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Points: 4NSP
difference between RATs and Botnets 04-12-2024, 02:04 PM
Hiyas ! I just wanna know the difference between a botnet and a rat cuz i hear ppl saying that they prefer rats instead of botnets but why is that?
Posts: 6
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Points: 6NSP
RE: difference between RATs and Botnets 04-13-2024, 02:02 AM
Rats and botnets are in essence the same thing, they are just malware that gives the controller persistent remote access to the target machine. I guess the only real practical difference that I could point to is that, in my experience, so called "RATs" have a GUI and lots more bells and whistles for directly interacting with the target machine. Botnets are usually more limited in their core commands/features, intended to be more modular, and intended to scale, so they usually have less functionality to directly do things like RDP onto a machine for example and are moreso controlled by issuing commands or tasks for the bots to pick up, eventually, which are performed asynchronously.