[TUTORIAL] Java Drive
[TUTORIAL] Java Drive
The Java Drive By is basically a fake webclient that automatically installs your RAT server on the victims machine. its useful for when you have a paranoid slave that iwill not download anything or accept anything over MSN etc..
Step One
First you are going to need to download the Java Drive By Applet
I have provided a Link HERE
Credits for the applet:
84.6% php
15.4% The Messiah – Virtual Cheddar – Vitruvius (they were all me)
Step Two
You are going to want to sign up on FileAve
http://www.110mb.com (thanks to PerfectSyco for the find.)
or alternatively
So that you can upload the Java Drive By later.
Step Three
Once you have signed up on the website, you are going to want to Click the upload button, and upload each file seperately, Including your server for the RAT.
Step Four
Right, Now they are uploaded, your going to want to edit the Index2.html.txt from the webpage.
Now you going to want to search for “YOUR URL HERE†Without the Quotation Marks.
Your going to change that text to the URL of your server file. You are also going to want to remove the .txt at the end of Index and Index2
Step Five
Now your going to want to change the link of your Index2 file so go to:
Dot.tk and then change the link to something like MegaScape.tk or Claimscape.tk
So, Now our finished you just Send people the link and Well, you know the rest… Hopefully
When uploading to fileave, make your server file FUD and RENAME IT to something other than server.exe