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Tutorial [HQ] Waifu's Ultimate Anti-Dox Handbook filter_list
[HQ] Waifu's Ultimate Anti-Dox Handbook #1
[Image: Kr3nA22.png]

Welcome to the best Anti-Dox Handbook Ever!

Please grab a coke and some popcorn because this is going to be a long thread. I am here to share you some things that must be done in order to keep yourself safe online. We are going to discuss how to not get doxxed as well as the do's and don'ts for your everyday online activity.

Without further ado, let's get right into the guide.

Chapter 0x01- Data Gathering
0x01.1 - Using Search Engines

The first thing that you should always do is look yourself up. That can be using google, bing, duckduckgo, etc. Use every link possible in order to find information about yourself. I would recommend you start by typing your emails in the google search bar and see what comes up. If you spot your account linked with a service you forgot about, please go ahead login and delete your account - more importantly change the name on the site, then delete.

Here is an example: Click me!

There is a powerful tool called dorking. Dorking (also know as google hacking) is a the practice of using search operators to find information that is not usually indexed by google. Google dorking can help return information that is difficult to find through simple searches. It simply limits down your searches to expect your NEEDS.

What can google dorking return you may ask? Well this can be a lot of things! It can return things such as usernames, passwords, databases, vulnerable websites, and many more. Like I stated, we use google operators in order to do get our expected output.

What are some Google Operators I can use?

To name a few, but not limited to:
  • OR - Search for X or Y.
    Ex: Anime OR Manga
  • AND - Search for X and Y.
    Ex: Anime AND Manga
  • site: - Limit results to those from a specific website.
    Ex: site:sinister.ly
  • intext: Find pages containing a certain word somewhere within the HTML contents. For example, any results containing "sinister.ly" in the page will be returned.
    Ex: intext:sinsiter.ly
  • "(text here)" - Limits down your search to the exact match.
    Ex: "Kevin Mitnick"
For further reading about dorks go here:
Google Advanced Operators

Now, how do we use dorks to find information for ourselves?

Simple! - Follow my screenshots:
  1. Example #1
  2. Example #2
  3. Example #3
  4. Example #4
  5. Example #5
As you have seen in the examples, google shows us the expected output as well as the expected results. What you can do now is go to the sites that contain your information and opt-out. Look up the site and type in "opt-out". Ex: whitepages opt-out.

List of websites doxers use find information about you (opt-out): Important note: These links can be changed overtime, so if you can't find the opt-out page, simply search on google for ex: beenverified opt-out.

Here is an advanced file that I have in which helps gather your digital fingerprint:

Hopefully you have a better understanding of what dorking is and how it is effective when collecting information about yourself. Not only can you use it with names, but you can use it with phone numbers, emails, and many other things. There are many other search operators then the ones I mentioned. So don't hesitate to look some of them up!

0x01.2 - Using Public Databases
What are databases you may ask?

Well, to put it simply, databases are files that are stored in servers. These files can store and contain passwords, emails, phone numbers, date of birth, and full name.

Why should I be worried?

You should be extremely worried! This is because if you constantly surf the web, there is a likely chance of your information being breached. Many hackers gain unauthorized access to websites and hack into their servers - leaking the websites database to the public making you one of the potential targets.

What are the consequences?

As stated per above, the consequences can be that if your data has be leaked, you may be using the same passwords for all other sites. This can make you a potential target as there is a possibility of your password being reusable on other sites.

How can I check if my email has been breached or not?

There are many sites that you can check if your email has been breached or not.
Here are some sites that can help guide you (Click Here for Example Screenshot):
If your email does contain any breaches, please ensure to take immediate actions and change your password! Your password must contain some types of ascii character strings to de-identify them from common passwords. Ex: S1n1st3!y@# (yes it says sinisterly lol). 

While you are at it, make sure to use a privacy-focused password manager such as KeePassXC and BitWarden to save your passwords in. Never invest in a password manager that stores your passwords in a cloud - as they can get breached into.

Note: You can also pursue other public lookup services. Such things can be phone number, and license plate lookups! Just simply go on google and search "phone number lookup", "reverse phone number lookup", etc.

Chapter 0x02- Social Medias
Social media is an ongoing trend for the longest time now. People can interact, text, and video call you using them. They are often perceived as unharmful and useful - though this is not the case. Individuals who hack for bad can easily use services like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to gather information on you. Simply put, social media is a play garden for those who hack for their own good. They can easily harvest and collect information about you that you have never even thought of yourself.

0x02.1 - Social Media & Usernames
What am I talking about you might ask?

Using social media is fun and all but can be equivocally scary at the same time. What I mean by social medias is the type of usernames that you operate. Why? because having usernames such as "BigDonkeyLover69" can only be uniquely identifiable by you - none would have thought of it. This can make the process of tracking you extremely easy to collect. One can simply use google dorking to limit down your results to their exact searches as mentioned in Chapter 0x01.

What can I do then?

What you can do is be very wise with your usernames. Use common usernames that cannot be traceable back to you. Do NOT repeat usernames whatsoever. This makes it especially hard for doxers to gather information about you - rather making them use numerous tools to track or find you.

Examples of common usernames: Martin, King, lovable, chips, ring, stalin, hitler, butterfly - you get the idea.

Note: Try to stay away from putting numbers within your name as it can uniquely identify you. Alternatively, avoid using similar names with your usernames, such things can be an address or birth dates.

Here are some services I use to generate my usernames: Orrrrrrr, you can hand make them or think of some.

Another important note to include is to NEVER and I repeat NEVER connect your usernames to gamertags. An example of this can be someone getting caught because the authority has concluded that her/his gamertag is connected to them. Some of these services include Discord, Facebook, and PayPal.

Examples of Discord's Gamertag System:
0x02.2 - Account Maintenance & Talking to Strangers
Here I am going to keep it simple and straight-forward. So let's get right ahead.

Here are things to do when creating an account (maintenance):
  • Never ever use your real name (unless  its banking or something personal)
  • Don't mention your religion.
  • Don't mention and/or discuss your time zone.
  • Don't mention race or ethnicity (especially skin color).
  • Don't mention your daily activities.
  • Don't mention your hobbies and things you like to do.
  • Don't speak about your fetishes.
  • Your accounts should not be cross-linked across other sites.
  • Make sure you use common usernames.
  • Use a different email address for each account. Preferably use a disposable email address when registering to sketchy websites.
  • Hunt down and take down as much info about you as possible.
  • Don't mention how many brothers, pets, or friends you have.
  • Don't keep an account longer than a year. If it gets inactive, delete it immediately.
  • Don't use other languages, only use English.
  • Keep things as minimal as possible.

Here are things to do when talking to strangers:
  • Don't use your actual location.
  • Don't save your logs.
  • Only share info about yourself to people who you TRULY trust.
  • Make sure if necessary that all account setting is set to private.
  • Never place your full name on your account.
  • Always refer to your country/city as towns or places.
  • Don't post selfies about yourself to a large server - only to those you trust.

Chapter 0x03 - Operational Privacy
If you truly care about your privacy and security you must check the operational security category. What we are going to be focusing on here is hiding our IP address using a trusted VPN service.

0x03.1 - Hiding yourself from your ISP and the internet
Do not get caught! Your safety is always has priority. When you create an account on a website, please ensure to always use fake information and a VPN - with killswitch if possible.

Make sure when choosing a VPN service that it is not WITHIN the 14 eye jurisdiction. What does this mean? Well, there is an agreement between 14 countries in which states that if an authority or law asks for logs for further inspection, the VPN service has to oblige otherwise consequences will occur such as going to court and/or for the project to be shutdown.

What are the 14 countries that share information amongst each other you ask?

Here is the list of the countries that must be avoided when purchasing a VPN:
  1. US
  2. UK
  3. Canada
  4. Australia
  5. New Zealand
  6. Denmark
  7. France
  8. Netherlands
  9. Norway
  10. Belgium
  11. Germany
  12. Italy
  13. Spain
  14. Sweden

Click me for further read

Make sure when purchasing a VPN to read its privacy policy as well as look up if they had any court cases and/or situations where they were seized. This can give you an idea if a VPN is trustworthy with your information or not. More importantly, you must check if the VPN accepts crypto currency or cash! If a VPN does not offer cryptocurrency it is a good sign that they do not respect users privacy.

Alternatively, when purchasing a VPN make sure that they do not keep logs. Moreover, if your VPN provider offers custom registration such as account generation - it is a good sign that they respect users privacy. Just note not all VPNS have this, but this is extremely important when it comes to your privacy. Only some VPNs offer account generation like mullvad where it gives you a code that is unique to you - without having you to register with an email.

But Waifu, what are the best VPNs suited for Privacy?

Here is my top 5 VPNs that are 100% trusted:
  1. IVPN
  2. Mullvad
  3. ProtonVPN
  4. Perfect Privacy
  5. SurfShark

0x03.2 - DNS Leak

A DNS Leak is something to be very wary of. When connecting to a VPN, all of your online traffic is supposed to be routed through an encrypted tunneling protocol on a VPN network. This includes DNS queries such as websites. Some VPNs have a security flaw that allows your traffic or queries to be routed through the default ISP DNS servers.

Why is this important?
This is important because all of your DNS traffic that your requesting is not encrypted. This can make it easily accessible for third parties to intercept it. Such parties includes your ISP or your DNS provider, who would be able to see what websites you visit - as well as the services you use  and many more. This all can be unknown to you unless you take a DNS leak test online from a simple google search.

What can you take away from this?

What you can take away is to choose a VPN that has a strong DNS leak protection. Otherwise, there will be no point of getting one. The VPNs I mentioned above are very well suited for these types of situations as they provide strong DNS leak protection.

Chapter 0x04 - Browsers & Extensions
Believe it or not, but your browsers are spying on you one way or another. Browsers can stores cookies from the websites you visit. Cookies can include private information such as your passwords, usernames, full name, and emails. Not only that, but cookies are not the only way that browsers track your fingerprint. HTML5 has an element called canvas in which uses Javascript to draw a graphic behind the background the website you visit. This then can be used to uniquely identify your device.

Therefore, the choice of your browser is extremely important and plays a big role in not having your information gathered by third parties. Third parties can take your information and sell it to other third party services. This info can be leaked, and can be used by others to dox you.

What is a browser?
Are you serious right now lol...

What browser should I use?
I would personally recommend using Firefox! Why? Firefox can be tweaked to a point where you can achieve maximum privacy. If this is not enough to convince you that Firefox is the best browser when its tweaked. To convince you even more, Tor runs on Firefox! Which goes to show how much Firefox is respected in terms of privacy.

Normal Firefox is considered spyware as they collect information about you and what you do. That's why you need to make some privacy tweaks. Just read up on your own and come to a decision of your own. Some articles from trusted sources: Spyware Watchdog, DigDeepger, tilde.club.

What browser should I not use, Waifu?
Well, you should not use either Google or Mozilla without any protection, fingerprinting, and privacy protection.

What browser extensions should I install? (Firefox)
  • U-Block Origin - Blocks ads, trackers, and third parties.
  • U-Matrix - Blocks Javascript trackers within websites.
  • Privacy Badger - Blocks known third party trackers within websites.
  • Decentraleyes - and I quote "Protects you against tracking through "free", centralized, content delivery"
  • HTTPS-Everywhere - Always Uses HTTPS instead of HTTP on websites. Encrypting your traffic.
  • ClearUrls - Strips tracking part of URLs not making them activate.

But those are extensions, how can I tweak Firefox?
I am not going to write a whole blog explaining how to do Firefox tweaks. Though I will provide resources for you that explains it much better than I will:

Chapter 0x05 - Providers & Services
0x5.1 - Email Providers

When looking for an email service, ensure that they offer encryption as well as no log policies. Invest in an email that has a privacy-focused manifesto such as riseup and protonmail. When setting up an email make sure you use PGP Encryption. There is zero excuses to not use PGP Encryption - it is very reliable and secure. There are Google and Firefox extensions that can make using PGP Encryption really easy.

Using privacy-focused email services help you stay away from prying eyes and hackers. Simply put, encryption protects your email information by scribbling your messages around in an unreadable form making it impossible to reverse and/or decipher.

What email services should I use?

Here are my top 5 email services that are 100% privacy-focused:
  1. RiseUp (invitation only) (admins can dm me for free invite)
  2. Disroot (PGP must be manually enabled)
  3. Autistici (You have to write a reflection on their manifesto for an invite)
  4. ProtonMail (Built-in Encryption)
  5. Tutanota (Built-in Encryption)

Chapter 0x06 - DeTracing Yourself
What is DeTracing?
DeTracing is the practice of using a fake person as your information to lure hackers and people away from your actual real information. For example, you can use a fake name generator through a simple google search, then using their names to sign up on all of your socials medias and/or services. I encourage this as it can help hackers think they are doxing you - when in actuality they are not. Soon enough, your fake detrace will end up on other third parties so when you get doxed, they will end up gathering fake info and not your real info.

How do you perform a DeTrace?
In order to perform a DeTrace you will need a service that provides fake identity such as FakeNameGenerator. If you don't like this site, you can again, do a simple google search and lookup "fake name generator" and browse other options. You can then fill out your info in many websites that require personal information.

What I recommend doing is going through these scam websites where they claim to access "infinite v-bucks" through a generator. These websites often require you to sign up using an email and password in which you can use to your advantage. Go fill them out and make sure you fill out other surveys such as "account generators" that claim to give you a free account, but in actuality sell your data to third parties. Sooner or later, this info will show up on third parties, making your DeTrace look like the real deal.

Taking a further step...

This is one of my favorite methods so far. And this method is so genius, it can make anybody believe that your dox is a "real" dox. What do I mean by that? Well, this involves fake doxing. What you can do is go on websites such as YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and fill them out with your detrace. This will make your detrace look 100% like a real person. What you can do now is post a dox on "yourself" with the information you gathered. Go online and find a dox template and start filling it out with fake information that you have created.

When done, go to websites like Doxbin, Skidbin, and Pastebin and post your dox there. Make sure you put your online alias there to make it look believable. This can be extremely powerful as people can estimate that the dox that was posted is your real dox. As other doxers stumble upon your dox, they will repost it over to other sites, therefore making your detrace a complete success.

A piece of mind: When someone threatens you with your fake dox, act scared and fearful. Make them think like they are up to something. Keep making fun of them at first telling them they won't find anything and vise versa. Remember to keep your cool, and always know what to do in serious situations. If some person happens to get an accurate result on your info, DO NOT freak out and tell your parents. This can then give the doxer/hacker evidence that the info they have gathered is IN FACT yours.

Chapter 0x07 - Coming soon.
Please leave some feedback, I have taken approximately 5 hours writing this. There might be some writing errors, so keep that in mind. I will try to fix them, if any, and add more sooner or later when I have the time to. This is a community that I thrive in respecting and sharing my ideas with.

Let me know what you think @mothered @oni
(This post was last modified: 06-19-2021, 06:31 PM by Waifu.)

[+] 4 users Like Waifu's post

RE: [HQ] Waifu's Ultimate Anti-Dox Handbook #2
Waifu on top ygm, sick handbook
follow me on twitter

[+] 1 user Likes piss's post

RE: [HQ] Waifu's Ultimate Anti-Dox Handbook #3
It's very detailed and from what I've read thus far, It's well written and quite Informative.

I'll read the lot later this evening.
[Image: AD83g1A.png]


RE: [HQ] Waifu's Ultimate Anti-Dox Handbook #4
(06-20-2021, 02:50 AM)mothered Wrote: It's very detailed and from what I've read thus far, It's well written and quite Informative.

I'll read the lot later this evening.

Thank you for the comment! It took me a really long time to write this. I will also add on more in the future when I have the time to. I'm glad that you liked some of it, can't wait on your response when you are done reading. Thanks !


RE: [HQ] Waifu's Ultimate Anti-Dox Handbook #5
I've always tried to prohibit this sort of activity here. Having dealt with members in similar situations over the past 10 years, this is great preventative advice. If anyone is past prevention and their information is already leaked, they're welcome to message me for advice.
[Image: fSEZXPs.png]


RE: [HQ] Waifu's Ultimate Anti-Dox Handbook #6
I've been Doxed once in my life, thankfully it was by some skids who just sent pizzas and not people who sent the swat. It took forever, but luckily I managed to get that dox buried.

I might actually look into using some of these tips because I like my privacy.


RE: [HQ] Waifu's Ultimate Anti-Dox Handbook #7
(06-20-2021, 05:24 AM)Dismas Wrote: I've always tried to prohibit this sort of activity here. Having dealt with members in similar situations over the past 10 years, this is great preventative advice. If anyone is past prevention and their information is already leaked, they're welcome to message me for advice.

Doxxing is mostly used by others to extort other people to do things. This can be extremely dangerous and distressing at the same time. I have seen a lot of forum users sell their "Anti-Dox" guides, and so I decided to write one myself. I will keep updating this thread if I learned something new.

If anyone does have any concerns about their privacy, please contact me as well.

(06-20-2021, 06:37 AM)Feat Wrote: I've been Doxed once in my life, thankfully it was by some skids who just sent pizzas and not people who sent the swat. It took forever, but luckily I managed to get that dox buried.

I might actually look into using some of these tips because I like my privacy.

Nice to hear that you have been doxed by skids and not some threatening hackers. I have seen many of these desperate hackers extort others for their money as well anything materialistic that they own. Thankfully you managed to get it covered and dealt with. Hopefully my tips give you some few insights on how to keep your self private.
(This post was last modified: 06-20-2021, 07:26 AM by Waifu.)


RE: [HQ] Waifu's Ultimate Anti-Dox Handbook #8
Do note that doxing Is not purely related and Isolated to protecting yourself online.

For Instance, an SE'er can build your profile within a few minutes by calling you as though he's a customer service rep from your credit card provider who's noticed an unauthorized transaction (In the thousands of dollars) on your account. In order to reverse the charge and for verification purposes, he'll kindly ask for the full name, address and date of birth on the account.  As a concerned card holder, you'd want the matter dealt with asap, hence panic and confusion will lead to complying with his request. It's as simple as that.

Although we're all well aware of this type of scam, you'd be surprised at how many people are vulnerable to such attack vectors- particularly when their precious funds are part of the equation.
[Image: AD83g1A.png]


RE: [HQ] Waifu's Ultimate Anti-Dox Handbook #9
(06-20-2021, 10:07 AM)mothered Wrote: Do note that doxing Is not purely related and Isolated to protecting yourself online.

For Instance, an SE'er can build your profile within a few minutes by calling you as though he's a customer service rep from your credit card provider who's noticed an unauthorized transaction (In the thousands of dollars) on your account. In order to reverse the charge and for verification purposes, he'll kindly ask for the full name, address and date of birth on the account.  As a concerned card holder, you'd want the matter dealt with asap, hence panic and confusion will lead to complying with his request. It's as simple as that.

Although we're all well aware of this type of scam, you'd be surprised at how many people are vulnerable to such attack vectors- particularly when their precious funds are part of the equation.

That is another big thing I forgot to mention - the art of social engineering. If someone gets a hold of your phone number, it can lead to an unexpected outcome. These types of attacks can be extremely harmful and dangerous at the same time, depending on the attacker with your info. I will write this down in a notepad, and update the thread when I have time. Thanks!
(This post was last modified: 06-20-2021, 11:24 PM by Waifu.)


RE: [HQ] Waifu's Ultimate Anti-Dox Handbook #10
(06-20-2021, 11:18 PM)Waifu Wrote: That is another big thing I forgot to mention - the art of social engineering. If someone gets a hold of your phone number, it can lead to an unexpected outcome. These types of attacks can be extremely harmful and dangerous at the same time, depending on the attacker with your info.

I've built someone's profile from the ground up with only a phone number on hand and subsequent to that, I also obtained their family's personal details. Of course, there was no malicious Intent whatsoever- only performed to test the vulnerabilities of the Individual Involved.
[Image: AD83g1A.png]


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