「Forum Game」Type the username above you with your eyes closed - Printable Version

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「Forum Game」Type the username above you with your eyes closed - Shinoa - 11-07-2017

Just close your eyes and type the username of the person above you, shouldn't be too hard Wink

RE: 「Forum Game」Type the username above you with your eyes closed - Drako - 11-07-2017

(Came pretty close lol)

RE: 「Forum Game」Type the username above you with your eyes closed - Synthx - 11-07-2017

Okay, here we go:

Well, I was extremely close! This is a fun game @""!

RE: 「Forum Game」Type the username above you with your eyes closed - Drako - 11-07-2017

I have one kinda stupid question to task, can you post more than once unless you've already attempted to spell said persons name?

RE: 「Forum Game」Type the username above you with your eyes closed - Shinoa - 11-08-2017

(11-07-2017, 11:36 PM)Drako Wrote: I have one kinda stupid question to task, can you post more than once unless you've already attempted to spell said persons name?

Of course.

Also... Draki (mobile keyboard)

RE: 「Forum Game」Type the username above you with your eyes closed - zorrophreak - 11-08-2017

Idk if you wanted me to add the chan suffix, like challenge mode. But I got it anyways.

Pretty good.

RE: 「Forum Game」Type the username above you with your eyes closed - Drako - 11-08-2017


Somehow I can't spell but I can spell that.

RE: 「Forum Game」Type the username above you with your eyes closed - Bish0pQ - 11-08-2017


It's not that hard when you can type blind. Also easy name to type ^.

RE: 「Forum Game」Type the username above you with your eyes closed - Boudica - 11-08-2017


Well shit. That was probably luck. We should try typing a full sentence to see what comes out (also because minimum characters).

RE: 「Forum Game」Type the username above you with your eyes closed - Shinoa - 11-08-2017

(11-08-2017, 09:46 AM)Jiggly Wrote: We should try typing a full sentence to see what comes out (also because minimum characters).


Awh so close. I completely forgot about the character minumum, maybe we should do usertitles as well?