OpenBox Hacks - Nohbdy - 08-27-2012
Post all yer openbox hacks here ![Biggrin Biggrin](
My autostart. Basically, what it does is start off crap I can't live without. Guake is AMAZING. You'd have seen it if you've used Blackbuntu.
Code: cd ~
./.bin/ &
guake &
conky -d &
tint2 &
My menu.xml. What I'm doing here is do a pipemenu to
Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<openbox_menu xmlns=""
<menu id="root-menu" label="Rallias" execute="perl ~/.config/openbox/" />
My (unfinished, can't be assed to finish it tonight). Lots of magic happens in here. So far, it does little personally for me, but the neat thing is if you edit it, you don't need to force the menu to update. Plus, fuck xml.
Code: #!/usr/bin/perl
# Openbox Configuration Generator
# By Rallias Ubernerd
# Because: Fuck XML
use strict;
use warnings;
# For each menu and submenu, put appropriate labels as follows
# root must exist, its label is useless and ignored
my %menu_list = (
'root' => '',
'programs' => 'Programs'
# For each menu, its contents are necessary.
# Syntax: type1:pointsto1;type2:pointsto2;
# Each menu defined above must have one of these.
# Valid types: program, menu, separator, pipemenu
my %menu;
$menu{ 'root' } = "menu:programs;";
$menu{ 'programs' } = "program:Firefox;program:Skype;program:Xchat;";
# For each program defined above, the below must hold their execution command.
# Left side of => is label, right side is the executable command.
my %programs = (
'Xchat' => 'xchat',
'Firefox' => 'firefox',
'Skype' => 'skype'
# For each separator defined above, you need a label.
# "blank" as the label makes it a horizontal line across that box.
my %separator_label = (
'separator' => 'label'
# For each item above you can optionally have an image.
# Same syntax as menus above, one item only, no semicolon.
my %icons = (
'program:Firefox' => '~/.icons/firefox.png'
#### EXECUTION ####
my $menu = gen_item_menu("root", 0);
print $menu;
sub gen_item_menu {
my $curr_menu = shift;
my $preline = shift;
my $root;
my $return = "";
if ($curr_menu =~ m/^root$/) {
$root = 1;
} else {
$root = 0;
if ($root) {
$return .= "\t" x $preline . qq{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n};
$return .= "\t" x $preline . qq{<openbox_pipe_menu>\n};
$preline += 1;
} else {
$return .= "\t" x $preline. qq{<menu id="$curr_menu" label="}.$menu_list{$curr_menu}."\" >\n";
$preline += 1;
my @items = split (";", $menu{ $curr_menu });
foreach my $item (@items) {
my ($type, $name) = split ":", $item;
if ($type =~ m/program/ ) {
$return .= gen_item_program($name, $preline);
} elsif ($type =~ m/pipemenu/ ) {
$return .= gen_item_pipe_menu($name, $preline);
} elsif ($type =~ m/menu/ ) {
$return .= gen_item_menu($name, $preline);
} elsif ($type =~ m/seperator/ ) {
$return .= gen_item_separator($name, $preline);
} else {
# Unsupported
if ($root) {
$preline -= 1;
$return .= "\t" x $preline . qq{</openbox_pipe_menu>\n};
} else {
$preline -= 1;
$return .= "\t" x $preline . qq{</menu>\n};
return $return;
sub gen_item_program {
my $curr_item = shift;
my $preline = shift;
my $return = "";
if (defined($programs{$curr_item})) {
$return .= "\t" x $preline . qq{<item label="$curr_item" >\n};
$return .= "\t" x $preline . qq{\t<action name="Execute">\n};
$return .= "\t" x $preline . "\t\t".$programs{$curr_item}."\n";
$return .= "\t" x $preline . "\t</action>\n";
$return .= "\t" x $preline . "</item>\n";
} else {
# Unsupported
return $return;
sub gen_item_pipe_menu {
# todo: write a pipe-menu line.
sub gen_item_separator {
my $curr_item = shift;
my $preline = shift;
my $return = "";
my $label = $separator_label{$curr_item};
if ($label =~ m/blank/) {
$return .= "\t" x $preline . "<separator />\n";
} elsif ( defined($icons{"seperator:".$label}) ) {
$return .= "\t" x $preline . qq{<separator label="$label" />\n};
# todo: add syntax for icon label
} else {
$return .= "\t" x $preline . qq{<separator label="$label" />\n};
return $return;
Oh, and the ~/.bin/ file. Pretty self explanatory.
Code: #!/bin/bash
while true; do
find ~/Pictures/Wallpapers -type f \( -name '*.jpg' -o -name '*.jpeg' -o -name '*.png' \) -print0 |
shuf -n1 -z | xargs -0 feh --bg-scale
sleep 15s
RE: OpenBox Hacks - The High Roller - 08-27-2012
Lol, I wish I knew more about this. I have no idea what you're talking about..
RE: OpenBox Hacks - Hardz - 08-28-2012
Interesting, thanks for this - going to try it out.