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Sleep Programming language filter_list
RE: Sleep Programming language #21
(12-09-2012, 06:46 PM)Anon_Error Wrote: Ok. and if you want the scripting Environment, it's in a jar file that you run in command line. Available here http://sleep.dashnine.org/

Sleep looks something like what follows. This script is for Cortana which is a bot handler and script engine for Armitage but this isn't the only script, there are alot more available here

# This file is part of a stand-alone script environment that connects Cortana to
# Metasploit, Armitage, and a postgresql database. It's a little complicated and
# twisty turny in here. Here are the rough steps:
# 1. Connect to the database (&main)
# 2. setup the default reverse handler (&setupHandlers)
# 3. check for the collaboration server (&checkForCollaborationServer)
# 4. setup collaboration (&setup_collaboration)
# 5. call armitage.skip to push the event log pointer to the very end.
# 6. send a flag back to the Cortana load that we're ready ([$loader passObject: ...])
# If any of these steps fails, Cortana will exit with a hopefully helpful error
# message.

debug(7 | 34);

import msf.*;
import armitage.*;
import console.*;
import ssl.*;

# create an RPC client for talking to the deconfliction server.
sub c_client {
# run this thing in its own thread to avoid really stupid deadlock situations
$handle = [[new SecureSocket: $1, int($2), $null] client];
return wait(fork({
$client = newInstance(^RpcConnection, lambda({
writeObject($handle, @_);
[[$handle getOutputStream] flush];
return readObject($handle);
}, \$handle));
return [new RpcAsync: $client];
}, \$handle));

# this function sets up a default meterpreter reverse handler on a random port. Better tha
# requiring the user to connect a client to make this happen. This function also fires the
# loader ready function which tells the script loader that this script is done processing
# and this Cortana container may continue loading and executing other scripts.
sub setupHandlers {
find_job("Exploit: multi/handler", {
if ($1 == -1) {
# setup a handler for meterpreter
call($client, "core.setg", "LPORT", randomPort());
call($client, "module.execute", "exploit", "multi/handler", %(
PAYLOAD => "windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp",
LHOST => "",
ExitOnSession => "false"

sub main {
global('$client $mclient');
local('%r $exception');

setField(^msf.MeterpreterSession, DEFAULT_WAIT => 20000L);

try {
# connect our first thread...
$mclient = c_client($host, $port);

# connect our second thread with an empty nickname
$client = c_client($host, $port);
catch $exception {
println("Could not connect to $host $+ : $+ $port ( $+ $exception $+ )");
[System exit: 0];

# setup first thread...
%r = call($mclient, "armitage.validate", $user, $pass, $nick, "armitage", 120326);
if (%r["error"] eq "1") {
[System exit: 0];

# setup second thread.
        %r = call($client, "armitage.validate", $user, $pass, $null, "armitage", 120326);

# pass some objects back yo.
[$loader passObjects: $client, $mclient];

# don't make previous messages available...
call($mclient, "armitage.skip");

# do some other setup stuff...


Thanks, I'm going to check this out.


RE: Sleep Programming language #22
No problem, and that github is the source for Armitage and cortana.
Learning is the easy part. Putting it to use...now that's the hard part which still isnt very hard but is limited to your imagination.


RE: Sleep Programming language #23
(12-09-2012, 08:18 PM)Anon_Error Wrote: No problem, and that github is the source for Armitage and cortana.

Lol so have you made anything custom with it?
Wavy baby


RE: Sleep Programming language #24
not really...kinda trying to mess with cna scripts for armitage to make bots
Learning is the easy part. Putting it to use...now that's the hard part which still isnt very hard but is limited to your imagination.


RE: Sleep Programming language #25
I have never heard of it, I would be interested to hear more.


RE: Sleep Programming language #26
there are links in the post i think ^^
Learning is the easy part. Putting it to use...now that's the hard part which still isnt very hard but is limited to your imagination.


RE: Sleep Programming language #27
never heard of it, sounds kinda interesting


RE: Sleep Programming language #28
Woah, that actually looks pretty interesting. I might take a further look into it later.
[Image: fSEZXPs.png]


RE: Sleep Programming language #29
It's like having your own red team during a test...you can make bots to do different things...they have arp scanners, keyboard disablers, AV bypassing, bots to control attacks..the possibilities are quite large.
Learning is the easy part. Putting it to use...now that's the hard part which still isnt very hard but is limited to your imagination.


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