Doxing | Basic Prevention 04-10-2014, 02:41 AM
The FBI uses several techniques to find malicious internet users. They go through a series of steps to breakdown exactly who somebody is thus leading to an arrest. Of course we aren't the FBI though and I'm sure none of us have that experience. I'm placing a list of sites that are beneficial to completing an internet manhunt, or 'DOX' as it's put. Since this is a security section you can use these sites I've listed to see if you're a vulnerable target to someone that does these kinds of hunts. Nonetheless, everyone is vulnerable. But it's good to be safe from the less experienced. If you find any traces of your personal information linking to you I suggest you make some changes and do your best to have them removed wherever they were found.
List of sites:
Example of what's inside a DOX:
Now I'm sure none of you would want that list to be full of your information spreading on sites with bad, bad people. Because a DOX can lead to crimes. Please check the sites I gave you and see if you can spot yourself.
Here are a few useful tips from me to you:
Privatize Facebook Further:
Let's talk about how you can add privacy to your Facebook. If you're a hacker for say and participate in a lot of online hacking forums I would always recommend that you keep those kinds of discussion off any social sites you are on. It would only raise suspicion and you never know who's watching.
1. Navigate to Privacy Settings --> Profile Information.
Starting at the top of that page select all the drop-downs to 'Friends Only'.
Also do the exact same for your contact information. Be sure not to accept anyone that looks suspicious or you wouldn't know that doesn't have ANY mutual friends.
I can say that this is a great rule to follow for the basics. Since this tutorial is for those new to Doxing strategies used I don't want to go much further into this tutorial. Later on I'll add another tutorial for advanced document finding and advanced anonymity. Please stay tuned for ParaZite is on a roll.
Thanks for reading you guys, very appreciated!
List of sites:
Example of what's inside a DOX:
Full Name:
IP address:
Home Address:
Phone Numbers:
Social Networks:
Now I'm sure none of you would want that list to be full of your information spreading on sites with bad, bad people. Because a DOX can lead to crimes. Please check the sites I gave you and see if you can spot yourself.
Here are a few useful tips from me to you:
- Connect on the web through TOR or VPN
- Change your primary email every once-in-a-while.
- Try not to use the same username on multiple sites
- Never give your real information to anyone!
Privatize Facebook Further:
Let's talk about how you can add privacy to your Facebook. If you're a hacker for say and participate in a lot of online hacking forums I would always recommend that you keep those kinds of discussion off any social sites you are on. It would only raise suspicion and you never know who's watching.
1. Navigate to Privacy Settings --> Profile Information.
Starting at the top of that page select all the drop-downs to 'Friends Only'.
Also do the exact same for your contact information. Be sure not to accept anyone that looks suspicious or you wouldn't know that doesn't have ANY mutual friends.
I can say that this is a great rule to follow for the basics. Since this tutorial is for those new to Doxing strategies used I don't want to go much further into this tutorial. Later on I'll add another tutorial for advanced document finding and advanced anonymity. Please stay tuned for ParaZite is on a roll.
Thanks for reading you guys, very appreciated!
Be yourself. Don't listen to people that judge you. Lead as an example. Treat all with equality.