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Bloody Attacks in London filter_list
Bloody Attacks in London #1
Today it appears to have been a barbaric knife attack in London, even one of the killers decided to come on camera and explain and justify his actions, as something that needed to be done for a higher purpose.

[Image: Lonely_Practice_by_DiamondRainDrop.jpg]


RE: Bloody Attacks in London #2
Wow. More and more attacks every day around the world. I don't like it one bit. :L
[Image: tenor.gif]

🍫  🍬 🎀


Re: Bloody Attacks in London #3
Seems like the world has a mental problem, rather than a gun problem now.
[Image: fSEZXPs.png]


RE: Bloody Attacks in London #4
I heard about this earlier, it's horrible that things like this continue to happen.


RE: Bloody Attacks in London #5
Am I the only one that was trying to figure out the black Muslim thing instead of worrying about the people? I mean, I have sympathy, but I have allegiance to no country, and obviously they think it was an attack against them.
And I would have thought that guy was from some African country or something by his voice.


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