backtrack and untangle server 04-07-2011, 03:05 PM
hi i been using backtrack and been trying to acess a untangle server is there any known exploits for this network gateway
i was wondering if there was a such attack as maybe load another untangle in a vmware forrward that to the first gateway and poison the network to mitm to me first and then manage the network that way
and would it be possiable to do this with vmware backtrack and untangle
backtrack vm poison network to the untangle vmware and then back to the gateway
basicaly i want to jack the gateway and make the network think that im the gateway then send every thing back to the gateway after its been managed
i was wondering if there was a such attack as maybe load another untangle in a vmware forrward that to the first gateway and poison the network to mitm to me first and then manage the network that way
and would it be possiable to do this with vmware backtrack and untangle
backtrack vm poison network to the untangle vmware and then back to the gateway
basicaly i want to jack the gateway and make the network think that im the gateway then send every thing back to the gateway after its been managed