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RE: Is karma real?? 06-21-2023, 10:20 AM
I believe in the law of attraction
One Year of Service
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RE: Is karma real?? 06-27-2023, 08:54 AM
what i really understood about this topic after i did alot of research is that if you pour your bad intentions in a "way" that actually got manifested to physically/Psychologically harm the targeted individual you would get punished from a higher Unknown power .
Please Notice The Following
1- such anomaly take place if the targeted person is very pure
2- such anomaly take place if the targeted person is welding the right cause
3- such anomaly take place if the targeted person is being harmed with no reason
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RE: Is karma real?? 06-30-2023, 04:38 PM
No its not, noone will have a big book of good and evil or people like hitler wouldnt get so ez away with what theyve done
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RE: Is karma real?? 07-02-2023, 02:25 PM
Well, it depends. As most people understand, karma is what goes around, comes around.
However in a traditional (lay Buddhist/some Indian religions) sense karma would not affect you in this life. My construal is that it is a "tally" that is cumulative over one life span, which will then have influence and determine your status in rebirth. Devout followers would eventually try to break the cycle of rebirth, breaking the cycle of karmic attainment.
I think that the traditional ideas of karma are authentically intriguing. I do not have an excellent understanding, but I think the idea of rebirth and karma is really fascinating, that each life is an opportunity to "perfect" and relearn all of life's edifications in an entirely different perspective for better or worse.
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RE: Is karma real?? 08-23-2023, 10:08 PM
If it isn't real, I make it my mission t make it real... Sometimes Karma, like love, Politics, Fininces, needs a little help to be real.