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CoD - How To Mod a Clantag filter_list
CoD - How To Mod a Clantag #1
Text Tutorial

STEP 1: Make your clantag 4 charters long and easy to remember.

Put your gamer account on a USB flashdrive and plug it into the computer.

STEP 3: Download the modding tool Horizon found here: XboxMB.com

STEP 4: Download HxD editor found here: mediafire.com/?144hrr2b26zaihk

STEP 5: Run Horizon & HxD.

STEP 6: Open your account on horizon and drag it to your desktop or into HxD.

STEP 7: Search your clantag (in the search bar type your clantag)

STEP 8: Change it to whatever you want (e.g. [@Kev])

Save it and drag the new one over your old one.

STEP 10: Take out the USB and put it in your xbox and there you go!

Video Tutorial
Help me out by clicking these links, thanks!
Link1 | Link2 | Link3 | Link4


RE: CoD - How To Mod a Clantag #2
Thanks i've bin trying to learn how to do it lol.


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