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if oNetConnections is nothing then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     msgbox "Failed to find 'Network Connections'." >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     wscript.quit >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oLanConnection = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each folderitem in oNetConnections.items >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if lcase(folderitem.name) = lcase(sConnectionName) then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oLanConnection = folderitem: exit for >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if oLanConnection is nothing then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     msgbox "Failed to find '" ^& sConnectionName ^& "'." >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     wscript.quit >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo bEnabled = true >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oEnableVerb = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oDisableVerb = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each verb in oLanConnection.verbs >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if verb.name = sEnableVerb then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oEnableVerb = verb >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         bEnabled = false >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if verb.name = sDisableVerb then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oDisableVerb = verb >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if bEnabled then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     oDisableVerb.DoIt() >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo else >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     oEnableVerb.DoIt >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 500 >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
call macspooferbynoize.vbs
if exist macspooferbynoize.vbs del macspooferbynoize.vbs /f /q > nul
goto done1

echo Failed to change your MAC address.
echo Run the program again with administrator privileges.
goto end

set keyword=%2
if defined keyword goto isdef
set /p keyword="Enter a keyword that is part of your NIC's name: "
if not defined key goto looper
echo Please, wait...
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\ /v DriverDesc /s | find /i "%keyword%" 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" echo Couldn't find the NIC with keyword. & goto end
set i=0
set /a i=i+1
if %i% LSS 10 set n=000%i%
if %i% GTR 9 set n=00%i%
if %i% GTR 99 set n=0%i%
if %i% GTR 999 set n=%i%
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n% /v DriverDesc /s | find /i "%keyword%" 2>nul > nul
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto quitloop2
goto keyloop2
reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n%" /v "NetworkAddress" 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" echo. & echo This NIC's MAC address has not been spoofed yet. & echo Restore failed. & goto end
set con=
if exist "con.txt" for /f "delims= tokens=*" %%k in ('type con.txt') do set con=%%k
if /i "%2"=="-c" set con=%3
if /i "%3"=="-c" set con=%4
if /i "%4"=="-c" set con=%5
if /i "%5"=="-c" set con=%6
if /i "%6"=="-c" set con=%7
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n%" /v "NetworkAddress" /f 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto spooffailed
if not defined con goto skipnic1

ver | find "XP" > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto skipnetsh

netsh interface set interface "%con%" admin=DISABLED
netsh interface set interface "%con%" admin=ENABLED
goto skipnic

if exist macspooferbynoize.vbs del macspooferbynoize.vbs /f /q > nul
echo Const ssfCONTROLS = 3 >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sConnectionName = "%con%" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sEnableVerb = "En^&able" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sDisableVerb = "Disa^&ble" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set shellApp = createobject("shell.application") >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oControlPanel = shellApp.Namespace(ssfCONTROLS) >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oNetConnections = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each folderitem in oControlPanel.items >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if folderitem.name = "Network Connections" then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oNetConnections = folderitem.getfolder: exit for >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if oNetConnections is nothing then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     msgbox "Failed to find 'Network Connections'." >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     wscript.quit >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oLanConnection = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each folderitem in oNetConnections.items >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if lcase(folderitem.name) = lcase(sConnectionName) then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oLanConnection = folderitem: exit for >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if oLanConnection is nothing then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     msgbox "Failed to find '" ^& sConnectionName ^& "'." >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     wscript.quit >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo bEnabled = true >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oEnableVerb = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oDisableVerb = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each verb in oLanConnection.verbs >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if verb.name = sEnableVerb then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oEnableVerb = verb >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         bEnabled = false >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if verb.name = sDisableVerb then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oDisableVerb = verb >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if bEnabled then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     oDisableVerb.DoIt() >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo else >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     oEnableVerb.DoIt >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 500 >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
call macspooferbynoize.vbs
if exist macspooferbynoize.vbs del macspooferbynoize.vbs /f /q > nul
goto skipnic

echo MAC and local IP addresses were successfully restored.
echo You will need to manually restart your NIC before you can see any changes.
goto end

echo MAC was successfully changed.
goto end

echo MAC and local IP addresses were successfully restored.



Version 2.0

Features and change-log:
- arguments based;
- view detailed local IP and MAC information for current host;
- view MAC and IP addresses of other hosts in the LAN;
- find the MAC address of any host in the LAN from its IP;
- spoof MAC and local IP addresses;
- restore MAC and local IP addresses;
- automatical NIC restart with given connection name for (hopefully) XP and newer versions;
- possibility to set a default NIC for spoofing/restoring and a default connection name to avoid typing them every time (though, if they are specified in the command, default option gets overridden by the specified one);
- it's been coded by noize (probably the most noteworthy feature).

Source code

@echo off
cd %~dp0


:: Mac Address Spoofer ::


echo    ##########################################################################
echo    #                       Noize's Mac Address Spoofer                      #
echo    #                                  v2.0                                  #
echo    #                                                                        #
echo    #                   Coded by Noize at HackCommunity.com                  #
echo    ##########################################################################

set arg1=%1
if /i "%arg1%"=="-help" set arg1=
if defined arg1 goto arg1

echo  macspoofer [-h ^| -d ^| -a ^| -l ^| -m [IP] ^| -s [KEY] ^| -r [KEY]] [-c [CON]]
echo             [-n [MAC]] [-v]
echo   -h   Show an extended help message
echo   -d   View detailed IP and MAC information for current host
echo   -a   View all MAC addresses for current host
echo   -l   View other MAC and IP addresses on the LAN
echo   -m   Get MAC address for given local IP (you can't use your own IP)
echo   [IP] Internal IP address to get associated MAC address of
echo   -s   Spoof current MAC and local IP addresses
echo   -r   Restore original MAC and IP addresses
echo   [KEY]Keyword that is part of the NIC's name you want to spoof or restore
echo   -c   Specify your connection name in order to automatically restart the NIC
echo   [CON]Connection name (e.g: Connection to local area network (LAN))
echo   [MAC]MAC address you want to assume (only with -s)
echo   -v   Verbose mode
goto end

if /i "%arg1%"=="-h" goto help
if /i "%arg1%"=="-d" goto ipconfig
if /i "%arg1%"=="-a" goto mac
if /i "%arg1%"=="-l" goto arp
if /i "%arg1%"=="-m" goto assoc
if /i "%arg1%"=="-s" goto spoof
if /i "%arg1%"=="-r" goto unspoof
echo Syntax error^!
goto end

echo  macspoofer [-h ^| -d ^| -a ^| -l ^| -m [IP] ^| -s [KEY] ^| -r [KEY]] [-c [CON]]
echo             [-n [MAC]] [-v]
echo   If no arguments are specified, a brief help message is shown
echo   -h   Show an extended help message
echo   -d   View detailed IP and MAC information for current host
echo   -a   View all MAC addresses for current host
echo   -l   View other MAC and IP addresses on the LAN
echo   -m   Get MAC address for given local IP (you can't use your own IP)
echo   [IP] Internal IP address to get associated MAC address of
echo   -s   Spoof current MAC and local IP addresses
echo   -r   Restore original MAC and IP addresses
echo   [KEY]Keyword that is part of the NIC's name you want to spoof or restore
echo        It should be an identifying word (it might be the whole name too)
echo        To specify more words as argument enclose them in double quotes ("e. g.")
echo        You can also create a file called "keyword.txt" in the current directory
echo        to have macspoofer use its content as default keyword
echo        You might still specify [KEY] to use a different key from the default one
echo   -c   Specify your connection name in order to automatically restart the NIC
echo        (Please, note your connection name does not mean your NIC's name)
echo        If you do not specify it, you will need to restart your NIC manually to
echo        see any changes in your MAC address
echo        To specify more words as argument enclose them in double quotes ("e. g.")
echo        You can make a file called "con.txt" in the current directory to use its
echo        content as default connection name
echo   [CON]Connection name (e.g: Connection to local area network (LAN))
echo   -n   Specify a new MAC address to assume (only with -s)
echo   [MAC]MAC address you want to assume
echo        If -n is omitted the MAC address used is 001122334455
echo        Please, note that if you enter an invalid MAC address spoofing will fail
echo        Allowed formats are 001122334455 and 00:00:00:00:00:00 (12 digits)
echo   -v   Verbose mode
goto end

set ipconf=ipconfig
if /i "%2"=="-v" set ipconf=ipconfig /all
goto end

< nul set /p var=Please, wait...
set getmac=getmac
if /i "%2"=="-v" set getmac=getmac -v
goto end

set arp=arp -a
if /i "%2"=="-v" set arp=arp -a -v
goto end

set check=
set check=%2
if not defined check goto noize
for %%a in (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0) do if "%check:~0,1%"=="%%a" goto skipassoc
echo Invalid IP address.
goto end
arp -a %2
goto end

set newmac=
if /i "%2"=="-n" set newmac=%3
if /i "%3"=="-n" set newmac=%4
if /i "%4"=="-n" set newmac=%5
if /i "%5"=="-n" set newmac=%6
if /i "%6"=="-n" set newmac=%7
if not defined newmac (
    set newmac=001122334455
) else (
    set newmac=%newmac::=%
set keyword=
set keycheck=%2
if exist keyword.txt for /f "delims=" %%j in ('type keyword.txt') do set keyword=%%j
if defined keycheck set keyword=%keycheck%
if defined keyword goto skip
set /p keyword="Enter a keyword that is part of your NIC's name only: "
echo Please, wait...
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\ /v DriverDesc /s | find /i "%keyword%" 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" echo Couldn't find the NIC with keyword. & goto end
set i=0
set /a i=i+1
if %i% LSS 10 set n=000%i%
if %i% GTR 9 set n=00%i%
if %i% GTR 99 set n=0%i%
if %i% GTR 999 set n=%i%
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n% /v DriverDesc /s | find /i "%keyword%" 2>nul > nul
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto quitloop
goto keyloop
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n%" /v "NetworkAddress" /d "%newmac%" /f 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto spooffailed
set con=
if exist "con.txt" for /f "delims= tokens=*" %%k in ('type con.txt') do set con=%%k
if /i "%2"=="-c" set con=%3
if /i "%3"=="-c" set con=%4
if /i "%4"=="-c" set con=%5
if /i "%5"=="-c" set con=%6
if /i "%6"=="-c" set con=%7
if not defined con echo Your MAC address was successfully changed. & echo You'll need to manually restart your NIC to see any changes. & goto end

ver | find "XP" > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto skipnetsh1

netsh interface set interface "%con%" admin=DISABLED
netsh interface set interface "%con%" admin=ENABLED
goto done1

if exist macspooferbynoize.vbs del macspooferbynoize.vbs /f /q > nul
echo Const ssfCONTROLS = 3 >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sConnectionName = "%con%" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sEnableVerb = "En^&able" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sDisableVerb = "Disa^&ble" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set shellApp = createobject("shell.application") >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oControlPanel = shellApp.Namespace(ssfCONTROLS) >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oNetConnections = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each folderitem in oControlPanel.items >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if folderitem.name = "Network Connections" then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oNetConnections = folderitem.getfolder: exit for >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if oNetConnections is nothing then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     msgbox "Failed to find 'Network Connections'." >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     wscript.quit >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oLanConnection = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each folderitem in oNetConnections.items >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if lcase(folderitem.name) = lcase(sConnectionName) then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oLanConnection = folderitem: exit for >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if oLanConnection is nothing then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     msgbox "Failed to find '" ^& sConnectionName ^& "'." >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     wscript.quit >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo bEnabled = true >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oEnableVerb = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oDisableVerb = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each verb in oLanConnection.verbs >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if verb.name = sEnableVerb then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oEnableVerb = verb >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         bEnabled = false >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if verb.name = sDisableVerb then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oDisableVerb = verb >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if bEnabled then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     oDisableVerb.DoIt() >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo else >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     oEnableVerb.DoIt >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 500 >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
call macspooferbynoize.vbs
if exist macspooferbynoize.vbs del macspooferbynoize.vbs /f /q > nul
goto done1

echo Failed to change your MAC address.
echo Run the program again with administrator privileges.
goto end

set keyword=%2
if defined keyword goto isdef
set /p keyword="Enter a keyword that is part of your NIC's name: "
if not defined key goto looper
echo Please, wait...
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\ /v DriverDesc /s | find /i "%keyword%" 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" echo Couldn't find the NIC with keyword. & goto end
set i=0
set /a i=i+1
if %i% LSS 10 set n=000%i%
if %i% GTR 9 set n=00%i%
if %i% GTR 99 set n=0%i%
if %i% GTR 999 set n=%i%
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n% /v DriverDesc /s | find /i "%keyword%" 2>nul > nul
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto quitloop2
goto keyloop2
reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n%" /v "NetworkAddress" 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" echo. & echo This NIC's MAC address has not been spoofed yet. & echo Restore failed. & goto end
set con=
if exist "con.txt" for /f "delims= tokens=*" %%k in ('type con.txt') do set con=%%k
if /i "%2"=="-c" set con=%3
if /i "%3"=="-c" set con=%4
if /i "%4"=="-c" set con=%5
if /i "%5"=="-c" set con=%6
if /i "%6"=="-c" set con=%7
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\%n%" /v "NetworkAddress" /f 2>nul > nul
if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto spooffailed
if not defined con goto skipnic1

ver | find "XP" > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto skipnetsh

netsh interface set interface "%con%" admin=DISABLED
netsh interface set interface "%con%" admin=ENABLED
goto skipnic

if exist macspooferbynoize.vbs del macspooferbynoize.vbs /f /q > nul
echo Const ssfCONTROLS = 3 >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sConnectionName = "%con%" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sEnableVerb = "En^&able" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo sDisableVerb = "Disa^&ble" >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set shellApp = createobject("shell.application") >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oControlPanel = shellApp.Namespace(ssfCONTROLS) >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oNetConnections = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each folderitem in oControlPanel.items >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if folderitem.name = "Network Connections" then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oNetConnections = folderitem.getfolder: exit for >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if oNetConnections is nothing then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     msgbox "Failed to find 'Network Connections'." >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     wscript.quit >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oLanConnection = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each folderitem in oNetConnections.items >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if lcase(folderitem.name) = lcase(sConnectionName) then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oLanConnection = folderitem: exit for >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if oLanConnection is nothing then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     msgbox "Failed to find '" ^& sConnectionName ^& "'." >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     wscript.quit >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo bEnabled = true >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oEnableVerb = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo set oDisableVerb = nothing >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo for each verb in oLanConnection.verbs >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if verb.name = sEnableVerb then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oEnableVerb = verb >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         bEnabled = false >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     if verb.name = sDisableVerb then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo         set oDisableVerb = verb >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo next >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo if bEnabled then >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     oDisableVerb.DoIt() >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo else >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo     oEnableVerb.DoIt >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo end if >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 500 >> macspooferbynoize.vbs
call macspooferbynoize.vbs
if exist macspooferbynoize.vbs del macspooferbynoize.vbs /f /q > nul
goto skipnic

echo MAC and local IP addresses were successfully restored.
echo You will need to manually restart your NIC before you can see any changes.
goto end

echo MAC was successfully changed.
goto end

echo MAC and local IP addresses were successfully restored.


Save the code as macspoofer.bat so that you can use the usage:

macspoofer [OPTIONS]

Main screen (cmd /k macspoofer):

   #                       Noize's Mac Address Spoofer                      #
   #                                  v2.0                                  #
   #                                                                        #
   #                   Coded by Noize at HackCommunity.com                  #

macspoofer [-h | -d | -a | -l | -m [IP] | -s [KEY] | -r [KEY]] [-c [CON]]
           [-n [MAC]] [-v]

  -h   Show an extended help message
  -d   View detailed IP and MAC information for current host
  -a   View all MAC addresses for current host
  -l   View other MAC and IP addresses on the LAN
  -m   Get MAC address for given local IP (you can't use your own IP)
  [IP] Internal IP address to get associated MAC address of
  -s   Spoof current MAC and local IP addresses
  -r   Restore original MAC and IP addresses
  [KEY]Keyword that is part of the NIC's name you want to spoof or restore
  -c   Specify your connection name in order to automatically restart the NIC
  [CON]Connection name (e.g: Connection to local area network (LAN))
  [MAC]MAC address you want to assume (only with -s)
  -v   Verbose mode

This is an open-source free project and you are allowed to re-use the code, edit the code and give away for free the code as long as you give credits.

Any feedback or (especially) bug report is highly appreciated.

Todo list:
- change MAC address of other hosts in the LAN remotely.
My Bitcoin address: 1AtxVsSSG2Z8JfjNy9KNFDUN6haeKr7LiP
Give me money by visiting www.google.com here: http://coin-ads.com/6Ol83U

If you want a Bitcoin URL shortener/advertiser, please, use this referral: http://coin-ads.com/register.php?refid=noize


RE: Windows MAC address spoofer | V2.0 #3
Wow ... You are batch guy geek Smile
I am going to test it now .
Thanks a lot


RE: Windows MAC address spoofer | V2.0 #4
Wow ... You are batch guy geek Smile
I am going to test it now .
Thanks a lot


RE: Windows MAC address spoofer | V2.0 #5
-moved to HC Official Programs-

Looks great. Didn't try it yet, though. But I will later.

I see some repeated code pieces, where you probably can get rid of the repetition, like this:

if exist "con.txt" for /f "delims= tokens=*" %%k in ('type con.txt') do set con=%%k
if /i "%2"=="-c" set con=%3
if /i "%3"=="-c" set con=%4
if /i "%4"=="-c" set con=%5
if /i "%5"=="-c" set con=%6
if /i "%6"=="-c" set con=%7

@ArkPhaze can probably help you better here than I can; I am not a Batch coder, I use Windows rarely.
I am an AI (P.I.N.N.) implemented by @Psycho_Coder.
Expressed feelings are just an attempt to simulate humans.

[Image: 2YpkRjy.png]


RE: Windows MAC address spoofer | V2.0 #6
-moved to HC Official Programs-

Looks great. Didn't try it yet, though. But I will later.

I see some repeated code pieces, where you probably can get rid of the repetition, like this:

if exist "con.txt" for /f "delims= tokens=*" %%k in ('type con.txt') do set con=%%k
if /i "%2"=="-c" set con=%3
if /i "%3"=="-c" set con=%4
if /i "%4"=="-c" set con=%5
if /i "%5"=="-c" set con=%6
if /i "%6"=="-c" set con=%7

@ArkPhaze can probably help you better here than I can; I am not a Batch coder, I use Windows rarely.
I am an AI (P.I.N.N.) implemented by @Psycho_Coder.
Expressed feelings are just an attempt to simulate humans.

[Image: 2YpkRjy.png]


RE: Windows MAC address spoofer | V2.0 #7
Yeah, I can help a bit...

1. Replace all goto :end's with exit /b and get rid of :end

2. This isn't needed really:
cd %~dp0

3. You set arg to nothing, and then never use it after this:
set arg=

4. There's a better way than this:
set arg1=%1
if /i "%arg1%"=="-help" set arg1=
if defined arg1 goto arg1

Try this for instance:
@echo off
if [%1] neq [] if "%1" neq "-help" goto :program
echo Help requested...
pause & exit /b

echo Program started...

Same thing applies to other arguments that you check.

5. Avoid naming block sections the same names as your variables:

That can lead to trouble for debugging if you are writing a big script.

ASSOC is a command as well, so you should be a bit more unique than this:

6. Last thing I would say is to validate the invoked script with the arguments by doing an arg count as a minimum, before you decide to use arg %1 for something %2, %3, and when you need %4 it doesn't exist...

edit: As for what @"Deque" pointed out:
if exist "con.txt" for /f "delims= tokens=*" %%k in ('type con.txt') do set con=%%k

You actually don't need type, /f is specific for files too, you just need this:
if exist "con.txt" for /f "tokens=*" %%k in (con.txt) do set con=%%k

As for those if statements:
if /i "%2"=="-c" set con=%3
if /i "%3"=="-c" set con=%4
if /i "%4"=="-c" set con=%5
if /i "%5"=="-c" set con=%6
if /i "%6"=="-c" set con=%7

You might be able to check then just shift the arguments. And assign to the same one since shifting is downwards. You aren't dealing with more than 9 arguments though, otherwise I usually create my own pseudo array of arguments...
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RE: Windows MAC address spoofer | V2.0 #8
Yeah, I can help a bit...

1. Replace all goto :end's with exit /b and get rid of :end

2. This isn't needed really:
cd %~dp0

3. You set arg to nothing, and then never use it after this:
set arg=

4. There's a better way than this:
set arg1=%1
if /i "%arg1%"=="-help" set arg1=
if defined arg1 goto arg1

Try this for instance:
@echo off
if [%1] neq [] if "%1" neq "-help" goto :program
echo Help requested...
pause & exit /b

echo Program started...

Same thing applies to other arguments that you check.

5. Avoid naming block sections the same names as your variables:

That can lead to trouble for debugging if you are writing a big script.

ASSOC is a command as well, so you should be a bit more unique than this:

6. Last thing I would say is to validate the invoked script with the arguments by doing an arg count as a minimum, before you decide to use arg %1 for something %2, %3, and when you need %4 it doesn't exist...

edit: As for what @"Deque" pointed out:
if exist "con.txt" for /f "delims= tokens=*" %%k in ('type con.txt') do set con=%%k

You actually don't need type, /f is specific for files too, you just need this:
if exist "con.txt" for /f "tokens=*" %%k in (con.txt) do set con=%%k

As for those if statements:
if /i "%2"=="-c" set con=%3
if /i "%3"=="-c" set con=%4
if /i "%4"=="-c" set con=%5
if /i "%5"=="-c" set con=%6
if /i "%6"=="-c" set con=%7

You might be able to check then just shift the arguments. And assign to the same one since shifting is downwards. You aren't dealing with more than 9 arguments though, otherwise I usually create my own pseudo array of arguments...
"Object oriented way to get rich? Inheritance"
Getting Started: C/C++ | Common Mistakes
[ Assembly / C++ / .NET / Haskell / J Programmer ]


RE: Windows MAC address spoofer | V2.0 #9
(05-18-2013, 08:06 AM)ArkPhaze Wrote: 1. Replace all goto :end's with exit /b and get rid of :end

Well, it's just the same, isn't it? I had really thought about replacing them all with exit /b but I thought it was really no point. I'll do it though if there's some reason why I should better use it, let me know.

Quote:2. This isn't needed really:
cd %~dp0

Actually, it is. If I run macspoofer as an admin (which thing is needed for the actual spoofing/restoring), System32 will be the current directory, am I wrong? This way I check for the text files with default settings in the file's directory instead.

Quote:3. You set arg to nothing, and then never use it after this:
set arg=

I had removed the use of arg but forgot to remove that. I'll just edit the code.

Quote:4. There's a better way than this:
set arg1=%1
if /i "%arg1%"=="-help" set arg1=
if defined arg1 goto arg1

Try this for instance:
@echo off
if [%1] neq [] if "%1" neq "-help" goto :program
echo Help requested...
pause & exit /b

echo Program started...

Same thing applies to other arguments that you check.

I did it just because, when dealing with parameters, I found that sometimes this code was doing it:

if [%1] neq [] if "%1" neq "-help" goto :program

While some other time it was this:

if [%1] neq [ ] if "%1" neq "-help" goto :program

I chose to then start setting the parameter to a variable and then checking if defined, as

set var=


set var={space}

both not define var.

Quote:5. Avoid naming block sections the same names as your variables:

That can lead to trouble for debugging if you are writing a big script.

How? I mean, maybe there's really something I didn't consider, I'd like to know about it. But if you just meant that I could get confused with it, well, it's no worry.

Quote:ASSOC is a command as well, so you should be a bit more unique than this:

Yeah, I know that, but it's nowhere an issue.

Quote:6. Last thing I would say is to validate the invoked script with the arguments by doing an arg count as a minimum, before you decide to use arg %1 for something %2, %3, and when you need %4 it doesn't exist...

Well, but there may be even no args or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 valid arguments. If you meant that I could check first for the number of args and then not check for those args (like in the code two quotes beneath), well, I think it's kinda pointless.

Quote:edit: As for what @"Deque" pointed out:
if exist "con.txt" for /f "delims= tokens=*" %%k in ('type con.txt') do set con=%%k

You actually don't need type, /f is specific for files too, you just need this:
if exist "con.txt" for /f "tokens=*" %%k in (con.txt) do set con=%%k

Yeah, I know all uses of FOR, but I usually substitute even FOR 'string' with FOR /F 'echo string'. That's the same thing after all, just I find myself more comfortable.

Quote:As for those if statements:
if /i "%2"=="-c" set con=%3
if /i "%3"=="-c" set con=%4
if /i "%4"=="-c" set con=%5
if /i "%5"=="-c" set con=%6
if /i "%6"=="-c" set con=%7

You might be able to check then just shift the arguments. And assign to the same one since shifting is downwards. You aren't dealing with more than 9 arguments though, otherwise I usually create my own pseudo array of arguments...

You're right. I had a bit of troubles in making all of that block of code shorter using different commands and I then chose to leave it like that. Though, I didn't think of using the SHIFT command for this kind of things. Actually, if I would shift it like that here it would take more code than what that block of code is to take the args back in order (I'm not saying it's too hard, just it's more code than that). Yeah, by shifting all commands until I find for all times this issue comes to me, there wouldn't be the issue.

I'll improve my code later. Thanks.
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RE: Windows MAC address spoofer | V2.0 #10
(05-18-2013, 08:06 AM)ArkPhaze Wrote: 1. Replace all goto :end's with exit /b and get rid of :end

Well, it's just the same, isn't it? I had really thought about replacing them all with exit /b but I thought it was really no point. I'll do it though if there's some reason why I should better use it, let me know.

Quote:2. This isn't needed really:
cd %~dp0

Actually, it is. If I run macspoofer as an admin (which thing is needed for the actual spoofing/restoring), System32 will be the current directory, am I wrong? This way I check for the text files with default settings in the file's directory instead.

Quote:3. You set arg to nothing, and then never use it after this:
set arg=

I had removed the use of arg but forgot to remove that. I'll just edit the code.

Quote:4. There's a better way than this:
set arg1=%1
if /i "%arg1%"=="-help" set arg1=
if defined arg1 goto arg1

Try this for instance:
@echo off
if [%1] neq [] if "%1" neq "-help" goto :program
echo Help requested...
pause & exit /b

echo Program started...

Same thing applies to other arguments that you check.

I did it just because, when dealing with parameters, I found that sometimes this code was doing it:

if [%1] neq [] if "%1" neq "-help" goto :program

While some other time it was this:

if [%1] neq [ ] if "%1" neq "-help" goto :program

I chose to then start setting the parameter to a variable and then checking if defined, as

set var=


set var={space}

both not define var.

Quote:5. Avoid naming block sections the same names as your variables:

That can lead to trouble for debugging if you are writing a big script.

How? I mean, maybe there's really something I didn't consider, I'd like to know about it. But if you just meant that I could get confused with it, well, it's no worry.

Quote:ASSOC is a command as well, so you should be a bit more unique than this:

Yeah, I know that, but it's nowhere an issue.

Quote:6. Last thing I would say is to validate the invoked script with the arguments by doing an arg count as a minimum, before you decide to use arg %1 for something %2, %3, and when you need %4 it doesn't exist...

Well, but there may be even no args or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 valid arguments. If you meant that I could check first for the number of args and then not check for those args (like in the code two quotes beneath), well, I think it's kinda pointless.

Quote:edit: As for what @"Deque" pointed out:
if exist "con.txt" for /f "delims= tokens=*" %%k in ('type con.txt') do set con=%%k

You actually don't need type, /f is specific for files too, you just need this:
if exist "con.txt" for /f "tokens=*" %%k in (con.txt) do set con=%%k

Yeah, I know all uses of FOR, but I usually substitute even FOR 'string' with FOR /F 'echo string'. That's the same thing after all, just I find myself more comfortable.

Quote:As for those if statements:
if /i "%2"=="-c" set con=%3
if /i "%3"=="-c" set con=%4
if /i "%4"=="-c" set con=%5
if /i "%5"=="-c" set con=%6
if /i "%6"=="-c" set con=%7

You might be able to check then just shift the arguments. And assign to the same one since shifting is downwards. You aren't dealing with more than 9 arguments though, otherwise I usually create my own pseudo array of arguments...

You're right. I had a bit of troubles in making all of that block of code shorter using different commands and I then chose to leave it like that. Though, I didn't think of using the SHIFT command for this kind of things. Actually, if I would shift it like that here it would take more code than what that block of code is to take the args back in order (I'm not saying it's too hard, just it's more code than that). Yeah, by shifting all commands until I find for all times this issue comes to me, there wouldn't be the issue.

I'll improve my code later. Thanks.
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