
Full Version: Console wars!!! Xbox 360 VS Playstation 3
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I prefer the Xbox over the PS3 for these reasons:
-Sound Quality
-Most DLC out before PS3
-Ascetic looks are better IMO
-More but I am too lazy...

-Pay for online time
-Video quality isn't as good as PS3
-RROD (Red ring of death fixed now...)

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Don't forget to be nice!
The PS3, that's for sure. At least you don't have to get a monthly subscription or whatever to play games online with other people. And, the Xbox 360 doesn't have sick ass games such as God of War. I honestly don't like anything about the Xbox 360 other than the fact that it was released on my birthday here, haha.
Xbox 360 all the way because of its community, I love those ragging kids. Smile

I see PS3 more as a multimedia theater rather than a gaming console.
Ps3 its a multimedia theater and a gaming system. The sound quality and 720 and 1080 looks better on ps3.
The Wii won because it had the most sales. No point in arguing.
I like Xbox over PS3. I own both systems, which are both modded. Xbox has WAY better online service, but then again PS3`s online service is free. Xbox is a lot more cleaner and easier to use than PS3. PS3 is way easier to mod online and such while Xbox is likely impossible if you are not willing to pay a good chunk of money! But PS3 dominates Xbox with the Blu-Ray. The way my Xbox sits on my entertainment center, if I move it a little bit it will fuck up my game, while my PS3 I can throw it out my window (not literally) and the game won`t get a scratch.
I prefer the Xbox, mainly just for the reason that the PS3 controller is shitty...
(02-11-2013, 08:41 AM)iNtoxicated Wrote: [ -> ]I prefer the Xbox, mainly just for the reason that the PS3 controller is shitty...

Give more of a reason you just make you seem like a douche.
(02-11-2013, 08:22 PM)Jinx Wrote: [ -> ]Give more of a reason you just make you seem like a douche.
I didn't really mean to sound like a douche, if that's what you mean. I just dislike it... I guess I adapted to the Xbox controller but a lot of people also seem to dislike the PS3 controller...
(02-12-2013, 06:16 AM)Premortal Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not a big fan of the PS3 controller either, I like the Xbox 360 one because it's more rounded on the edges.
I like how both of the analog joysticks are apart from each other on the Xbox controller and not a centimeter away like on the PS3... This is probably one of the major reasons I dislike the controller...
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