
Full Version: RS3 Alpha, Thoughts?
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Well RS3 beta is out, so is the HTML5 beta for eoc, here's what it looks like
[Image: o67.png]
^Not my account.

What are your guy's thoughts on RS3?

I really don't like it, I wish they kept runescape the same as it was in late 2011, but I know they are competing with WoW and have to keep their system updated to the latest graphical standards.
I hate it to be honest. It doesn't look really bad or anything, but It's not Runescape anymore and that's what makes me hate it. I agree with you, although they should've kept it as it was in 2010 in my opinion.
I wish it was Pre-Eoc still :3
I just bot Rs now lol.
"latest graphical standards", as if Runescape will ever be known for that.
The people that enjoy Runescape obviously don't play it for the graphics. It's a futile effort to update them.

Perhaps they're trying to attract a new userbase. If that's the case, they really should start a new game all together.
It's too deep in the shitter already, if you ask me.
(07-19-2013, 08:57 PM)God Wrote: [ -> ]If that's the case, they really should start a new game all together.

That's probably what they are trying to do. Who knows, maybe they'll change the name as well.
There's nothing they can do that won't piss off the existing fanbase.
'Tis the fate of working with nerds.

But a fresh game would minimize the damage to be done.
(07-19-2013, 08:57 PM)God Wrote: [ -> ]"latest graphical standards", as if Runescape will ever be known for that.
The people that enjoy Runescape obviously don't play it for the graphics. It's a futile effort to update them.

Perhaps they're trying to attract a new userbase. If that's the case, they really should start a new game all together.
It's too deep in the shitter already, if you ask me.

By now we know they don't give two shits about their community, if they did then EoC wouldn't be added on. They're trying to update their system to attract the WoW userbase because, well we all know how successful that game is.
(07-19-2013, 09:16 PM)Hexology Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-19-2013, 08:57 PM)God Wrote: [ -> ]"latest graphical standards", as if Runescape will ever be known for that.
The people that enjoy Runescape obviously don't play it for the graphics. It's a futile effort to update them.

Perhaps they're trying to attract a new userbase. If that's the case, they really should start a new game all together.
It's too deep in the shitter already, if you ask me.

By now we know they don't give two shits about their community, if they did then EoC wouldn't be added on. They're trying to update their system to attract the WoW userbase because, well we all know how successful that game is.

You should now that WoW isn't growing anymore, it's losing members to GW2 and other MMORPG's.
Well I haven't been keeping up with them but WoW used to have the latest graphical details compared to all of the other MMO's. I haven't really heard of any newer MMO's, but I'm sure there's tons out there better than WoW.
(07-20-2013, 06:25 AM)Hexology Wrote: [ -> ]Well I haven't been keeping up with them but WoW used to have the latest graphical details compared to all of the other MMO's. I haven't really heard of any newer MMO's, but I'm sure there's tons out there better than WoW.

WoW is still pretty high in the detail level but that's mainly because it takes tens of gigs to install which could be avoided if they used Fuel's engine technology.

Also i think GW2 have the best detail on the graphics I've ever seen.
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