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backtrack and untangle server filter_list
backtrack and untangle server #1
hi i been using backtrack and been trying to acess a untangle server is there any known exploits for this network gateway

i was wondering if there was a such attack as maybe load another untangle in a vmware forrward that to the first gateway and poison the network to mitm to me first and then manage the network that way
and would it be possiable to do this with vmware backtrack and untangle

backtrack vm poison network to the untangle vmware and then back to the gateway

basicaly i want to jack the gateway and make the network think that im the gateway then send every thing back to the gateway after its been managed


RE: backtrack and untangle server #2
Okay I need a couple question answered before I can see if I can help you.

1. What kind of data are you trying to capture or you want to go through you?

2. What the hell is untangle?


RE: backtrack and untangle server #3
untangle is a linux - gateway router, router, firewall, network manager

i guess all data what im lookin to do is a mitm sorta attack but puttin my self after the server some thing like this

modem ---> untangle ---> me ---> network or if its even more possible to make it
modem ---> me ---> network

as the server is a drop in and it can be i think connected to any wheres on the network i could be wrong about that part might need two nics one for in and one for out but i can virt. that Smile


RE: backtrack and untangle server #4
Thats what ettercap does when you arp poison the network WHAT DO WANNA DO AFTER THAT.


RE: backtrack and untangle server #5
so i would use what settins lets say this is the network

internet modem ?
most likely connected to the server on a seperate ip space class c i think its in the 192.168.1.* from the modem or maybe other possable router gateway subnet its class B untangle dchp, dns, firewall,

say the gateway is on
my windows hardcoded to
my vmware with untangle hard ip say
and the network dhcp clients are all on say 10.0.100-25.1-255

in backtrack
i would sniff --- scan hosts --- arp posion from gateway to network but that only sends the packets to the backtrack and not the vmware untangle

i need like gateway untangle <---> vmware untangle one im replacing gateway <---> network

from the vmware backtrack

so like this replaced with whole network 10.0.100.*



RE: backtrack and untangle server #6
I think you prblem comes down to you VMWAre netork settings.

What are your vmware network setting?


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