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Forum Rules

Post Etiquette
You may not make short, one-word, or image-only posts. We aren't an imageboard. Double-posting, cross-posting, and gravedigging aren't okay either. Your posts must also be legible, have decent grammar, and be in English.
Profanity is allowed, but not if it is used excessively. You must also post in the correct section and use the proper thread prefix. Also, if you copy someone's work to use in your post, please give credit, and supply a source.
Do not bump threads in Regular/Premium Sales more than once a day, unless you are providing new information on a product/service. Avoid writing the same message when bumping.

Respecting Others
You may not threaten, infect, blackmail, or scam other users. Respect the privacy of other users. You must post a virus-scan for any files you upload or link to. Redirects/shortlinks are not allowed. Trolling and flaming aren't allowed either.
Be respectful to others aswell, it isn't difficult. Religion and politics are only to be discussed in the Serious Discussion sub-forum. You may not scam other users either, as we take it very seriously.

Illegal Content
Posts involving financial fraud, identity theft, or any other blatantly illegal activities are not allowed. We don't care if you torrent music or movies, but we don't take federal crimes lightly. Take that discussion elsewhere.
These rules are for our protection and yours. Our host doesn't allow it and we don't want it here either.

Other Content
You may not post shocking, disturbing, or pornographic content. This includes excessively gory, violent, or nauseating images. Some nudity is allowed, if in proper context, but we don't allow pornographic content.
Signature images may not be larger than 650x200 pixels and avatars may not be more than 125x125 pixels. You may not advertise your own website, channel, or blog here either.

The forum team has the right to decide a user's punishment if they break the rules. If you disagree with a staff member's actions, then use the "Contact Us" button at the bottom of the forum, and we can assist you.
The members of the forum team were selected carefully, didn't ask for their position, and are trusted to do their job.

Multiple Accounts
You are not allowed to have more than one account registered here, unless otherwise stated by an administrator. If you find that you are somehow the owner of more than one account (due to a merge or other event), you are to notify staff.

You are not allowed to buy or sell NSP (the forum's currency). If you are found doing so, it's likely your wallet will be reset, and you will lose any items you may have purchased. Cheating to gain NSP is not allowed either.

Here is the list of different warnings you may receive and how high they will raise your warning level. Keep in mind that staff can also issue a custom warning depending on what a user has done.
A 45% warning level will result in a two week ban, a 60% warning level will result in a one month ban, and a 75% warning level will result in a three month ban. Finally, a 100% warning level will result in a permanent ban.

  • Advertising [20%]
  • Buying/Selling SP [25%]
  • Disallowed Content [25%]
  • Disrespect / Threats (Major) [30%]
  • Disrespect / Threats (Minor) [20%]
  • Hacking Another User [50%]
  • Illegal Content [25%]
  • Low Quality Posting [10%]
  • Plagiarism [15%]
  • Scamming [35%]

Thank you for following the rules.