[Requesting] Auto Proxy/Auto Refresh. Better details in thread. - Printable Version

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[Requesting] Auto Proxy/Auto Refresh. Better details in thread. - GetR34P3D - 07-25-2014


I am looking for a simple program that someone makes with VB2008/2010, what'ever.

The function will be:

Add a proxy list (as many as you want)
Add website(s) the proxy will enter
When Proxy has entered the website(s), the next proxy on the list will be used.
Then this process will just repeat.

I would love to have something that did this. If it works, I will be able to give you a cut of what I will be using it for. Smile

Thank you.

RE: [Requesting] Auto Proxy/Auto Refresh. Better details in thread. - MiS - 07-25-2014

(07-25-2014, 09:22 PM)GetR34P3D Wrote: Hello.

I am looking for a simple program that someone makes with VB2008/2010, what'ever.

The function will be:

Add a proxy list (as many as you want)
Add website(s) the proxy will enter
When Proxy has entered the website(s), the next proxy on the list will be used.
Then this process will just repeat.

I would love to have something that did this. If it works, I will be able to give you a cut of what I will be using it for. Smile

Thank you.

You might wanna try posting in this subforum, next time. Nevertheless, good luck!

RE: [Requesting] Auto Proxy/Auto Refresh. Better details in thread. - Shebang - 07-25-2014

If I have a spare few minutes today, I'll do this.

RE: [Requesting] Auto Proxy/Auto Refresh. Better details in thread. - GetR34P3D - 07-26-2014

(07-25-2014, 10:07 PM).Shebang Wrote: If I have a spare few minutes today, I'll do this.

Awesome, let me know! Smile

(07-25-2014, 09:26 PM)MiS Wrote: You might wanna try posting in this subforum, next time. Nevertheless, good luck!

Alright, I'm "new" to the forum, been here a while, but never posted anything, just read tuts, guides and tips/tricks x)

RE: [Requesting] Auto Proxy/Auto Refresh. Better details in thread. - 3SidedSquare - 07-26-2014

I made this Smile
You'll need the python interpreter though:

You can find proxy lists all over, but this is a pretty good source:

RE: [Requesting] Auto Proxy/Auto Refresh. Better details in thread. - GetR34P3D - 07-26-2014

(07-26-2014, 01:26 AM)3SidedSquare Wrote: I made this Smile
You'll need the python interpreter though:

You can find proxy lists all over, but this is a pretty good source:

Can't download your program from sinister link, it's broken :c

RE: [Requesting] Auto Proxy/Auto Refresh. Better details in thread. - 3SidedSquare - 07-26-2014

(07-26-2014, 02:08 AM)GetR34P3D Wrote: Can't download your program from sinister link, it's broken :c

That's strange... Here's the source code:

from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
from threading import Thread
import os
import sys
import proxyScrapper

class Input(QtGui.QDialog):
    scrapping = False
    css = """
    color: #fff;
    font:13px italic;
    border-radius: 2px;
    border: 1px solid #383838;
    text-align: center;
    vertical-align: middle;
    background-image:url('') top left repeat -x;
    color: #fff;
    border: 1px solid #383838;
    background: #831010;
    font-size: 12px;
    height: 43px;
    Background: #211;
    Background: #211;
    Background: #211;
    height: 43px;
    border: 1px solid #383838;
    padding-top: 3px;
    padding-bottom: 3px;
    def __init__(self):
        super(Input, self).__init__()
        topLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
        mainLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
        self.startButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Scrap proxies")
        self.closeButton = QtGui.QPushButton(" X ")
        self.output = QtGui.QTextEdit()
        layout = self.createBits()
        self.setWindowTitle("Lightening scrapper")
                           "##      Lightening scrapper\n"+
                           "##      By: 3SidedSquare  \n"+
                           "##      Beta version \n"+
    def exitWindow(self):

    def createBits(self):
        ret = QtGui.QGroupBox("")
        layout = QtGui.QFormLayout()
        boxLabel = QtGui.QLabel("\nText file containing proxies\n Proxies must be in the format \"address:port\"")
        self.textInput = QtGui.QLineEdit()
        counterLabel = QtGui.QLabel("\nMaximum number of threads to run")
        self.counterSpin = QtGui.QSpinBox()
        self.delayLabel = QtGui.QLabel("\nOS response delay(ms)")
        self.delayspin = QtGui.QSpinBox()
        return ret

    def makeConcurrent(self):
        thre = Thread(target=self.startScrap)
    main = None
    def startScrap(self):
        file = self.textInput.text()
        num = self.counterSpin.value()
        if(self.scrapping == False):
            self.scrapping = True
            self.startButton.setText("Stop scrap")
            self.output.append("############\nStarting scrap")
            self.main = proxyScrapper.scrapper(file, num, self.output, delay=self.delayspin.value()/100)
            self.scrapping = False
            self.startButton.setText("Start scrap")
            self.output.append("stopping scrap....")
            self.startButton.setText("Start scrap")
            self.scrapping = False

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
    dialog = Input()

from PyQt4 import QtCore,QtGui
import urllib
from urllib import request, error
from http import client
import socket
#from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import threading
import time

class scrapper():
    putFile = None
    threads = 0
    stop = False
    thre = {}
    printbackup = "\nProxy scrapper made by 3 sided square"
    def __init__(self, fileName, maxThreads, outputwindow=None, delay=0.2):
        self.delay = delay
        self.outputWindow = outputwindow
        if(fileName == ""):
            self.forceOutput("!File name can not be blank, aborted!")
            self.stop = True
        if(maxThreads < 1):
            self.forceOutput("!Too few threads, aborted!")
            self.stop = True
        if(delay <= 0):
            self.forceOutput("!OS delay is too low, aborted!")
            self.stop= True
        self.threads = maxThreads
        self.forceOutput("\nStarting scrap on " + fileName)
        self.stop = False

    def output(self, String):
        if(self.outputWindow != None):

    def forceOutput(self, string):
        if(self.outputWindow != None):

    def makeCall(self,string, putFile):
        self.output("Scrapping " + string[:-1] + "...")
        self.threads -=1
        col = string.find(":")
        ip = string[0:col]
        port = string[col+1:len(string)]
            proxy_handler = urllib.request.ProxyHandler({'http' : 'http://'+ip+":"+port})
            proxy_auth_handler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
            opener = urllib.request.build_opener(proxy_handler, proxy_auth_handler)
            self.output("\nFound successful: " + string)
        except urllib.error.URLError as detail:
            self.output("\nCould not find " + string)
        except urllib.error.HTTPError as detail:
            self.output("\n" + string + " did not respond")
        except http.client.BadStatusLine as detail:
            self.output("\n" + string + " did not give a valid response")
        while(not self.stop):
                putFile = open(putFile, 'a')

    def scrapProxies(self, fileName):
            file = open(fileName, 'r')
            putFile = fileName.split(".")[0]+"_working.txt"
            put = open(putFile, 'w')
            self.output("file read...")
            self.output("\nFailed to read in file")
            self.stop = True
            x = 0
            linelot = ""
            self.output("\nStarting check")
            for line in file:
                self.output("\nCueing " + line + "...")
                self.thre[x] = threading.Thread(target=self.makeCall, name=None, args=(line,putFile))
                while(not self.stop):
                    if(self.threads > 0):
                            if(self.outputWindow != None):
                x += 1

    def stopScrap(self):
        timeBreak = self.threads * self.delay * 4
        self.forceOutput("\nForceing quit after " + str(timeBreak) + " Seconds.")
        for thread in self.thre:
        if(self.thre != {}):

    def scary(self):

In the second file, find the line that says
and change it to whatever you need.

BTW, it will connect to the server, and retrieve the page, but won't lode any flash objects/javascript, so I'm afraid you'll have to do a little more work if you want to spam google adsense or similar.

RE: [Requesting] Auto Proxy/Auto Refresh. Better details in thread. - GetR34P3D - 07-26-2014

(07-26-2014, 03:14 AM)3SidedSquare Wrote: BTW, it will connect to the server, and retrieve the page, but won't lode any flash objects/javascript, so I'm afraid you'll have to do a little more work if you want to spam google adsense or similar.

What I was going to try is to spam my bubblews with views (likes if possible), 100 views = 1$, with HitLeap (traffic exchange bot) this is about 30$ a day, or something like that.

I have this Elite Proxy List with 93.000 Proxy's, if I could get 93.000 views each article I make there, this means 930$ each article. Seems to good to be true, but if someone actually could make this program for me, I would be willing to give the Proxy List to them and give them weekly cuts of what I make by doing this at my extra computer. Smile

RE: [Requesting] Auto Proxy/Auto Refresh. Better details in thread. - 3SidedSquare - 07-27-2014

(07-26-2014, 10:06 PM)GetR34P3D Wrote: What I was going to try is to spam my bubblews with views (likes if possible), 100 views = 1$, with HitLeap (traffic exchange bot) this is about 30$ a day, or something like that.

I have this Elite Proxy List with 93.000 Proxy's, if I could get 93.000 views each article I make there, this means 930$ each article. Seems to good to be true, but if someone actually could make this program for me, I would be willing to give the Proxy List to them and give them weekly cuts of what I make by doing this at my extra computer. Smile

Alright, I'll revive an old project and see what I can do, but you should check your proxy list. I doubt all 93000 proxies are still online. (or duplicates)

RE: [Requesting] Auto Proxy/Auto Refresh. Better details in thread. - GetR34P3D - 07-27-2014

(07-27-2014, 12:05 AM)3SidedSquare Wrote: Alright, I'll revive an old project and see what I can do, but you should check your proxy list. I doubt all 93000 proxies are still online. (or duplicates)

Any recommanded programs for the job?