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AF News - 2nd Edition! - Phytrix - 01-14-2013

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New Groups, Features And Staff
A few days ago The Anarchist posted a thread announcing a few important introductions and site changes/additions. Firstly, there are three new official usergroups: the News Team, led by myself (Phytrix), which will manage and publish the AF News, Goons, led by Goon and Overwatch, which more detail has yet to be released. We also have a new Staff member; yours truly. I'm currently on a one week trial period. Some updates that were listed in the thread included a banlist (here). There is also an 'Imgur Image Upload' button which has been added for a more user-friendly upload system without having to leave the site. The full thread can be seen by following this link:

DWG Leaks
DWG has been keeping their activity high and the Website Hacking forum alive also, performing dozens of database leaks over the past few weeks. Goons will be the official usergroup for DWG, and a recruitment thread for DWG can be seen here. The group focuses on website and database hacking and is looking for possible members with experience with coding and exploiting methods/languages. Although there are far too many leaks to list specifically, you can view the Website Hacking section to see a collaboration of their recent leaks (here).

January MOTM
The Member of the Month competition has launched once again! After Xeronations won December's MOTM by one vote, January's MOTM has finally launched. Currently, one can only be prospectful towards who will take the widely renowned award and bragging rights, although there is plenty of time for members to nominate and vote, with the competition only being launched yesterday. Head over to the thread to nominate and/or vote for the most deserving member (here).

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Phytrix - [Official] AF News Team - Recruiting!
The Anarchist - Nominate the Member of the Month! (January 2013)
The Anarchist - New Groups, Features, and a Staff Member
WuhTehFuh - [Update] Syndicate Recruitment [/Update]
Goon. - [Tutorial] SQL Injection #VideoTutorial
Keeper - PHP-based Steganographer Tool
Keeper - [Tutorial] Antagonism | Cryptography Tutorial
Kinanizer - Downfall of Windows?
Ultimatum - SQLmap - Most Powerful SQL Injection Tool
shizelkid - 50+ Android APKs!

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Interview - Phytrix
Phoenix: Welcome to the second edition of the news Phytrix, how does it feel being interviewed instead of being the interviewer?
Phytrix: Rather different being on the other side. I've been an interviewer on other forums for news teams for quite a while, but I suppose it's semi-relieving not having to come up with questions and rather just go with whatever I'm asked. Gives more room for imagination, IMO.

Phoenix: How many other forums do you currently do news for?
Phytrix: At the moment, just AF and HF. I've been the interviewer for the HF News (primarily head interviewer) for about... 7 months. I was also the proofreader for the HF News for a couple of months, and recently took on another position (related to gaming) for the HF News. I also briefly participated with LF's News for a little while, but there were too many internal issues there. It feels good to run this program on AF, and I'm sure it will really take off when we get a few more members on the team.

Phoenix: Interesting, well that brings me to my next question. How many people do you hope to join the newsteam to make it a good and stable team?
Phytrix: I'm hoping around 7 dedicated members in the team. Generally one for each position, although I'm not particularly fussy on who does what positions as long as they do a good job. The team is lacking recruits currently, although it's still early days, so I guess we'll see where we get. Regardless, the team can and will be successful with whatever numbers we suffer.

Phoenix: Yes, I agree. The numbers are still quite low on AF and I believe we as a forum have a lot of growing to do. Speaking of Anarchy Forums growing, you recently were promoted to trial staff. Tell us about that.
Phytrix: Well... there's not a whole lot to be said. I'm currently a trial staff for a week, and if I do well during this period, I'll be promoted to actual staff. I was migrated here from another forum, and I suppose my qualities seemingly fit the position. Anyhow, at the moment my priorities are to complete staff duties (staying on top of grammar (both mine and others), bans, warnings, etc.) and see where things go from there.

Phoenix: How has the staff duties been so far? I know on other forums it can be a daunting task because of all the trolls, spam, malicious activity, lack of respect for staff etc. How has it been at Anarchy Forums behind the scenes?
Phytrix: Relatively easy honestly. The key is being active, and then the rest is a breeze. I've mainly been fixing grammar in people's posts, deleting a few posts/threads here and there, and doing one or two bans to spammers/advertisers.

Phoenix: I am glad to know the members of the forum are relatively easy to moderate, it is a sign of being high quality, even though it is relatively small this is good. What is one thing you would like to see added to Anarchy Forums that hasn't been added yet, nor publicly spoken about?
Phytrix: Too many things to list. I think the main priority now is extending the user base while maintaining a high level of quality. From there, more official usergroups and more experts in certain sections (and possibly more sections) would be good, but I think the forum is relatively perfected as is for now.

Phoenix: I think that is a good explanation for it myself. Well enough about Anarchy Forums, what do you like to do besides interview and write? What other hobbies do you have?
Phytrix: I play multiple sports at school, although I particularly enjoy track. Feels good to get loose sometimes. I'm currently enrolled in two malware removal courses. I'm trying to learn a bit more about malware and system security before I venture into other parts of the woods. That being said, I've dabbled here and there with blackhat activities, although nothing really major. I feel the most important aspect of any venture is knowing and understanding all parts of it. I also love music, but I don't produce much any more.

Phoenix: Learning the bad side of things is needed to understand how to counteract them in many cases. I am glad however that you are white hat. What do you plan to do with those courses? Is it for personal benefit, to help others or perhaps as a career?
Phytrix: I suppose it's for multiple reasons. I'm planning on entering some kind of computing-related occupation, so any experience I can get is valuable. After I do complete these courses, I'll be offering free help for a few months (I doubt I have the time to do it much longer then that) on the forums where I learned, or possibly a bit longer, so that I can repay the forums and their members. It's also for personal benefit, however. I like having power and understanding over things, and with malware being such a growing issues nowadays, I feel it's something I should learn about while I have the opportunities.

Phoenix: Yes, that is true. I figure everyone should do the same a little bit with all the viruses being spread to gain more understanding. Do you have any advice for members who want to start learning to protect themselves from malware and viruses?
Phytrix: Communication and organisation is valuable. I recommend any users who wish to learn to go to a forum that offers these kind of classes and enroll, or download some ebooks and experiment with some tools (not blindly, however).

Phoenix: Do you have any final thoughts you would like to share with us before we wrap this up? Perhaps a shout-out as they seem popular in interviews I have seen elsewhere?
Phytrix: Nothing really. Shoutout to all my referrals and Anar, I suppose. Thanks for the interview!

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What do you think about the three current groups, two of which were introduced this week; News Team and Goons, as well as the pre-existing Syndicate?

INST1NCT - Thus far for the News Team is quite interesting and it seems high quality. The first news aritcle looks great, awesome layout and I really enjoyed reading it. I think they'll grow and be a high quality group around Anarchy Forums. I've been in Syndicate's chat but really haven't seen them in 'action.' But I think it's great WuhTehFuh is cleaning up the group and re-creating it, it looks really promising. And I'm certain that WuhTehFuh can handle the group. When Goons(Dark Web Goons) was created I never thought we'd be an official group on Anarachy Forums. I think it's great we are because we got some high-skilled members from Anarchy Forums willing to desire knowledge and spread knowledge. Basically Goons's idea is to show how some website's are insecure. And yes even big site's to show them that they should patch their security.

Cyber-Savage - I love most of the things about the groups, although they do have some flaws. Like, the News Team should have many more members, not all Goons members are contributing, and Syndicate and Antagonism should be separated. These are just some minor flaws though, so overall, I love the current groups.

Menace The Master - Well.. Goons are awesome. News Team I think are a good idea and they help people develop and show off their writing skills and will hopefully bring some extra members to AF. As for Syndicate, I'm not too sure. I'm new to AF and I haven't seen the group in action as they are now being renovated. I love Wuh though. xP

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Armed Student and Unarmed Teacher Showdown
It was only a few weeks ago, on December the 14th, when the second worst school shooting rocked the nation of the United States of America. Being the eighth breakout in one year alone, President Obama had hoped that this new year, 2013, would be free of such horror and devastation; however, on the 12th of January, a sixteen year old teenager, carrying a shotgun, fired into a classroom, wounding a student under current critical (but stable) condition. Fortunately, a daring forty year old school teacher, Ryan Heber, reasoned with the teenager, who had pockets full of ammunition, to put down the weapon and surrender. In an attempt to ensure the rest of the classroom students’ safety, Campus Supervisor Kim Fields, assisted in the distraction of the teen, which enabled the rest of the class to escape. Ryan’s act of bravery has automatically labeled him as a press “hero”, despite his attempts to be just named “teacher”. The perpetrator’s identity has not been revealed at this time; however, the police have confirmed that he has been charged for juvenile attempted murder. Ultimately, this shooting has caused a furious uproar over of whether teachers should be armed or not. "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," said the NRA's Wayne LaPierre.

Greeks in one Hell of a Financial Year
As we all may know, Greece’s financial collapse caused much strife in the European Union. Help from the EU came immediately, however, only done possible when the Greeks had enough money to pay the borrowed money back with interest. It was officially announced on Saturday that the Greek Government has allowed pass a tax increase to the general public of Greece. Even though, the government is in dire need of money, there may be more of a concern for the anger of the Greek citizens who have already been bled dry. The Greek government is hoping to achieve 2.3 billion euros, roughly 3 billion US dollars, by the end of the year, which would then allow them to receive more bailout funds. It is estimated since the Greek 2008 financial crisis, Greece has lost one fifth of their economy, exploding unemployment rates with an extra 500,000 to the already growing 10 million. Unemployment rates are at its worst tripling and standing at 26% in September.

Attempted Somalia Hostage Rescue Failed
French Special Forces attempted a hostage re-takeover in Somalia under the cover of the night, which resulted in a blood bath of an intense shoot-out, causing the withdrawal of the troops. It is feared that the hostage, a French Intelligence Commando, may have been killed during the firefight. It is said by officials that one French Special Forces soldier was killed and another missing, however, the fight did lead to the deaths of 17 Islamist terrorists. Le Drian, France’s Defense Minister stated, “After an intensive search, which I want to salute, the intelligence service detected the location where he was held... France will never withhold any means to gain the release of all of its hostages”. There has been no further advancement of what the French will do about the fail raid.

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Mayer and Perry - Engagement?
Katy Perry and John Mayer have only been dating since last year, although Mayer stated earlier this week that he thinks he's found the one. He was also rumored to be looking at engagement rings. It's believed that these two will be moving in together soon, as of now they live in different cities. They both think they are perfect together, considering they have the same music taste and sense of humor, and apparently want the same things. "John is serious about Katy, that's for certain. He has never imagined settling down with someone, but he's infatuated with her." I guess we'll see if this ends up like the whole Russel Brand fiasco.

Selena Gomez Over Men
Following her breakup with the lady slayer, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez has vowed that she won't be dating or anything of the sorts for a fair while to come. She has decided to worry about herself and have fun with her friends (girls) for now, without having the extra stress/commitment of dating. Or so she says. Regardless, for the well-being of the rest of us, let's just hope this is a phase.

I'm sure most of you are aware of the trending #Cut4Bieber tweets and images, primarily around Twitter. Well... on top of teens risking their mental health and physical health already, many teens have backed Bieber after seeing an image of him smoking cannabis, which has ignited a trend of teens posting images online smoking marijuana too. It seems, even without attempting to influence thousands, he does it anyway. Bieber has been backing the legalization of marijuana, although does this give him an excuse to blatently disregard the law? He seems to think so.

Music Videos

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Nintendo Wii U
The Nintendo Wii U had less than expected sales in December, with only around 460,000 being sold worldwide. This is substantially less than its predecessor, the Nintendo Wii, which had around 475,000 sales within it’s first month of retail, depleting it’s entire stock, which they had a struggle to replenish for a whole year as demand grew. "While the Wii launch established new benchmarks in the United States, Wii U has surpassed its predecessor in perhaps the most important category: revenue generation," said Nintendo of America sales executive Scott Moffitt. This is shown in their profit margins: the Nintendo Wii U has made around $300 Million in the US alone, compared to the $270 Million made from the Nintendo Wii.

China's WoW Themepark
A $48M theme park, unlicensed by Blizzard (the creators of World of Warcraft, a large MMORPG), was opened in the summer of last year in China. The theme park is located in Changzhou and features many different rides, some of which use 4-D and other special effects. The park is themed as a World of Warcraft setting, and is expected to continue rolling in its expected customer base. The rides are categorised using a 'happiness index', which is believed to be similar to a ride intensity measure. Part of the theme park is also dedicated to Starcraft; another game by Blizzard. You can see a gallery of the theme park here.

Gaming Video Of The Week

This week's gaming video comes to us from RageGamingVideos, featured on MachinaRealm. It's a Minecraft quick build challenge with the theme Pixar. Enjoy!

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Facebook Stranger Message Fees Rise
Mass messaging and random messages have become a common problem around the social networking networks, especially Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of Facebook, and the co-founder were such members who were being sent random messages, which have caused the increase of random messaging fees to cost up to $100 US. Even though Facebook has been implemented with many spam-prevention algorithms, they haven’t proven to work 100% of the time. "We are testing some extreme price points to see what works to filter spam,” said Facebook. Delivery fees have risen as to prevent others making random messaging to others outside of their circle of friends. With this, Facebook will make money from over the one billion people registered on Facebook’s servers. The stock is sharing at approximately $32.72 per share.

Aaron Swartz Dead - MIT Defaced
Aaron Swartz, co-founder of Reddit, a well-known social news and entertainment website, committed suicide on Friday. It's believed that his suicide is linked to the charges against him by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) after he was long-accused of stealing 4 million documents from MIT and Jstor, among which were many scientific journals and academic papers. Swartz faced up to 50 years in jail along with fines of up to $4M. As expected, internet activists took to the web in memory and revenge. Anonymous defaced MIT's website in call of a reformation in memory of Swartz. MIT's president, L. Rafael Reif, promised a "thorough analysis of MIT's involvement from the time that we first perceived unusual activity on our network in fall 2010 up to the present."

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AF News Team
  • Publisher and Head Journalist
  • Journalists
    • Phytrix
      • Notable Threads
      • Headlines
      • Music News
      • Tech News (half)
      • Gaming News (half)

RE: AF News - 2nd Edition! - Dismas - 01-16-2013

Nice job on the 2nd edition. Smile

RE: AF News - 2nd Edition! - BreShiE - 01-16-2013

Now, this is what I call a news team! Well done. This is very high quality and I'm glad it's turning out this way, other than being very low quality. Nice report! Thanks!

RE: AF News - 2nd Edition! - Phytrix - 01-16-2013

(01-16-2013, 02:29 AM)BreShiE Wrote: Now, this is what I call a news team! Well done. This is very high quality and I'm glad it's turning out this way, other than being very low quality. Nice report! Thanks!

Cheers. Smile

We're still short on numbers though. Hopefully we can rake in 2-3 more dedicated members and I'd say we're fully set.

RE: AF News - 2nd Edition! - n3cr0m4nc3r - 01-16-2013

Wow this is HQ! Enjoyed this edition a lot more than the 1st one. I don't know why, just did.

RE: AF News - 2nd Edition! - Kinanizer - 01-16-2013

Nice Second Edition, hopefully AF Radio can get an interview in before the next one.

RE: AF News - 2nd Edition! - Phytrix - 01-16-2013

(01-16-2013, 03:00 AM)Kinanizer Wrote: Nice Second Edition, hopefully AF Radio can get an interview in before the next one.

Hopefully. I'll see if we can arrange dated interviews with them, as so we can have one each edition.

RE: AF News - 2nd Edition! - Kinanizer - 01-16-2013

(01-16-2013, 03:43 AM)Phytrix Wrote:
(01-16-2013, 03:00 AM)Kinanizer Wrote: Nice Second Edition, hopefully AF Radio can get an interview in before the next one.

Hopefully. I'll see if we can arrange dated interviews with them, as so we can have one each edition.

Ya, we're really unorganized.

RE: AF News - 2nd Edition! - Ultimatum - 01-16-2013

The first edition was much more rushed than this one because Phytrix to the whole project into his own hands. With a few of us tagging along, it spreads the weight alright.

RE: AF News - 2nd Edition! - Dismas - 01-16-2013

(01-16-2013, 05:10 AM)Ultimatum Wrote: The first edition was much more rushed than this one because Phytrix to the whole project into his own hands. With a few of us tagging alone, it spreads the weight alright.

Really? I thought this one was more rushed to be honest, although I didn't keep an eye on them.