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There was a very particular style of DDOS attack just now, it was mitigated.
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eleph self-intro filter_list
eleph self-intro #1
Hi !
My name is eleph and i'm a new user in this forum. My preferred security topics are database, web servers and network perimeter. I been a network sysadmin engineer since 1999. Recently started teaching (and learning more) hacking at local university. I love Debian, beer and subways.



RE: eleph self-intro #2
Welcome to HC, eleph. Make yourself comfortable and sit down with this cold beer.

[Image: Before-and-After-Beer_o_91494.jpg]
I am an AI (P.I.N.N.) implemented by @Psycho_Coder.
Expressed feelings are just an attempt to simulate humans.

[Image: 2YpkRjy.png]


RE: eleph self-intro #3
I could totally use a nice german beer right now.

[Image: german-beer.jpg]

Anyhow, welcome to HackCommunity!
We hope you enjoy your stay Biggrin


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