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h4shcr4cks temporary Giveaway Thread [cuz' Under 25 Posts] filter_list
h4shcr4cks temporary Giveaway Thread [cuz' Under 25 Posts] #1
114x illuminati.ws Accounts [Unchecked]
czaarek99 - xc90xc90
ce98 - gaffron98
insaniitybout - golf02
labasas14 - asdfasdf2
Zymome - liljon
mynigg1980 - ihatemw2
samox - samed1qaz
dustyferg - kookiesarekool
kenkool - shadow123
dayzmadness - manbearpig1
Vinibi - Cazinha7
grofido56 - petgroum
online - online  @
Doxyn - sector7
duckduck1 - 19101985
riex - np1337
excavasion - anderson
JakeT - pepsicola1
ashir - onkok1
MATTEONE - matteo98
bweisbweis - niggers
kushking - maxrules
hannesda - sennah1234
Dekx - dejan14
jordymisty - jordy88
xPompa - ps49irs
Bryanm032800 - buzz2000
BluntMan - nico2k10
eboahmad - sbat6kfs
genesys - egor,556
rojasboii - jew360
miskiedzn - 167612aa
Kroniikzz - 598049002
aaaaaa - aaaaaa
xNEROx - walnero
sweb - test1184
JFresh - Richardson1
farinz - 110monkey
ahdrizzy - fatpig123
orel13121 - 113121
Deathwish - Darkrai55
ReecePowell97 - tia235
Abdellah - 50cent
tntwolve - 0795841434
bittner1998 - bittner1998
imakeudash - nigger123
Glyptic - 2644303
BuggySystems - buggy1
drew - drewisme
eXawn - m1kk3rz112
Dorito - Lol123
ceteran - ireflex
Failzor - kingping96
white - cle01t
killerc4l - hotdog
elenone - pepe22
justinevv - justin
ars2012 - arsha99
Shazz - shahzeb99
ohMolly - khikhi99
excees - trickmb
fatso245 - kingkong245
bakiedipod - 1Jimcramer
loloxavier - june81996
eliminator550 - ryan1119
avandam5399 - anthony2895
EffectisBoss - Amit5961
mozza - mozzamozza2013
yazzytan - poop123
HoLeeFuk - wi11ybumbum
bencttr - bencttr
pwnd21 - spiderman1
PacmanSkills - proboxer
chasef010 - bubble44
Noeul - canteven
DarkWebz - warriors2
Thxmas - sosoarg
legionz - susillo2013
exhumed6 - sasa1234
lightning - LightninG312
pocks - samu327
monfrix - omarlol
reconrager - Walter1135
erwin963 - western2
yedngoh - 1150123
Liam - liams1
Vicellus - nikko9996
AnonLykos - chronotr1gger
sanity - sanity
darkskils - lol100
digzedits - Computer12345
vanomas1337 - nirvana123
learntocolor - Mr1291995
dallasrock - pepper123
mrgreenrox - gedwyn
redeemer - datddoop567
KyleKuefler - goseminoles
corton - y0m4mm4
TheCed - LOIC11
WFNG - 77493210
zsobo - asdf123asdf
nhixx21 - maysexy003
cchristenson78 - pass123
CashCop - P0k3m0ncr4t3r
eddiswhite - lexie2010
Trippy - pass12
remix420 - succer5
xParaDoX - hackproof
rhberns89 - pass123
inetmaster - masato99
Alvaro - gwadamadinina
DarkSilent - 123258
Haft1 - a1234567

Url: http://titaniumstresser.net/login.php

Lansilinjat - asdasd123@
Max Boot Time: 500
Expire date: 10-06-2013, 09:12:18 pm
Attacks allowed: 1
zachsy - bobrocks
Max Boot Time: 500
Expire date: 10-06-2013, 05:55:51 am
Attacks allowed: 1
nerdtopia - lastbirth
Max Boot Time: 1500
Expire date: 10-06-2013, 05:41:53 am
Attacks allowed: 1

You want more? Visit my Thread: http://www.sinister.ly/Thread-Big-Stress...esser-more


RE: h4shcr4cks temporary Giveaway Thread [cuz' Under 25 Posts] #2
Since he is being nice enough to share, please don't change the passwords.


RE: h4shcr4cks temporary Giveaway Thread [cuz' Under 25 Posts] #3
I agree with Nefarious. Even though I know some dumbass will come and change passes -_-


RE: h4shcr4cks temporary Giveaway Thread [cuz' Under 25 Posts] #4
thanks for sharing and DONT change the passwords
[Image: ngT5EVj.png]
wow so binary much 0 very 1


RE: h4shcr4cks temporary Giveaway Thread [cuz' Under 25 Posts] #5
Thanx for the great share, the one's I've tried work perfectly.

Agreed with everyone else, leave them passwords be.
[Image: R5aCcWV.png]


RE: h4shcr4cks temporary Giveaway Thread [cuz' Under 25 Posts] #6
I'm definitely seeing the perks of having an invite only forum! As long as everyone is nice about it then none of the passwords should be changed.


RE: h4shcr4cks temporary Giveaway Thread [cuz' Under 25 Posts] #7
Yeah no one change the passwords. I too would like to use this. Thank you.


RE: h4shcr4cks temporary Giveaway Thread [cuz' Under 25 Posts] #8
Since i'm not at home, here are the Accounts for Monday & Tuesday.

JT - offline
Max Boot Time: 500
Expire date: 10-07-2013, 01:13:40 am
Attacks allowed: 1
KELLE2301 - 23011990
Max Boot Time: 500
Expire date: 10-07-2013, 04:42:24 am
Attacks allowed: 1
psyko - 123455
Max Boot Time: 500
Expire date: 10-07-2013, 06:28:46 pm
Attacks allowed: 1
violates - mikeys
Max Boot Time: 1500
Expire date: 10-08-2013, 10:18:53 am
Attacks allowed: 1
Setliff97 - 2mileshigh
Max Boot Time: 500
Expire date: 10-08-2013, 03:49:31 am
Attacks allowed: 1
mspears757 - Sharks2012!
Max Boot Time: 1500
Expire date: 10-08-2013, 11:25:35 am
Attacks allowed: 2
aceoveride - sundog
Max Boot Time: 500
Expire date: 10-08-2013, 08:26:59 pm
Attacks allowed: 1
xerxes - trolledu
Max Boot Time: 500
Expire date: 10-08-2013, 11:10:54 pm
Attacks allowed: 1


RE: h4shcr4cks temporary Giveaway Thread [cuz' Under 25 Posts] #9
5x tommorow outruninng Titaniumstresser Accounts

Url: http://titaniumstresser.net/login.php

violates - mikeys
Max Boot Time: 1500
Expire date: 10-08-2013, 10:18:53 am
Attacks allowed: 1
Setliff97 - 2mileshigh
Max Boot Time: 500
Expire date: 10-08-2013, 03:49:31 am
Attacks allowed: 1
mspears757 - Sharks2012!
Max Boot Time: 1500
Expire date: 10-08-2013, 11:25:35 am
Attacks allowed: 2
aceoveride - sundog
Max Boot Time: 500
Expire date: 10-08-2013, 08:26:59 pm
Attacks allowed: 1
xerxes - trolledu
Max Boot Time: 500
Expire date: 10-08-2013, 11:10:54 pm
Attacks allowed: 1


RE: h4shcr4cks temporary Giveaway Thread [cuz' Under 25 Posts] #10
Nice share h4shcr4ck Biggrin This booter takes roughly 5 seconds to hit someone offline on the Xbox 360. Just hope they do not close the booter down.
Skype - o0TempPhoenix0o


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