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need banner and slogan filter_list
need banner and slogan #1
ive got a hosting website and i need a banner and slogan for it

if you are willing to do it the size for the slogan is width:323px and height 64 px

the size for the banner/logo is width: 246 and height 74

i want the slogan to say For All Your Hosing Needs

and the banner/logo think to Say PTHostings

if you do them can they be in a similar style to this so it all fits on?
here are what are there at the moment

[Image: okzmv4.png]

[Image: 2nqxlqo.png]

thanks in advance


RE: need banner and slogan #2
Did you know that you can also request this at EyeVisual? I don't do requests anymore on HC so i think nobody will do this since nobody was really into GFX. https://www.eyevisual.net/Forum/ Wink


RE: need banner and slogan #3
I see all I do all im never in the dark. Hows that Smile
[Image: ATrkNwQ.jpg]


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