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Tutorial How to use PayPal filter_list
How to use PayPal #1
First off you will need a PayPal (PP), if you do not have one go here. Now then let's log in and go to our "My Account" screen:
[Image: MyAccount.png]

On this screen you can find an overview of your account. My account accepts payment in the form of USD and CAD. Therefore, I can see the amount of each form I have in my account. This is meaningless if we don't know how to send money. So let's click the "Send Money" tab in the green box.
[Image: SendMoney.png]

Now this should be self explanatory. You type in the PP email in the "To" box, and the amount in the "Amount" box. So now you know how to send to other PP accounts and what to tell them so they can pay you. Except what if they don't have a PP to send you funds with. Then we must set-up a donate button under the "Merchant Serveces" tab in the green box.
[Image: MerchantServices.png]

Now let's click the link in the green box again. I will document the steps of making the button in the pictures.
[Image: Donate1.png]

[Image: Donate2.png]

[Image: Donate3.png]

Now we will end on a Page with all our information for either emailing it or using it as a sig. Don't worry if you forget any of this as it is in your saved buttons. This kind of website code will not work on AF. You'll just have to post the email link and hope for the best. If you'd like to test out the donating feature go here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cm...NTPHVY9VCU

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.


RE: How to use PayPal #2
This is an excellent tutorial for those who are new to the marketplace. Well done!
[Image: CfxdM.png]


RE: How to use PayPal #3
Maybe add some details about chargebacks and how to avoid them. It's the most important thing on paypal.


RE: How to use PayPal #4
(01-05-2013, 01:06 AM)rattlesnaketm Wrote: Maybe add some details about chargebacks and how to avoid them. It's the most important thing on paypal.

Good suggestion, I'll add that soon.


RE: How to use PayPal #5
(12-16-2012, 11:21 PM)Xeronations Wrote: This is an excellent tutorial for those who are new to the marketplace. Well done!

I agree with Xeronations. This seems extremely relevant for this forum. Newer online marketers may appreciate this a lot! Thank's Kinanizer.


RE: How to use PayPal #6
Liberty Reserve is really the harder one to use. Not because it's got a cluttered interface or anything, but because they have insane security.
[Image: fSEZXPs.png]


RE: How to use PayPal #7
(01-14-2013, 12:07 PM)The Anarchist Wrote: Liberty Reserve is really the harder one to use. Not because it's got a cluttered interface or anything, but because they have insane security.

I'd rather have Liberty Reserve because of that then...


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