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Tutorial SQL Injection Dorker & Checker | Scrapes vuln websites and checks them. filter_list
SQL Injection Dorker & Checker | Scrapes vuln websites and checks them. #1

- uses multiple search engines ( google , bing etc )

- proxy support ( can work without proxies as well )

- automatic checker to check if the links are sql injectable


1. Python 3 installed on your system.
2. The `requirements.txt` file in the same directory as your script.

1. Open a terminal or command prompt.
2. Navigate to the directory containing your script and the `requirements.txt` file.
3. Run the following command to install the required dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the script using the following command:
python sql.py

The script will prompt you with the following options:
Choose an option:
(1) Only search for the selected search engine using dorks
(2) Search the selected search engine for dorks and check which link is SQL injectable
Your choice (1 or 2):

Enter 1 to only search for the selected search engine using dorks, or 2 to search and check for SQL injection vulnerabilities.
If you choose option 1, the script will ask you:
Do you want to use proxies? (yes/no):

Enter yes if you want to use proxies, or no if you don't.
If you choose to use proxies, provide the following information:
Enter the path to the proxy file (formatted as url:username:password):
Enter the type of proxies (http, https, socks5, etc.):

Enter the path to the proxy file (formatted as url:username:password) and the type of proxies you are using (e.g., http, https, socks5).
The script will then prompt you to choose the search engine:
Which search engine do you want to scrape? (google/bing/duckduckgo):

Enter the name of the search engine you want to use (google, bing, or duckduckgo).

Next, enter your dork query or choose from the example dorks provided:

Enter your dork query (e.g., inurl:"product.php?pid=") or choose from these dorks: inurl:"index.php?id=", inurl:"trainers.php?id=", ...

Finally, enter the number of pages you want to scrape:

Enter the number of pages to scrape:

The script will start searching the selected search engine using the provided dork query and save the found links to the found_links.txt file.
If you chose option 2, the script will also check the found links for SQL injection vulnerabilities and save the results to the vulnerable_links.txt file.

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