(04-22-2018, 09:53 AM)FunkyG Wrote: Very interesting read! I learned a lot reading that. From now on I'm going to stop using Windows. But I don't know what else to use. What Linux distro would you recommend? I just want some privacy and still being able to use the pc for school use or personal use
Okay, if you are friend with computers, Id say try Arch linux. Arch is a simple light weight rolling release distro. It's a bit harder to setup but you always know what is under the hood.
If you just want to have privacy, want to have an `always working distro` with easy setup and support for basically anything you'd do on windows - Ubuntu is your distro of choice. I personaly dislike ubuntu because it seems to me that they are making windows out of Linux so Debian is a realy realy good and stable alternative.
You can choose any of the major distributions - all of them are (sorry) stable as fuck! If you have any problems with linux or wanna set up something cool, use Arch linux documentation, no matter what distro you are using.
mothered Wrote:To name a few, there's DNS leaks, WebRTC, Browser fingerprinting, Canvas Fingerprinting, User Agent leaks, Cross-Browser fingerprinting on an OS & hardware level, Ultra sonic cross device tracking, Connection & hardware leaks, social media, login and Google account leaks, cell phone & PC sensor vulnerabilities and the list goes on. All of which (when used accordingly), can build a user's profile from the ground up.
Also @mothered made a very good point! But still, linux is more secure than windows and it respects your rights. You are as well less likely to catch some c00l JS exploit. Not that I'm an experienced usr in comput security field but try to G00gle out how many time windows TOR browser has been patched againt some JS exploit which could run som arbitary c0de... etc etc etc... Use linux, choose freedom - you will like it!