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Why the "Xbox One" has already failed. filter_list
Why the "Xbox One" has already failed. #1
Microsoft has made MANY bad decisions when it comes to the Xbox One and I would like to state a few of them for you so that you may be a bit more informed.

- No backwards compatibility.
You won't be able to play all those xbox 360 games you played over the years on your new system.
Note - PS4 doesn't support backwards compatibility either but we're discussing Microsoft here.

- Horrible reception at the reveal. Why you ask?
1. Microsoft's over-hyped, constantly advertised reveal was a short, tepid display of marketing which left a lot of people saying .. "Is that all you got?"

2. Sony's stock actually JUMPED 9% after One was revealed while Microsoft's stock dropped .66% (Neither good nor bad...Which is bad because they just revealed a new console which should phase the stock more than -.66%.)

3. COD, SPORTS, TV were the the main buzz words used during the reveal. We've had all of these three things for YEARS now ... how dull. They made it clear they had absolutely nothing new to bring to the table and they are solely relying on hype to sell this generation's Xbox.

4. We were told that we were going to have 15 new exclusives and yet they only premiered 2 games which were Quantum Break and Forza 5.

- A regular internet connection is required to even play single player games on your Xbox One.
Yes you heard right. Microsoft will require to check into your internet at least once a day. So if your internet were to go out for a week, you would not be able to play your Xbox One for that week. Have fun!

- Your new Xbox One will ALWAYS WATCH YOU (Via Kinect).
Your Xbox One will always have to be connected to its partner in crime; The Kinect, and they can watch you legally 24/7. It's like paying to be ratted!
Here's something else for you to think about too. "Microsoft has filed a patent last year on a method of using Kinect to monitor an entire room to confirm that everyone watching a movie or other content has purchased an individual license for watching that content." Imagine having to kick your friend out because he hasn't bought the license to watch the movie. Yeah. Something like that.

You will have to install every single game you purchase.
That's right. Every game you get for your Xbox One, will have to be installed before you can play it. This will test your patience when installing the game, and your HDD's memory.

Paying EXTRA to play used games.
You will have to pay an extra fee to install a used game to your Xbox One. Might as well buy the game new, right?

That's all I really have right now. I'm sure I've missed some key points here but I'll add them later.
Overall Microsoft have displayed some smart, yet blunderous marketing decisions over the past few months that has definitely hurt them.


RE: Why the "Xbox One" has already failed. #2
I agree, I was always a console gamer, now I'm just going on PC


RE: Why the "Xbox One" has already failed. #3
You provide a lot of solid points, and I agree with most of them.
I'm not getting an Xbox One.
[Image: U2JKI5T.png]


RE: Why the "Xbox One" has already failed. #4
I definetly won't be getting this, Xbox360 for the win.
Help me out by clicking these links, thanks!
Link1 | Link2 | Link3 | Link4


RE: Why the "Xbox One" has already failed. #5
I most likely won't be getting this.

PS4 is looking pretty good.
[Image: Vm3TtLV.png]


RE: Why the "Xbox One" has already failed. #6
You do have nice points and as I am very upset that it will not allow previous Xbox Gen. Games.
But It does look very easy to use, and good comfort.

Blue ray also is coming to.


RE: Why the "Xbox One" has already failed. #7
I think you have covered everything. I don't like the fact that you can't play 360 games on the Xbox One. It is a dumb decision by Xbox and I don't think a lot of people will be too happy about that.
[Image: Z3Mo9EF.gif]


RE: Why the "Xbox One" has already failed. #8
Very valid points and they are concerns of mine as well. I am already dead set on NOT getting this. I didn't know about the internet connection required thing and that seals the deal for me. That's just bogus.
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RE: Why the "Xbox One" has already failed. #9
As much as I don't think the Xbox One will be a good as success as the 360, please make sure that when you post something like this don't use rumors. Major Nelson has stated that you will not have to pay extra to play used games, and that they haven't finished their used games' policy.
How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick;
Till rising and gliding out, I wander’d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.


RE: Why the "Xbox One" has already failed. #10
(05-25-2013, 08:17 AM)Creator Wrote: I think you have covered everything. I don't like the fact that you can't play 360 games on the Xbox One. It is a dumb decision by Xbox and I don't think a lot of people will be too happy about that.

I'm pretty sure PS4 can't play PS3 games either.
[Image: O6fH2LQ.png]


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