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Valorant or CSGO ? filter_list
Valorant or CSGO ? #1
I think many players have switched to valorant

which do you prefer more


RE: Valorant or CSGO ? #2
CS Go get's so competitive. I tried doing it but imagine being a beginner and even considering playing it. It's no fun at all. Valorant actually has lots of newbies so it's much easier to get in to.


RE: Valorant or CSGO ? #3
Valorant is much more fun and CS Go is so fking toxic


RE: Valorant or CSGO ? #4
I have put a plethora of hours into both games and honestly, my biggest gripe with Valorant is that I just do not love any of the maps. I have an immense amount of fun on most of the maps in Counter-Strike, whereas in Valorant I find the maps really uninteresting. I perpetuate playing the game because I think the agents elevate the importance of coordination, which can be a lot of fun with the right people.


RE: Valorant or CSGO ? #5
Valorant for sure I played both and Valo is better


RE: Valorant or CSGO ? #6
CSGO is more competitive while Valorant is more fun


RE: Valorant or CSGO ? #7
Yes, many players have switched to valorant. So worry


RE: Valorant or CSGO ? #8
I much prefer CSGO. Valorant is cool and all, but it never clicked with me.


RE: Valorant or CSGO ? #9
Cs because i prefer more realistic games


RE: Valorant or CSGO ? #10
CS Go get's so competitive. I think


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