Simple minecraft poisoned plugin 07-07-2013, 06:04 AM
Quick Facts:
• Programming - 5 minutes.
• Noob Friendly thread - over an hour
Do you want to somehow get OP on your hated server? And you don't know how?
Social Engineering is the answer! Today, I will teach you how to make your own minecraft poisoned plugin with only one feature(/opme).
Let's start.
• Programming - 5 minutes.
• Noob Friendly thread - over an hour
Do you want to somehow get OP on your hated server? And you don't know how?
Social Engineering is the answer! Today, I will teach you how to make your own minecraft poisoned plugin with only one feature(/opme).
Let's start.
First Step
Go to and download Eclipse Standard 4.3(32 or 64 bit, it depends on your OS).
Second Step
Extract the downloaded ZIP anywhere and open up the extracted folder.
Third Step
Open eclipse.exe, and when it asks for workspace selection, just click OK
Fourth Step
Click File in the top left corner > New > Java Project
Fifth Step
Name your project as you desire to, then click Next. Select Libraries. Then Download the latest bukkit build and save it to your dekstop. Then go back to Eclipse click Add External JARs, select the crafbukkit file and click Open. Now - just simply click Finish
Sixth Step
Select your plugin, right click on it and click on Properties(located down below). Now select Javadoc Location, enter and click OK
Seventh Step
Click the small arrow facing right(near your plugin's name). Now right click src, then click New > Package. Enter your package name as:
me.YourName.pluginname - then click Finish
pluginname must be written in lowercase letters!
Eight Step
Now right click your package and click New > Class. Call your class Main or anything you desire. The class must start with a uppercase letter. Then - click Finish
Ninth Step
You should have code pretty similar to:
1. Click on the end of public and add a space and: final
2. Click on the end of your classname and add a space and: extends JavaPlugin
3. Hover on JavaPlugin and select Import 'JavaPlugin' (
Tenth Step
Let's make the actual command! Click above the last } which is located down below and add this code:
Edit opme with your desired executable command(don't add the slash, or the command will become //command).
After that, get back to the top of your plugin's code and these near our imports:
Eleventh Step
This is the most important step - creating the main config. If there won't be a config - the plugin wouldn't work!
1. Right click on your plugin, then click New > File and name your file as plugin.yml. Click Finish when you're done.
2. You should get the file to open itself, add these lines of text to it:
PluginName - name of your Java Project.
YourName - your name.
FullPackageName.MainClassName - full name of your package and your class(me.yourname.plugin.Pluginname).
Description - plugin description.
commandName - your main command name(case sensitive).
CommandDescription - description of your command
Twelfth Step
You're finally done! You just need to export your plugin.
1. Right click your plugin, then click Export. Select Java - Jar File, click Next.
2. Click the square next to your plugin name, then click on Browse.
3. Name your plugin as you desire to(without .jar) and click Save.
4. Click Finish.
5. You're done!
Just simply convince the owner to think that this is a anti-cheat plugin or something what could sound fancy.
Source Code:
Download The Plugin:
Go to and download Eclipse Standard 4.3(32 or 64 bit, it depends on your OS).
Second Step
Extract the downloaded ZIP anywhere and open up the extracted folder.
Third Step
Open eclipse.exe, and when it asks for workspace selection, just click OK
Fourth Step
Click File in the top left corner > New > Java Project
Fifth Step
Name your project as you desire to, then click Next. Select Libraries. Then Download the latest bukkit build and save it to your dekstop. Then go back to Eclipse click Add External JARs, select the crafbukkit file and click Open. Now - just simply click Finish
Sixth Step
Select your plugin, right click on it and click on Properties(located down below). Now select Javadoc Location, enter and click OK
Seventh Step
Click the small arrow facing right(near your plugin's name). Now right click src, then click New > Package. Enter your package name as:
me.YourName.pluginname - then click Finish
pluginname must be written in lowercase letters!
Eight Step
Now right click your package and click New > Class. Call your class Main or anything you desire. The class must start with a uppercase letter. Then - click Finish
Ninth Step
You should have code pretty similar to:
package me.wolfram.testplugin;
public class Main {
2. Click on the end of your classname and add a space and: extends JavaPlugin
3. Hover on JavaPlugin and select Import 'JavaPlugin' (
Tenth Step
Let's make the actual command! Click above the last } which is located down below and add this code:
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args){
Player p = (Player)sender;
return true;
return false;
After that, get back to the top of your plugin's code and these near our imports:
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
Eleventh Step
This is the most important step - creating the main config. If there won't be a config - the plugin wouldn't work!
1. Right click on your plugin, then click New > File and name your file as plugin.yml. Click Finish when you're done.
2. You should get the file to open itself, add these lines of text to it:
name: PluginName
author: YourName
main: FullPackageName.MainClassName
description: Description
version: 1.0
description: CommandDescription
usage: /<command>
PluginName - name of your Java Project.
YourName - your name.
FullPackageName.MainClassName - full name of your package and your class(me.yourname.plugin.Pluginname).
Description - plugin description.
commandName - your main command name(case sensitive).
CommandDescription - description of your command
Twelfth Step
You're finally done! You just need to export your plugin.
1. Right click your plugin, then click Export. Select Java - Jar File, click Next.
2. Click the square next to your plugin name, then click on Browse.
3. Name your plugin as you desire to(without .jar) and click Save.
4. Click Finish.
5. You're done!
Just simply convince the owner to think that this is a anti-cheat plugin or something what could sound fancy.
Source Code:
Download The Plugin:
TIP: Click my signature